...Seabiscuit Seabiscuit , is a very unique book about an American horse whose name is, you guessed it, Seabiscuit. Seabiscuit became a household name in the horse racing business in the 1930s during the Great Depression. He was a symbol of hope for many Americans during this time. Seabiscuit was the baby of a horse named Swing On. When he was born, he was extremely small, and very ugly, but many thought he had the smarts. The place in which Seabiscuit grew up had absolutely no interest in training him. He is then...
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...The civil rights movement is my favorite in history, I believe it is because it is most recent. I do not really care for learning about wars and things that happened way back in time. Everyone has studied the civil rights movement in school, but a few days is not really enough to grasp the concepts of what was happening in that time. I really enjoyed watching Martin Luther King Jr. and how he preached forgiveness. Considering everything that they had be through, forgiveness should have been the least of their worries. I would like to do more research on Martin luther King Jr. because I would like to know how he came to this conclusion. Did he always feel like this was the correct way to look at things? Or did he just not see change when there was hatred in their hearts? What really made him want to be the face of the movement? These are the questions I would really like to know concerning Martin Luther King Jr. I now know why on Martin Luther King day that you are suppose to volunteer your time. I did not understand that until after watching this film, and now I think it is very fitting for the...
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...I think many people across the world enjoy sports. I think that there are a lot of sports fans across the world, who all enjoy different sports. I know that there are many sports fans across the United States, and I am one of them. My favorite sports are, football, baseball, NASCAR and drag racing. Football is my favorite sport. I like college football and NFL football. My favorite college team is Penn State, as does my whole family for college football. Although I like both I think that college football is better for a few reasons. One being there are a lot more teams which is better because there is more football to watch. Another being that college football is a lot simpler because players aren’t worried about their contract and not every play has to go...
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...How Power Can Torment Innocence The Holocaust a time in which an innocent race of people were tormented by a group of powerful brainwashed men. John Boyne “The Boy in the Striped Pajamas”. Bruno an innocent boy who doesn't really know what is happening around him who becomes friend with boy named Shmuel who is a prisoner at a concentration camp. This book is about an innocent boy whose innocence makes him confused of what really is happening during his time and he finds himself a friend who is a prisoner at a concentration camp and they create a strong bond with each other but that bond would end in tragedy. The Nazi Party the main reason why Germany went from an emerging democracy to a dictatorship that would commit a genocide to the jewish race which Bruno a young innocent boy that was seeing what was occurring but he never thought anything bad he thought everything that was going around him was normal. In the book there is many scenes in which Bruno always talks about Germany and how great it is but when he sees the striped pajama people ( Jews) he doesn't think of them as bad people...
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...I am doing my race and ethnicity on black people and Asian people, and how other people out in the world make them feel and the things other races say about them behind their back. I’m also going to talk about the ethnicity of the two races and how each of them live and the things they love to do the most and tell you if the stereotype is good or not. The way a lot of people in this world look at blacks is that they are cocky and think no one and can tell them anything. They also say that they all look like they are thugs and that they always walk round looking mad and they say all of them are good at sports. As for Asian people they say that they can’t drive or play sports. Another thing about Asians is that everyone thinks that they are smart and another is that they all look the same. So to me they are teaching other groups to think that they are no good and only good for one thing and it’s showing the other groups do not be like this it’s the wrong way to go about life. The message that it’s showing is that it’s not helping the two groups but they are really hurting the two groups and by doing that they are keeping the two down by talking about them. Stereotypes keep circulating and there seems to be little change. When people do not take the time to get to truly know people of a certain race, they are building up the stereotype, but when they get to know people they start to break down the stereotypes. Let’s look at the first stereotype for Asians. The stereotype...
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...Race and Why It Is UNimportant Race plays a very important role in our lives. It seems like everyday there is another story on the news that reiterates the idea that someone's race is what makes them who they are. It is their identity. Their soul. And any attack or privilege that happens to them, stems from their race.But what about someone's work ethic, attitude, or intelligence. Could these not also explain the reason why a person is successful or a failure? Or is race the only factor that plays a part in the success of someone? With so many opposing arguments it is hard to understand what is fact and what is fiction, when it comes to discussions on race. With that being said, I believe that race does not matter because leading african-americans...
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...things regarding my culture but also with other different cultures. The United States has many cultures races and ethnicities which include whites, African America, Native Hawaiian, Native American, Alaska Native, also Asian and American Indian. This class was really eye opener to me and I hope it’s the same with every student. I learned so much about diversity in American and how we are all same but different in some way. For an example two people with different races like an American and Muslim American, they have to different beliefs but there here in the United States to pursue their happiness and have the American dream where they can be free and work and have life. The United States has changed from having segregation, discrimination to having respectful community. I learned so much about my racial group. I honestly believe that the Mexican Americans are one of the hardworking groups here in the United States. They would work for anyone who is willing to pay even thought the pay isn’t good. Many American –White think this is a disadvantage to them because they see it as the Mexican –Americans come here to the United to steal their job just because they are willing to work for less pay. I have come across many Americans who are lazy and don’t want to work so how is it okay to say that Mexican Americans want to steal their jobs when some don’t even want to work? I think that to myself a lot. Mexican American come here to the United States just like every other racial group...
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... Would yo describe yourself as multiracial, or do you see yourself as belonging to a single race? Why? ( page 9) I would describe myself as being multiracial, even though when asked in forms I usually only circle Hispanic or Latino. My mom is Venezuelan, and as far down as we can track all her ancestors were also Venezuelans, on my dad’s side he was European, and all his relatives as far as being tracked down were also of European decent. I believe my family is made up of a diversity of races. Although we are not able to find out where it came from, on my mom’s side of the family there must have been someone from Asian decent, as I have almost Asian eyes, and I have cousins and had an uncle that if you were to look at them you would think that they were Chinese. Have you or any member of your family ever encountered a glass ceiling? Explain (page 14) When I was 2 months old, my dad passed away in an accident, my mom had to take my dad’s place at his job, which was a factory that he owned along with other partners. My mom experience a glass ceiling as the other’s partners perspective of a woman working weren’t as diverse and thought that because of her gender she shouldn’t have been working in such a top position. I believe this happened because it was in Venezuela, where the cultural landscape of women working wasn’t consider much and what was perceived as a job for women was to be a stay home mom with the children. Should we always treat everybody the...
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...As we all know discrimination has been around for a while now. So what really is the true meaning of discrimination? Discrimination is when an individual or even a group of people are treated differently due to race, national origin, age, gender, etc. Never once will the person doing the discriminating shed light on what that person’s qualifications and individual behavior are, nor have they ever cared. To illustrate the point, here are a few examples of employment discrimination. Up until the 1960s, almost all police departments, especially the southern ones, never would hire officers that were African American. If you were lucky enough to be hired as an African American officer, there were many restrictions that came with it. For example African American officers could not arrest Caucasians, and were not allowed to work in Caucasian neighborhoods. As an African American you were kept in minority neighborhoods. These are the types of work practices that show what discrimination is. Just because of an individual’s race you were treated much differently with many restrictions. Lastly around the same time frame, males were not allowed to be flight attendants. Only females were allowed to work this position. This is an example of gender type discrimination. Never were qualifications and experience reviewed about an individual first. In today’s day and age, police agencies and our criminal justice system as a whole still show many patterns of discrimination. Some of those discrimination...
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...In the documentary assigned they go into great detail about how race is perceived by people in todays modern society. The documentary honestly did not change any of the assumptions that I already had about race. It is kind of just part of society today that people often get stereotyped by the race that they are. For example I feel like most people in todays society think that people of African decent have more athletic ability that than people of all other races. Another example from the movie is that white people are more privileged than other races and once again I feel that is a very common issue in todays society that is assumed by a lot of people. The one thing from the movie that did surprise me though was that people of two different races some times have very little genetic diversity. They said that people of two different races sometimes have less diversity than people of the same race. I found that to be very odd because I though genes were what determined ones race and people of the same race would have very similar genes....
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...Race and Your Community Brandy Dunlap (Logsdon) ETH/125 October 6, 2011 Steven Zitar Race and Your Community When I look around in my community, I see people of all different races and cultures. In our community we have India, Hispanics, Blacks, Africans, White, and many more. How do we define race and diversity in our community? To start with we look at race, there are two ways of defining race one is that of an ethnical, tribal, or national stock or as any class or group, esp. of persons, considered as a class apart. Diversity is defined as essential differences or variety. In the community I live in we treat people differently, they look at a person and think oh they look different than me or you so let’s not talk to them or treat them with respect. I look at a person beyond that. I was taught that we all bleed the same color; in fact people of a different race are the same as I am. People judge people from their looks rather than what they are really like. Our community looks at other races as if they have a disease; they also look at you as if you are from another planet. Many of the people in my community get upset that many of the people from a different country get so much handed to them. According to the 2010 Census white alone is still the numerically and proportionally the largest major race in the United States. In the city that I live in white the majority of the population; with only 32.22% graduating from high school (population age of 25+). I look...
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...“One of the underlying problems is that most Americans, but particularly Millennials, have a very confined view of what racism is. Americans think of racism as Bull Connor or the Ku Klux Klan, but today, racism is far more likely to be embedded in institutions.” Many millennials think that racism isn't a huge problem in america because they don't really understand how racism is really affecting their lives; However, racism is still an issue, they don't understand that they are in constant support of the racist form of life by ignoring these problems and donating to these foundations of hate. Racism is, as stated previously, embedded into america's culture and future; but people don't understand how it can be glued onto our culture its as if we can't understand that this country has made terrible decisions that has led to the problems this country has today. We have constantly oppressed other races by making them slaves or putting them into concentration camps. All the stereotypes we’ve created against these other races are now apart of our daily lives, we incorporate it into our schools and...
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...The knight has very different beliefs and ideas then the typical German because he actually knows the truth about the Nazi empire and he can sort out the lies that the Nazis have forced upon the population to the point that people really believe everything they are told. The knight is just different because one of his ancestors wrote a book explaining the rise to power of the Nazis and the way the world really was before the Nazis came to power. The Knight then goes and tells Alfred the truth about the Nazis because he knows Alfred already doubts what the Nazi’s say is true and because he knows Alfred is a critical thinker and will hear him out with an open mind. The main topics that the knight and Alfred discuss with their beliefs are gender, race, religion, and...
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...In this article “Patriarchy” by Johnson explains how he understands patriarchy and what we should do about changing it. He makes a really interesting argument about patriarchy and how system works in general. His primary point is that men and women find themselves in a social system of patriarchy that they did not create which is easy to dismiss because it seems natural. At first, he points out how men often feel personally attacked by feminist, especially when they speak of the issues involving patriarchy. Women feel free to blame men for oppressing them and therefore men take it personally and become defensive. Women will blame men for patriarchy, simply because they are men. It is not that all men or women are oppressive; it is that they participate in the system that is oppressive. What I understand from the reading is that patriarchy is a system which can be reduced to the people who participate in it. So it is not people who are really flawed, but rather it is the system that society has put gender into that is flawed. I believe that patriarchy is organized around relationships and shared understandings which can limit you to some degree. Johnson provides an interesting perspective on how we participate in our social lives. Patriarchy can exist without men being portrayed as the villains. People tend to follow along with what society deems is the norm. Patriarchy is more than men being violent toward women; it is involved into everyday life, such as language and literature...
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...Anne’s life has indeed affected mine the way I think, speak, and see the world around me. It’s not exactly that I see different things but instead it is the way I see them. My perspective has changed, I think about situations in a different way. Before I used to think racial violence was just plain stupid but now I think about the races that are fighting each other and why are they fighting. My perspective was changed after reading the Diary of Anne Frank play as well as watching the 2001 movie. Racial violent is of racist but there is always a reason as to why two or more races are fighting. Maybe it’s because they are judging one another because of skin colour or racist stereotypes. Though that is true Hitler killed Jews because he simply hated them there was hardly any reason for him to hate the Jewish race but he just had to blame them for hardly any reason. That is why as well as how he created his army. This is also why my perspective about life changed. Reading the Diary of Anne Frank play was like putting on some magic glasses that changed my perspective....
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