...Christian Worldview Paper 1 Kathy Butler COUN 503: Research and Program Evaluation June 1, 2013 Indiana-Wesleyan Steps in Scientific Method According to Uthe, 2000, the procedure of the scientific method involves a process of steps, such as forming a problem, collecting information, hypothesizing, experimenting, and drawing conclusions. This sequence often is modified in practice, resulting in a wide variety of methods to suit the situation (Uthe, R., 2000). The first step is finding a problem or a question that needs research. The second step of collecting information through the variables of the research, or from past experimentation. Hypothesizing, is predicting the outcomes of the study involving the potential relationship between at least two variables (Jackson, 2012). Experimenting is the actual research that allows the researcher to establish the information of the study and to finally be able to draw conclusions about the main problem or reason for the experimentation. Scientific Method in Seeking Knowledge and Truth When using the scientific method in seeking knowledge and truth, researchers set the stage for their experiments. Usually, their research is founded from past experiments or studies, and past findings. The findings are based on subjective and objective material. According to Jackson, 2012, the scientific method involves invoking an attitude of skepticism; this is a person who questions validity, authenticity, or truth of...
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...Worldview Assignment 1. Part One: What is a worldview? It is my opinion that a person develops what he or she may call their own “worldview” at an early age from parents, relative, friends and teachers on what is right and what is wrong pertaining to things you do in life and things that occur in your life. I believe that later on as you start to have your own life experiences your “worldviews” may change significantly. II. Part Two: Articulate the biblical/Christian Worldview (what is believed) for each of the following 5 questions. Give 2 relevant scripture references for each of the five questions below (do not write out the verses) to support why it is believed. 1. The Question of Origin - When you have a belief of Theism, or believing that “God exists” you believe that everything is a result of God and his work which he created in six 24 hour days. From the Heavens and earth, to the plants, animals and eventually man and woman. Genesis 1:1, Colossians 1:16-17 2. The Question of Identity – The Identity when dealing with Theism basically states that man is created special in God’s eyes. Mankind was created above the animals and given the responsibility to rule over the animals and to be their caretakers. The animals and the earth are not meant to be worshiped but mankind is responsible for taking care of God’s creations. Psalm 8:5, Genesis 2:15. 3. The Question of Meaning/Purpose – It is believed that mankind exists for the sole purpose of getting...
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...Hughes 1 Kashawahara Hughes Paul Weaver APOL 104 March/7/2016 Worldview Part I What is a worldview? Worldview is how a person interprets and see the world around them. A person’s worldview will determine how they interact with everything and everyone around them. The view will consist of someone’s morals, values, and beliefs. Worldview serves as the basis for how someone will judge themselves and others. A person’s worldview dictates their perception of reality and how they will live their life daily. (Part I count: 65) Part II The Question of Origin God is seen as the creator of everything. He is said to have created everyone and everything out of nothing. The first chapter of Genesis describes His total process of creation. It says how God spoke everything into existence. Moses talks about God as the first cause in second Peter. The Question of Identity Mankind is one of God’s greatest creations. We are said to be made in his image. We were also given the responsibility to rule over all the animals and to be their caretakers in Genesis 2. Psalms 8 states how mankind are above the animals but a little lower than the angels. The Question of Meaning and Purpose It is believed that maybe our sole purpose is to know God. We as Christians our main goal is to have a strong relationship with God and not just simply go with the tenants of the religion. In John 17 it talks about how our purpose is that we may know God and Jesus Christ whom God sent to us. In Deuteronomy...
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...Apologetics APOL 104 D27 Liberty University April 5, 2014 Worldview Assignment I. Part One: What is a worldview? A worldview is an individual person’s view of the world from their very own perspective. An individual’s worldview is based on many factors and some of them can include, how the person was raised, their religion, where they live, and the beliefs of their parents. Worldviews throughout the world are as varied as there are different personalities. II. Part Two: 1. When it comes to the Christian worldview, what is believed about the answer to the question of origin, is in the Bible in the book of Genesis. The Christian worldview about the origin of man is that God created man from the dust on the ground and he breathed life into him, this is according to Genesis 2:7. There is one answer to the question of the origin of man in the worldview of the Christian. There is another part of this question that also addresses the question of the origin of the universe in the Christian worldview. In Genesis 1:1 it is stated simply that God created the heavens and the earth in the beginning. In the Christian worldview that in fact means that God simply created the universe out of his thought and with his infinite knowledge and power. The fact that God created the universe out of nothing, lends credence to the “Big Bang” theory in the world of science. Every year scientists, astrophysicists and astronomers...
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...Worldview Assignment I. What is a worldview? A worldview consists of our thoughts and actions (whether religious or non-religious) based upon our personal beliefs of life and death, science and religion, the arts, school, morals, and values. II. Articulate the biblical/Christian Worldview (what is believed) for each of the following 5 questions. 1. The Question of Origin - Genesis 1:1 and 2 Peter 1:21 are the two passages that come to mind when it comes to answering the question of our origin. One must always cite, in my opinion, Gen. 1:1 because it is the actual story of creation and starts from the very beginning. We cannot, as Christians, skip over this passage. 2. The Question of Identity – This question is important because it asks such questions like “What does it mean to be human?” Psalm 8:5 and Gen. 2:15 answer this question the best in my opinion because they talk about the place of humans and our role. Genesis talks about mankind being made in the image of God and also says we are to rule over the animals and be there caretakers. This means that we should respect our animal friends and treat them with kindness and care. 3. The Question of Meaning/Purpose – We have always wanted to know why we exist and why humans? Why are we intelligent and not some other species? The best answer, to me comes from John 17:3 and Deut. 11:13. It is Christian thought that man’s purpose is to have a relationship with God and not just simply acting...
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...Washington Apologetics 104 week 3 June, 4/2012 What is a worldview? : In my opinion a worldview is one's perception of the world, and how it affects the manner in which he/she responds to the world in which they live. Ken Funk (Kenneth H. Funk II, PhD, and Associate Professor at Oregon State University) in his paper “What is a worldview?” cited the German word Weltanschauug which means “worldview” as… “Seems self-evident: an intellectual perspective on the world or universe.” As well as the 1989 edition of the Oxford English Dictionary defines “Weltanschauug” as …”literally, a perception of the world…” as a particular philosophy of life; a concept of the world held by an individual or a group…” Weltanschauug is also cited in “Weider and Gutierrez’s’ text Consider as a widely accepted term and was first coined by the Prussian philosopher, Immanuel Kant in his Critique of Judgment published in 1790.” It appears that many philosophers will agree that “Worldview” is one’s perception of the world. Everyone has a “worldview” but may not be aware of this view. Conscience or not it dictates how they live or act in the world…Worldview does not necessarily have to do with a perception of the world or the planet but instead it deals with a thought process that is developed from several sources. Our culture, our environment, Parents, teachers, beliefs, and our own reasoning affect our worldview. One can have many worldviews; however the worldview that” most” allow to dictate or the view that...
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...A Christian Worldview Andrea Fitzgerald APOL 104 Liberty University PART I: What is a worldview? What is a “worldview”? Well it is just that a view of the world. The way we see and think about life, death, education, faith, world, money, morals, values, and every other aspect of life. There are many things that influence a person’s worldview. Our culture and religion are major influences on how we view life. When we think about life in very many questions come to mind. Some of us tend to ask things like who are we and how did we get here? How should we live? Why are we here? What happens when we die? Is there life after this? The answers to those questions will vary depending on the type of worldview you hold at that point in time. Word Count 125 PART II: A biblical/Christian worldview (what is believed?) The Question of Origin – (How did life begin? How did mankind come into existence?) We have all most likely questioned where and how we came about as humans. The answers you come across would be different depending on the type of worldview you and your personal beliefs. One of the most popular theories is that of Darwin. This theory is taught nationwide in most public school systems. Another is the Biblical creation theory. To get a better understanding about the biblical creation the person studying should start with reading into the story of the creation in Genesis chapter 1. It starts by telling us that, “In the beginning God created the heaven...
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...Lines]Lisa Hillquist Liberty University Part I: What is a worldview? A worldview is what all of us use to guide us in everything that we do. Our worldview guides us in how we relate to others, make decisions, to how we even buy groceries. The word “worldview” is translated from the German word welt which means “world” and anschanung which means “perception” (Hinson and Cantor, The Popular Encyclopedia of Apologetics, 2008) A worldview is all encompassing thoughts and views that we have about life. How we believe and think whether it be right or wrong is how we view the world. We each have been influenced in our lives from parents, friends, media, to what we have decided on our own (our own personality). Each one of us can look at the same thing and come up with many different answers, it’s how we perceive the world and how we think. If we each were blindfolded and were told to touch a platypus and we had never seen one before we would all come up with different opinions of what the animal was, we might even say that it was some kind of weird duck. As a Christian your worldview needs to be aligned with the Word of God. In 2 Timothy 2:15-16 (ESV) we should be careful in what we say that we should not lead others astray. 218 Part II: 1. The Question of Origin: How did life begin? How did mankind come into existence? There are many secular theories of how life has come into being, but as Christians we believe that life and mankind was created by God (Genesis...
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...Biblical Worldview What Is Worldview A worldview is how someone views the World and everything in it. Everyone has a worldview negative or positive. A biblical worldview is based on the word of God. God’s word can and has been proven over time. Christianity is a positive worldview based on the word of God. Atheism is a negative worldview, usually atheist do not believe in God and his word. (64) Biblical Christian Worldview What is Believed How did life begin? “In the Beginning God created the heavens and the earth” (Genesis 1:1 King James Version), this is how everything began. God worked for six days creating living creatures such as birds, fish and livestock. God created man and woman in his own image (Genesis 1:27). Mankind is unique in that they have freewill and can make decisions on their own. Mankind was created with values and depending on one’s worldview can be right or wrong. Mankind’s purpose is to have a relationship with God and to spread his word to others (Weider, L., & Gutierrez, B. 2014).God created the heavens and earth, he did so for it to be inhabited (Isaiah 45:18). God created all of us to have values and depending on our worldview we can have good morals or none at all. The Bible, my blueprint for life, says in many places that we should love and respect each other, no matter race or creed. God has laws set for us to obey, these are called the Ten Commandments. Here are a few of the Ten Commandments: “Thou Shall Not Kill, Thou Shall Not Steal...
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...Malachi Trezvant Wesley Walker ` 10/4/14 APOL Worldview Part One: What is a worldview? Define what the term “worldview” means. Use descriptive phrases to support your definition. (25–50 words) My opinion of a worldview is that it is a theory of the world. What the definition of a world view is a mental model of reality, basically its attitudes & ideas about the world. Part Two: Articulate the biblical/Christian Worldview (what is believed) for each of the following 5 questions. Give 2 relevant scripture references for each of the five questions below (do not write out the verses) to support why it is believed. (300 words) 1. The Question of Origin - The question of origin asks, “Where did I come from”. (Weider & Gutierrez, 2011) Genesis 1:1 states that we are created by God. Without the omnipotent hand of a creator God we would not exist. Isaiah 45:12 states that it was God’s hands which created the Heavens. 47 2. The Question of Identity – The question of identity asks, “What does it mean to be a human” “are humans more important than animals?” (Weider & Gutierrez, 2011) God created mankind above the animal and man was created, “a little lower than angles: (Psalms 8:5). Male and female were both created "in the image of God: and were given the responsibility to rule over the animals and to be their caretakers (Genesis 2:15). 68 3. The Question of Meaning/Purpose - The Question of Meaning/Purpose asks, "Why mankind...
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...definitions when it comes to the term worldview. An overall description and definition of worldview, is the entirety and general attitude or frame of reference of our perceptions and convictions. (Weider, Guterierrez 58). The question of origin asks “how did life begin”. (Weider, Guterierrez 64). The Christian worldview through theism involves all that exists, which is ultimately the outcome and creator of God himself. 65. (Genesis 1:1). (John 17:17) What is believed through Christian worldview, with the question of Identity is through the belief of theism. (Weider, Guterierrez 67). Theism’s perspective is that God is forever immortal and all of his creations are made through God himself. “Male and female were both created “in the image of God”.67 (Genesis 2:15). (Genesis 2:7). The Question of Meaning/Purpose simply is a question as to why mankind was created. (Weider, Guterierrez 68). It asks simply “Why do I exist?” 68. Christianity is simply in respect to our relationship between us and God himself. 70. God isn’t necessarily a dweller of religion. Religion is perceived through a man’s ability to approach and cease to make contact with God. (John 17:3). (Philippians 1:21). The Question of Morality seeks to answer the question “What is meant by right and wrong and “How should I live?”. (Weider, Guterierrez 71). Theist’s base morality off of the essence and spirit of God. We can further say that God’s revered definitive is what morality is based off of, not...
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...What is a worldview? I believe a worldview to be a certain way a person perceives the world and the way that it works. It is their own personal opinion on how they think of the world and its ways. Question of Origin- A Christian worldview is believed that there is only one true God who created the world out of complete darkness and put it into existence. The Trinity of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit spoke the world into existence and it became so, it was not preexistent as other views proclaim. The Bible verse Genesis 1:1 explains this all in one verse. Also Genesis 1:2 follows that up in answering the question of origin. Question of Identity- A Christian worldview is that God created all the nature of the world, the animals, and the humans. The humans are to be caretakers of the animals and environment of the world. All humankind, men and women, are created in the image of God. God did not make the animals to be worshipped as some worldviews believe, but to be used as resources and “pets” for the human race. Bible verses Psalms 8:5 and Genesis 2:15 explain this questions meaning. Question of Meaning/Purpose- A Christian worldview of the meaning of life is to know and accept our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. We are all made in His image and are to remain through life trying our hardest to maintain that image by becoming saved and living a Christian lifestyle, doing our best to stay away from sin and temptation. The purpose of life for a Christian worldview would...
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...I. Part One: What is a worldview? Define what the term “worldview” means. Use descriptive phrases to support your definition.(25-50 words) Upon birth a person is introduced and raised within the context of a certain culture, belief, and traditions. These influences impress upon a person’s philosophy on life and their outlook. A worldview is the context of how a person analyzes and responds to worldly stimuli. II. Part Two: Articulate the biblical/Christian Worldview (what is believed) for each of the following 5 questions. Give 2 relevant scripture references for each of the five questions below (do not write out the verses) to support why it is believed. (300 words) 1. The Question of Origin – The question of origin ask, “where did I come from”. (Weider & Gutierrez, 2011) Genesis 1:1 states that we are created by God. Without the omnipotent hand of a creator God we would not exist. Isaiah 45:12 states that it was God’s hands which created the Heavens. 2. The Question of Identity – The question of identity ask, “who am I” and “what does it mean to be a person?” (Weider & Gutierrez, 2011) These questions are clearly answered within the Bible. A creator God created us above the animals and lower than the angels and therefore is greater than us. In Genesis 17:1 God calls himself the Almighty God. We are created beings created to be in subject to a creator God. Genesis 1:27 states that we are created in the image of this creator God and are the only being...
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...Darren J Black Jr Daryl Neipp BIB 105 7 September 2015 My Biblical Worldview: How does Genesis 1-11 effect it? Introduction How does Genesis 1-11 effect my worldview and how does it contribute to my everyday life. Reading these chapters has a big impact on my life and there are so many things that it covers in such a condense amount of time. You have Adam and Eve being created and how that effects my worldview on marriage in the world. Also how we define ourselves as a man and a woman and the different roles of each of us that the bible defines for us. How Cain and Abel relantionship with each other defines how we should act and not become jealous with one another. The wickedness in the world when Noah was here and how the Lord saw the world was so evil and destroyed it, which is kind of how I look at our world today. There many topics in these chapters that I will discuss and explain how all of this effects my biblical world view today and what I think of all of it in this paper that I am writing today. Natural World The 1st chapter of the bible pretty much sets out the natural world and all that is in it, in Genesis chapter 1 to 2 the LORD our God makes everything light, darkness, land, sea and all the creatures in the world. He creates Adam and later Eve somewhere to live and basically live off the land. This chapter is the reason the natural world exist and that God was gracious to give us so much in it. Without the beast that roam the earth or the birds that...
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...WORLDVIEW PAPER INSTRUCTIONS Before you begin writing your paper, you should first consider which formatting style that you will be using. In this course, we allow you to choose the one that you are more familiar with, or the one that will ultimately be the style most often used within your major. This is a research paper, not a Discussion Board Forum, so it is expected that your paper will be formatted and cited using one of the following styles: current APA, MLA, or Turabian. Requirements: 1. Cover page – This is the first page to be included in your paper (Based on the formatting style that you will be using, see the sample papers in Blackboard). a. APA: For this course, a Summary or Abstract is not required. b. MLA: This format does not require a title page, but does require a specific format for student information. 2. Content pages – These pages will contain your content and fulfill the requirements as listed below. a. Be sure to complete the minimum word count for each Part (I, II, and III). i. Do NOT include the question as part of your word count. ii. Direct quotations must be short and limited. iii. Include your word count at the bottom of each section of the paper (Part I,II, and III). iv. NOTE: Submissions totaling fewer than 250 words will not receive credit. b. Quotations and material used from other sources must be cited using current APA, MLA or Turabian format. You must include in-text citations and a Bibliography/Reference or Works Cited...
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