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Why Students Drop Out Of College

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Words 981
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Lilly Silas
Professor Aguilar
College prep 1
2 November 2015

The key to improving test anxiety, academic motivation and time management

The most ineffective people in this world are the ones that do not have all the necessary skills to prosper in school. An estimated amount of 30% of students drops-out of college, their freshmen year. As a nation we cannot have college drop outs because we need the youth to rise up and take on new professional jobs. According to (Own It) “one of the main reasons that students drop out of college is that they are unprepared for the demands of an undergraduate degree program”. Test anxiety, time management, and academic motivation are three of the problems that most college students face; however there is a plethora of ways to improve these skills. One problem that many students struggle with is test anxiety. Test anxiety is fear of failing that you feel before or while taking an important examination. One strategy to help students with their test anxiety is the three things you need to succeed reducing test anxiety. For example preparations, studying what the test covers and studying areas you do not know very well. This will give you the sense that you know that you are well prepared ant you will do well …show more content…
If the nation were to reduce these, then so many students could thrive in later years, for example graduating college, acquiring professional employment, and contributing members of society. As a nation people need to know these things that are causing so many students to be unsuccessful and dropping out of college. Students need to have the necessary skills, to power through these obstacles and to succeed as a whole. In the end we all want to build a nation that is thriving and building from today’s youth, college graduates that are actively contributing to our

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