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Submitted By ntonyacool
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Pages 7
What is the significance of Research Skills and Academic Integrity for successful study in Higher Education?
Academic studies require a vast amount of research. This essay will cover the importance of research skills aspects in academic development, to avoid any misconduct and not be accused of cheating, such as plagiarism and collusion. Scholars studying in higher education must have intellectual honesty also known as academic integrity. This helps pupils on being more ready when operating as an independent thinker and help one develop skills such as referencing, citation and as you absorb information, paraphrase ideas and quote the words of other researcher in the academic environment. Business students require research skills because it provides them opportunity to develop and improve. Examples including their abilities to check significance of developing research skills; find proper date resources for use in business study and practice. Obtaining information from many sources at times is difficult; the data obtained has to be correct and collected from sources which are reliable and valid. When conducting research, information can be collected from different sources such as historic documents, artistic work or even the use of own personal gathered data by investigation or observation. Since data sourcing methods are different we can categories them by where it’s accessed from either by primary or secondary data. According to Booth et al (2008) defines “Primary data as research information collected first hand from different sources such as personal investigation, observations and experiments” while “secondary data is gathered from other published works, sources could be journals, reports contrast to primary data”. (Research skills 1.1)
For instance given a task from the department of commerce economic development to produce a report strategy to increase

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