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Pro Football Research Paper

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Every young football fan imagines going to see their favorite team play on the biggest stage in the National Football League. Luckily, I was that young, overly excited elementary school boy when I got the opportunity to see the Baltimore Ravens play for the first time in my life. The perfect game was capped off with something very special and a once in a lifetime scenario.

It was an average weekday night when I was hanging out at my dad's house watching television when I got the call. I received a phone call from my mom which wasn't anything out of the ordinary. Once I answered she had informed me that she was able to get tickets to see my favorite pro football team, the Baltimore Ravens, compete in the AFC divisional wild card playoff game …show more content…
Once we arrived, we checked into our beautiful four-star hotel right in downtown Kansas City. We went out to eat at a sports diner right on the main strip. The restaurant was super cool because it was decorated with jerseys from all different types of sports and had neon lights surrounding the inside giving it a fun and exciting aura. Once we finished eating we headed back to our hotel and got on our swimsuits and went down to the pool. While we were swimming they had two playoff games from the NFC going on. I remember being in the pool and watching the Seattle Seahawks playing the New Orleans Saints. Marshawn Lynch, Seattle's running back, had an absolute highlight run that people still talk about today after he ran through two defenders and through a nasty stiff arm throwing the last defender to the ground before he leaped into the end zone. I remember seeing that play so vividly and getting even more excited for the game the next …show more content…
We sat down and got situated just 14 rows back from the 10-yard line. The seas were incredible because we were so close to the field. After about ten minutes, Carter went to the bathroom and my mom had asked if I wanted to go down along the fence of the field to watch both teams warm up. We arrived about an hour and a half before the game started so the stadium wasn't quite packed yet, but people were flooding in like water through a dam. When me and my mom got along the fence, we were packed in real tight because the people that were in the stadium at that time were all doing the same thing as us. This is where it gets crazy. When we were along the fence watching the Chiefs warm up, the Ravens came out and started to get booed and hollered at by the home crowd. However, I was cheering because I got to see my favorite players, Ray Lewis and Ed Reed, take the field. That was an extremely special moment, but, the best was yet to come. As warmups were going on I turned my head to the left and behind the end zone this important looking guy with a large brown coat and nice pants and dress shoes was walking my way. I had no idea who he was but everyone else was sticking their hands out trying to get a high five, so I followed the crowd and did the same thing. As he kept approaching my way he made eye contact with me and

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