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What Is Cognitive Psychology?


Submitted By dbest09
Words 948
Pages 4
What is Cognitive Psychology?
Donyelle Best
PSY/360 Cognitive Psychology Luvenia Jackson
September 4, 2014

What is Cognitive Psychology? The word cognitive refers to the mental processes involved in gaining knowledge and comprehension. These mental processes include the acts of thinking, knowing, remembering, reasoning, judging, learning, perceiving, speaking, believing, speaking, decision making and problem solving. These are more complex functions of the brain and include language, imagination, perception and planning. It uses scientific research methods in studying the mental processes. In other words, cognitive psychology is a scientific approach to studying the mind. The main focus of cognitive psychology is on how an individual acquires, processes, and stores information, and it studies how individuals view and comprehend the world around him or her. Cognitive psychology also focuses on trying to identify behavior through characteristics other than its obvious properties (Willingham, 2007). Cognitive psychology rose to the top due to top in response to the flaws in other methods of studying the mind. Key Milestones in the Development of Cognitive Psychology
Cognitive psychology developed primarily from the inability of the behaviorist approach to fully explain every form of behavior. While there were many things that drove its development, there were four main milestones in the development of cognitive psychology: the inadequacies of behaviorism, the information processing model and computer metaphor, artificial intelligence, and neuroscience. Each of these four milestones contributed significantly to the search for a better model and the development of the cognitive approach, which is currently used today.
One key milestone was

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