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Capulets In Romeo And Juliet

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Once there was a nearby city called Venice. It was a large city where it was common for people to move to have a fresh start and bigger opportunities. Among these people, the was one particular family that moved. They were called the Capulets. At first when they moved, they struggled to meet their needs. They are very humble and friendly. Most of the family members worked for the wealthy of the city, either on farms or houses. One of the capulet members called Scott worked for a family called the Montagues. They were very kind and wealthy. Scott, the brother of lady capulet, worked very hard on the Montagues farm taking care of it. He worked so hard that the Montague family sometimes would let him stay in their house after long late hours …show more content…
Therefore, Sir Montague went to talk to his wife Madam Montague, Sarah. She wasn’t convinced with Scott story about his family hence she rejected his petition. Sir Montague in disbelief of his wife's response offered Scott to let his family borrow their land and pay when they had a chance. Which he offered without Sarah’s knowledge. The Capulet very gratefully moved to land where they had a modest house and space to farm. For a while they were doing pretty good and prospering to the point where they were able to fully pay their debt. They kept on doing this for a long time, by growing crops and raising livestock to make a living and pay their favor. Everything was going so great for them, they were so good at what they did that they made enough money to have a good quality of life. Until, one day the Montagues including Sarah find out how well they are doing, which caused a big brawl between themselves as Sarah did not know about their occupation in that land. But most importantly about how in their minds they believed that they are becoming a threat to them, without any intentions from the Capulets whatsoever. The Montagues believe the Capulets are taking taking away from their jobs, selling crops, with the tools they themselves provided them. Sarah completely outraged commands Scott to make a deal that is more beneficial to the Montagues for the Capulets use of their land. The Capulets without any options are forced to take the deal or lose their only income. The agreement was that the Capulets had to provide the Montagues with a third of what they grow and raise, apart from what they already pay for the use of the land. Or so called “favor”. Even with this agreement the Capulets were still doing good, for the most part. For a while the Montagues were settled and satisfied with what they did, until the Capulets

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