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What Is John Dickinson's Reaction To The Declaration Of Independence

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Next, John Dickinson votes against independence and storms out of Congress when asked to sign the document. Pennsylvania votes in favor of independence, 2-1, but in reality, both John Dickinson and Robert Morris of Pennsylvania fail to appear in Congress on the day that the vote on the Declaration was taken. That left only 5 Pennsylvania delegates to vote on the resolution. Pennsylvania votes 3-2 in favor of the Declaration. In the movie, apparent-LEE, Lee does not sign the Declaration since he is back in Virginia acting as Governor. In reality, the man who gave us “Lee’s Resolution” and the conclusion to the Declaration of Independence, that is these united colonies are, and of right ought to be, free and independent states, was indeed …show more content…
Adams and Franklin take him to see the soldiers and as a result, Chase changes his mind. In reality, Chase supported independence, so much so that he on his own, not Adams or Franklin’s doings, raced home to push the state legislature to vote FOR independence. Then he raced back to Philadelphia, a distance of 100 miles in two days, to be present for the vote on Independence.
In the movie, Caesar Rodney is deathly sick and is barely alive. McKean brings Rodney back just in time for the Independence vote. In originality, Rodney did have throat cancer and asthma. He did wear a green scarf around his head. He was also very much alive. By himself, he rode 80 miles in 14 hours to get to Philadelphia in time for the vote on Independence. He died in June 1784—8 years after the Declaration was created.
Another inaccuracy is that, despite being for independence, Rutledge had to be convinced, by removal of the slave clause, to vote for the Declaration. In reality, Rutledge supported independence from an early time and actually convinced other South Carolina delegates to vote for the Declaration. In other words, he did not just change his mind at the last minute while the vote was being …show more content…
She calls him an ‘egotistical pig’, which isn’t really an insult you would call someone in the 1770s, but is more of a statement that you would use in the 1970s. An event that was going on during the ‘70s that could have an effect on the 1776 script would be the women’s rights movement. At this time, second-wave feminism was becoming very popular among both women and men. These feminists were very adamant about making the Equal Rights Amendment (ERA) apart of the U.S. This would’ve-been amendment was first proposed in 1923, but it took 40 years for it to become approved by Congress. Eventually, it was sent to the people to be ratified, but fell short by the approval of 3 states’

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