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No Drive Laws Research Paper

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“High School Dropouts commit 75% of the crime in the U.S., and are more likely to be unemployed or need government assistance, at a combined cost of $200 billion to the U.S. taxpayer in crime and welfare benefits (6).” As you can see, High-School dropouts are a very serious problem in the U.S. Right now, there is a debate over whether or not states should pass laws revoking the driver’s licenses of students under 18 if they miss too much school or get low grades. These laws are trying to discourage high-school dropouts, but do they make the problem better or worse? In my opinion, these laws do not fix the problem of high-school dropouts, but are instead making the problem worse.

One reason No pass/no drive laws is that they are putting into place a punishment without offering help to avoid this punishment . According to Yael Kidron, a senior researcher for the National High School Center,”The problem with ‘No Pass/No Drive’ laws is that they do nothing about the reasons that students do not go to school in the first place. These laws do not help homeless students find a place to live, for instance. They also do not offer tutoring for struggling students (5).” This means …show more content…
However, students that fail high school do not always deserve this harsh of a punishment. As Yael Kidron said, ”Experts would agree that some students need a little push for their motivation, but a large part of the picture is helping them out. They cannot do it on their own (p.5).” Many students that fail high-school don’t get the help that they need, and so it is their failure is not completely their fault. Due to No pass/no drive laws, students who end up failing because they didn’t get enough support from their school or family will receive a vicious punishment, and the blame will be placed squarely upon their shoulders. As shown, no pass/no drive laws often hurt rather than

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