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Essay On Racism In America

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The american way of life is a dangerous one where narcissism prevails and where honesty, trustworthy, and loyalty crumble. In the days of old we were proud explorers who faced every hardship with great bravery and confidence and now we cry because “words hurt”. But the american is a person of a proud and loyal ancestry; but, sadly, that is no longer the case. We have changed to a cowardly crowd of people. We have become a nation of mass problems ranging from our neighborhoods to the whitehouse. Our new way of life revolves around our racist ways, narcissistic views, and our self loathing youth culture that will be the future of this god forsaken nation.

The most commonly known trait of the average american is racism. For centuries the americans have been the most racist people of the planet since ww2. We …show more content…
“One of the underlying problems is that most Americans, but particularly Millennials, have a very confined view of what racism is. Americans think of racism as Bull Connor or the Ku Klux Klan, but today, racism is far more likely to be embedded in institutions.” Many millennials think that racism isn't a huge problem in america because they don't really understand how racism is really affecting their lives; However, racism is still an issue, they don't understand that they are in constant support of the racist form of life by ignoring these problems and donating to these foundations of hate. Racism is, as stated previously, embedded into america's culture and future; but people don't understand how it can be glued onto our culture its as if we can't understand that this country has made terrible decisions that has led to the problems this country has today. We have constantly oppressed other races by making them slaves or putting them into concentration camps. All the stereotypes we’ve created against these other races are now apart of our daily lives, we incorporate it into our schools and

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