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Total Theatre

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Finally, we used Total Theatre. Total theatre is a style of theatre mainly used by Antonin Artaud, however the theory behind Total Theatre is key to Berkoff’s style. The aim of Total Theatre is to create extreme moods to shock, scare, amaze, or amuse the audience. This idea is used to detach and alienate the audience to make them think about what the message of the performance is. To form a minimalistic set design, we placed two blocks next to each other to form the snooker table and three blocks with the end two, two blocks high to form a trough shape bar. Other elements we made with our bodies such as a rubbish heap for a stage, two massive beer taps, and two broken windows. I formed my set piece which was a beer tap by leaning forward over the edge of the block and holding my hand high above my mouth and …show more content…
division we also added some lighting to the scene, we used a low white light to make the stage look dark and dreary, and we added Ghost Town by The Specials because it talks about the past before the ghost town in the lyrics and the idea of a ghost town can imply that the characters in ‘Road’ are ghosts of their former selves. Also, it is contextually relevant because it was released in the 80’s and adds to the pub atmosphere. We had to first form a still image of the piece of set we were representing. I had a squatted position with my right arm stretched high and my hand curved over my head to make the tap shape. Then I slowly morphed into character, Brink. To morph I first pretended to drink from the tap, then wipe my mouth. Next, I rolled up my sleeves and pull my jacket to check it. Then I created a motif of taking a drink from the right and spilling it down my chin. I then shook hands with the person playing Eddie as we are friends and continued drinking, and cheering on the fight which was occurring between Brenda and Carol. Then all together we began moving towards the snooker table where we were to perform a choral piece which we repeated three

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