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NHL Salaries Research Paper

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t-Test project about NHL Salaries
James N. Bueby
Embry Riddle Aeronautical University

INTRODUCTON After researching through many NHL websites I have always wondered how NHL salaries match up to other sports. ESPN website reports that the average currently paid NFL player makes $1,972,273.61. Is the average salary for a currently paid NHL player less than 1,972,273.6? Meaning do NHL players on average make less than NFL players? I have been watching professional sports ever since I can remember and I believe that the national opinion is that NFL players are paid more than NHL players, so I hypothesize that the average NHL salary will be less.
The population observed is all currently paid NHL players.
The …show more content…
The first website I used was to find the average NFL salary of $1,972,273.61. The second website I used had individual NHL team data with current player salaries2. To load the data into stat-crunch I had to first open each individual team and then used the "stat-crunch-this" option to populate the data quicker into my database. The website also had some current player salaries as N/A. Only players that play a full season are reported in the salary block, so when I create my reports the data that shows N/A doesn't account into the stat-crunch report, eliminating that piece of bias. Once all the data was loaded I used stat-crunch's randomization option, as outlined in activity 2.7 to create my sample population size of 40 players as shown …show more content…
Therefore I conclude that there is no evidence that the average NHL player is paid less than the average paid NFL player of $1,972,273.6. I can draw many opinions as to why NHL players aren't paid less than NFL players, maybe professional hockey is a much tougher/demanding sport than professional football? I though based on popularity that NFL players would be paid more and didn't really come to conclusion with many of the other variables. Another variable might be ticket prices? I have been to both NFL and NHL games and the ticket prices for NFL games seem to be more than NHL games. Also the amount of players in each league is pretty much the same. So most of the data would lead to NFL players being paid more but that's just not the case with the data provided. The biggest thing that I learned through this course, and by completing this project, is that gathering all the data is the hardest thing to do in statistics. During this course the students were given lots of raw data already collected and then had to complete the given questions. Though at the time I thought this was hard as well, now I realize that gathering everything and then finishing problems start to finish is much harder than expected. Overall this course and project has been a great and rewarding experience now that everything is

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