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Comparing Nucleus And Eukaryotic Cells

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The reason why I has picked these Two is because i feel there was a lot of similarities to each other. My first organelle is the Nucleus, the Nucleus is like the manger in a sense at Knotts Berry Farm. This particular organelle is found in eukaryotic cells. The Nucleus is the main part of the cell because it controls the parts of the cell. The reason why believe that the Nucleus is like the manager because they are both full in control at all times.
The cytoplasm can be the pavement and grass of the theme park. The cytoplasm is found within the cell membrane. The Cytoplasm function is it moves materials around the cell and dissolves cellular waste. The reason why i think these two are similar is because they both fill in spots, the only difference is where it is taking place. …show more content…
The ER can be found near the Nucleus and the Golgi .The ER is found function of the ER is to attach things to proteins and transportation device for proteins I say they are the same because the endoplasmic reticulum makes lipids, just as the game booths help bring in money.
. The Golgi can be compared to the train inside Knott's berry farm. The golgi is found in the cytoplasm and near the nucleus. The Golgi’s job is to transport, modifying, and packaging proteins and lipids into vesicles. The reason why I say they are the same because they both go around the cell and they both transport other

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