...Susan B. Anthony Susan B. Anthony was recognized as a women's rights activist and remembered for her role in women's suffrage. Susan B. Anthony was born on February 15, 1820, near Adams, Massachusetts to Daniel Anthony and Lucy Anthony (National Women’s History Museum, part 1). Susan was the second oldest of eight children as her parents owned a local cotton mill (Biography par.2). Although only five of Anthony’s siblings lived to be adults, one child was stillborn, and another died at age 2 (Biography par.2). In the 1840s, Anthony's family became involved in the fight to end slavery, also known as the abolitionist movement. Anthony’s Rochester farm served as a meeting place for famed abolitionists, such as Frederick Douglass (Biography par.6)....
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...Do you know that women in United States didn’t always have the right to vote? Susan B. Anthony started a movement because the women don't have the right to vote. Susan Brownell Anthony born on February 15, 1820, in Adams Massachusetts, Susan B. Anthony grew up in a Quaker family with long activist traditions. Susan B. Anthony founded the National Women Suffrage Association in 1869. Susan B. Anthony is important because it was she who started a movement so that the women had the right to vote just like the men. Why did men not give them the right to vote? Why were women not given the right to vote? She and Stanton opposed the 14th and 15th amendments for not enfranchising women. Female suffragism was one of the most momentous protest movements in the history of the last centuries. Many women consider the right to the male vote as discriminating against them, citizens who must have their rights. When in 1872 she became the voting right for the men, Susan initiated a campaign claiming those same rights for the women and the men didn't want women vote because...
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...Men held right over property, rights to vote, had more education, freedom to do what they wanted with their wages, and had rights over women. In an article commentary of the Declaration of Sentiments proclaimed that: Included in the “Declaration of Sentiments” was a list of eighteen injustices endured by women, ranging from the lack of equal educational opportunities and the denial of the right to vote to the exclusion of public participation in the affairs of the church. It also protested unequal wages and employment opportunities (Declaration of Sentiments).Women like Elizabeth Cady Stanton, Sojourner Truth, and Susan B. Anthony fought for women’s rights in the 1800’s and most of their wants have been achieved, but women to this day are not equal to men. The unequal wages that Stanton discusses in the Declaration of Sentiments is still a problem in the United States today. In an excerpt from “Half a Century” a woman describes her love for painting, but that she cannot paint because it is not a women’s duty. “I put away my brushes; resolutely crucified my divine gift, and while it hung writhing...
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...March 31, 2015 Susan Brownell Anthony was born in Adams, Massachusetts on February 15, 1820. Her family was Quaker and they had long activist traditions. She then became a teacher for fifteen years and after that she became active in temperance (susanbanthonyhouse.org). Temperance is something that is the act of personal restraint (en.wikipedia.org). Simply because she was a woman, she was not allowed to lead or even speak at the temperance rallies. Because of this, and having befriended Elizabeth Cady Stanton is what led her to become part of the women’s rights movement in 1852. Not long after this she dedicated her life to women’s rights and suffrage. Most of the subjects she campaigned for were the abolition of slavery, the right for women to own their own property and retain their earnings, and she also advocated for women’s labor organizations. Even though there were people against what she was doing, she ignored the abuse and the oppositions and went and traveled, lectured, and canvassed across the nation for the vote (susanbanthonyhouse.org) She had many accomplishments and trials as her part as an abolitionist. The whole Anthony family moved to Rochester, and shortly after that the whole family became involved in the anti-slavery movement. They even had the anti-slavery Quaker meetings at their farm almost every Sunday (susanbanthonyhouse.org). They were even sometimes joined by Frederick Douglas and William Lloyd Garrison. Anthony had two brothers, Daniel...
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...Susan B. Anthony is well known for not giving her seat up on a bus. However, many people do not recall the other extraordinary events that took place thanks to her. Anthony was an African American woman, and during the 1800’s African Americans were not treated equally and neither were women of any color. Women had no rights to do anything. Many thought that women’s sole purpose was to slave in a kitchen and teach young kids. Thus, Anthony became a teacher. Where she fed young minds her brilliance that was about to come forth in the following years. Susan B. Anthony was born on February 15,1820. She was the second oldest out of eight children, but unfortunately two of her siblings died. One died during birth and the other died at a very young...
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...attended an anti-slavery address given by William Lloyd Garrison. This is where she met Susan B. Anthony for the first time. The two women soon became personal and political partners. Eighteen years later, when the Women’s Rights Movement split apart, the two women created the NWSA (National Woman Suffrage Association). Both women seemed to have different lives. While Anthony was much more independent and strong willed, Stanton had married and bared seven children. Even though both women had different lifestyles, they shared the same political goals (Burns 1999). While the NWSA was up and running, the women covered many equality issues, with the right to vote being the most...
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...Elizabeth Cady Stanton Biography: Where did Elizabeth Cady Stanton grow up? Elizabeth Cady was born in Johnstown, New York on November 12, 1815. She had 10 brothers and sisters, however, many of them died during childhood. Only Elizabeth and four of her sisters lived well into adulthood. Her last brother, Eleazar, died when he was 20 years old leaving her mother depressed and her father wishing that Elizabeth was a boy. Elizabeth (sitting) with Susan B. Anthony Not Fair for Women Growing up Elizabeth was exposed to the law through her father Daniel. He was a lawyer who also served as a judge and a U.S. Congressman. She learned that the law was not the same for men and women. She learned that only men could vote and that women had few rights under the law. She didn't think this was fair. She thought she was as good as any boy and should be given the same opportunities. Going to School When Elizabeth reached school age she wanted to go to school to learn. Not many women went to school in those days, but her father agreed to send her to school. At school Elizabeth was an excellent student. She won awards and proved that she could do as well or better than most of the boys. After high school, Elizabeth wanted to go to college. She quickly learned that girls were not allowed into the major universities. She ended up going to a college for girls where she was able to continue her studies. Abolitionist and Human Rights Elizabeth began to believe...
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...given opportunities for advancement nor knowledge of other skills and trades. This essay will cover the route that women took in order to become equal; The Women’s Rights Movement, but more specifically focus on Women’s Suffrage. The Women’s Rights Movement Women’s rights movements are primarily concerned with making the political, social, and economic status of women equal to that of men while establishing legislative safeguards against discrimination on the basis of sex. The Women’s Right Movement began in 1848 with the first women’s rights convention being held in Seneca Falls, New York. Elizabeth Cady Stanton, Susan B. Anthony, and Lucretia Mott spearheaded the convention. “Of the many changes in women’s lives in the twentieth century, very few were as dramatic of significant as the expansion of women’s opportunities for work (May, 2009). Susan B. Anthony was born in Adams, MA in 1820. She was the daughter of a Quaker abolitionist. She taught in rural New York for seventeen...
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...(Rogers 71). The second section of the fourteenth amendment, the one that addressed voting explicitly, used the term “male citizens” to designate the body of the voters whose representation would be reduced in case southern states disfranchised African Americans. The amendment made reference to sex only to exclude women (Rogers 71). Women were not even counted as citizens (Riley 68). Women were seen as the “weaker sex”...
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...Women’s Role (1865-Present) Kimberly Burrows HIS 204 Joseph Scahill February 2, 2013 Women’s Role (1865-Present) Throughout history, women have suffered fewer rights then men and are discriminated against because of their gender. Historically, a woman’s main role was to tend to the home isolated in the domestic “bubble” and to raise their children while their husbands were away at work. In this paper, I will describe the historical significance of this issue from 1865 to the present. I will explain the historical developments that presented new opportunities for women in society. I will discuss the main individuals that were involved in these struggles. To conclude, I will analyze ways in which it contributed to an “ending of isolation” while assessing the challenges involved. Even today, women still face discrimination based on their gender. However, the role of women has changed significantly which has created a lasting and ongoing increase of women's rights. The woman’s role presents a historical significance from 1865 to today for many reasons. Prior to the Civil War, women were perceived as the weaker sex and were considered intellectually inferior to men. Their freedom was limited and they had fewer rights than men. Women were expected to marry, care for their home, cook, make clothing and raise their children. According to Manning, M. J. (2005), “Women were viewed as wives and mothers, whose economic rights were mainly to be supported by a male breadwinner and...
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...Abstract In today’s workplace there is an emphasis on equality through trainings and programs that are intended to avoid sexism. The historical influence on the business world has shown for the last one hundred years a division of organizational leaders by gender. These divisions have been a part of organizational structure and slow to change. Historical Perspective of Sexism Women in the United States have been on a slow journey towards equality that has had many twists and turns over the last one hundred years. There have been many women who have helped to pull other women to the same level as men. The women of today are still pushing towards the same level of respect, responsibility and reward that men receive and have been receiving. Chapter one of History of Woman Suffrage Vol. I, opens with “As civilization advances there is a continual change in the standard of human rights. In barbarous ages the right of the strongest was the only one recognized; but as mankind progressed in the arts and sciences intellect began to triumph over brute force. Change is a law of life, and the development of society a natural growth…. In all periods of human development, thinking has been punished as a crime, which is reason sufficient to account for the general passive resignation of the masses to their conditions and environments.” (Cady Stanton, Anthony, Gage and Matilda. 1881, p. 20) Women have been working towards equality since the first Women’s Rights Convention in 1848. ...
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...The Women’s Movement is a broad movement campaigning for women’s liberations and rights. Women did not have any rights whatsoever back then and they just wanted to be equal to men. So the women started a movement and fought for their rights as people to be able to do what the men were doing politically. “In the 18th and 19th centuries, American law was based upon English common law and the doctrine of coverture, which stated that a woman's legal rights were incorporated into those of her husband when she married, and she was not recognized as having rights and obligations distinct from those of her husband. One of the few legal advantages of marriage for a woman was that her husband was obligated to support her and be responsible for her debts.”...
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...Elizabeth Cady Stanton was a fighter who found a way to show the problems of the American society on what women’s rights were. Stanton was known for her role in founding an organized women’s rights movement. Elizabeth Cady Stanton had the biggest impact on the United States as a whole by her constant efforts to fight for women’s equality by dedicating her life for future women’s rights, and impacted many future leaders to take part in a strong movement just as she did. Elizabeth Cady was born in Johnstown, New York on November 12, 1815 and brought up in a wealthy household. Stanton was raised by her wealthy mother and father who was a state legislature of New York, he also took worked in House of Representatives and also was a member of the...
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...deeply plunged in late 1800s. Passionate suffragists; Elizabeth Cady and Susan Anthony came out strongly to form the National Woman Suffrage Association to champion for the right of women to vote and hold public office in the late nineteenth century. Though women were oppressed of their rights to vote and shut out of what was considered male dominated white collar offices, they have made great strides in various fields in the recent years and have rose to high positions of power. From the first pioneers who engineered the Nineteenth Amendment of the American Constitution thereby by granting their fellow women the right to vote and equal opportunity for pursuit of high office, women have generally made tremendous steps in ensuring change in various field from politics, office jobs, what are considered manly jobs like masonry by male chauvinists to law professions and attaining high offices in the Judicial System. One instance where women acknowledge triumph in their pursuit in suffrage is United States Supreme Court appointing the first woman- Sandra Day O’Connor as the first woman justice in 1981. This proved their cause for equality was not all a matter of fighting a losing battle, they were making great impacts and strides in championing for the rights of women which is envisioned in future appointments of other women into the law profession. In eighteen seventy three (1873), Susan B. Anthony one of the sitting presidents of The National Woman Suffrage Association,...
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... D. 1998). The wave formally began at the Secna Falls Convention in 1848, which is where the first women’s rights convention in history was held (Lewis, J. 2001). In 1840, two women; Lucretia Mott and Elizabeth Cady Stranton were attending a convention in London as delegates with their husbands. It was here that the credentials committee ruled that women were “constitutionally unfit for public business meetings.” (Lewis, J. 2001). The men were permitted to speak, the women were not and there was a curtain that separated the women from the men in the building (Lewis, J. 2001). These two women decided to hold a mass meeting to address the rights of women, which over 300 women and men attended on the first day to rally to the cause of equality for women. Elizabeth Cady Stanton drafted the Seneca Falls Declaration outlining the new movement's ideology and political strategies (Rampton, Martha. 2008). This was only the beginning of women rallying together to make a difference and equalize rights. Discussions about the vote and women's participation in politics led to an examination of the differences between men and women as they were then viewed. Some claimed that women were morally superior to men, and so their presence in the civic sphere would improve public behavior and the political process (Rampton, M....
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