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Ellen Johnson Sirleaf Research Paper

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In a turn of events Ellen Johnson Sirleaf doubted her pre-determined destiny to be a leader. Her life had taken some unexpected turns, first with her father having a stroke that would halt his rise in the political realm. Her mother became the provider of the family, often times having to supplement the income she made as a teacher and minister by saleing bake goods. Ellen Johnson Sirleaf’s fathers’ position in the government afforded her the opportunity to attend the best schools in Monrovia. Moreover, her fathers’ illness was threatening to disrupt the academics and her future endeavors. It was a matter of time before the government would have to terminate her father’s position, as he was never the viral man was before, he required constant care from others. Furthermore, Ellen Sirleaf was able to attend one of the most prestigious High Schools in Monrovia at the College of West …show more content…
Soon after high school and at the age of 17, she married James Sirleaf he was seven years her junior and a ROTC and agriculture graduate of the famed American Black College the Tuskegee Institute in Alabama. Her husband was the son of a Mandingo father and his mother from a well-known settler family. Ellen Johnson and James Sirleaf (known to others as “Doc”), soon married and was expecting their first child. Ellen Sirleaf sister Jeannie and friends were going to College home and abroad. Meanwhile Doc was teaching at a school Kakata, but his pay was not enough to provide them the lifestyle they desired, so Ellen Sirleaf, took odd jobs, to supplement her husband’s income. Later on Doc got his desired job with the Ministry of Agriculture, and Ellen Sirleaf did not have to work outside the home anymore, but the life she envisioned for herself

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