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Pro Football Concussions

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The NFL has been a very hot topic lately over the past couple of years; therefore, getting them a lot of attention. With more kids than ever playing football, and ratings as high as they’ve ever been on national television. Football looks like it’s heading in the right direction; however, on the flip side concussions and injuries are also on the rise, and with football becoming Americas sport. Many people are very optimistic about the future of the NFL. The article I picked to do my Article Analysis paper on is called, “Introduction to Professional Football: Current Controversies”. I thought this was a very interesting read; because, I searched for football concussions and then I found this article which gives a lot of different view-points …show more content…
Football is the number 1 leading sport in concussions, and more injuries are reported in football than any other sport. The NFL is dumping millions upon millions of dollars into concussion research, but still haven’t found the solution. Another problem the NFL is facing is players who are suffering from CTE. Which is very similar to post dramatic stress disorder in the military. Only in football it’s a condition that affects the brain after you’ve been taking too many hits to the head. Former NFL players have even killed themselves because of this condition. Aaron Hernandez a former NFL superstar killed himself about a year ago, and doctors analyzed one of the worst case of CTE they’ve ever seen. Hernandez was only 27 years old when he killed himself; however, doctors found that he had a brain equivalent to a 67-year-old. Nearly one in three football players in the NFL suffer from brain related injuries after football. One study even found that 76 out of 79 former NFL players found signs and symptoms of CTE in their brain. Many NFL players are filing law-suits against the NFL because they can’t think like they use too. Some players don’t even know where they’re when they get up in the morning. The NFL ended up giving thousands of former players. A combined $675 million dollars in this law-suit. Which we learned earlier is just a sum of pocket change for the

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