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What He Taught Me


Submitted By marcus32turner
Words 338
Pages 2
Through out the years growing up and being around different people, most adolescents usually find one person that they idolize and plays a significant part in their lives. The person who I idolized growing up was my father. Being around him everyday led me to try and imitate his every move. He also taught me a great variety of different things such as playing sports, being respectful and having manners. With his guidance growing up, I knew I was going to turn out to be a very intelligent and wise young man. Little did I know that he was only going to be a part of my life for what I feel was the best 12 years of my life. The day he passed away played a significant part in my life and I didn't feel I could make it without him. So as the days went on my attitude towards this tradgey then changed, I used this as motivation to continue on the right path because I know that's exactly what my father would've wanted me to do. Him passing away really forced me to mature much earlier in my life which changed my whole aspect on life. I had to figure out on my own how I could get motivation and wisdom on certain situations such as sports or school activities. Even though it was many days when I would miss him and wish I could just here his advice on different problems that occurred in my everyday life, I still never give up because I know that's not what he wanted me to do. Never in a million years did I think as I was growing up my father would pass away. But now that I'm getting older, I can truly say I'm blessed because in that 12 years of him teaching me right from wrong and other life lessons, I still feel like I'm going to turn out to be a very intelligent and wise young man like I always dreamed to be.

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