The Kakapo, also known as the owl parrot is the heaviest parrot in the world. In fact, It is so fat that is can’t even fly. The Kakapo weighs 8 pounds and can be up to 60 cm in length. They are a greenish yellow color. When they are born, they are white.
Kakapo’s are extremely endangered. There are about 100 of them left overall, and it does not help that they like to live alone. The last Kakapos to be born (known) were in 2011. 11 chicks were born at that time.
Kakapo like to eat berries, fruits, seeds, and nuts. Its predators are cats, rats, ferrets, and stoats. Before the Giant Eagle became extinct, They killed the Kakapo too. They are nocturnal.
Kakapo have soft feathers. They have a medium size beak and big feet too. A Kakapo’s eyes are