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Summative Rhetorical Analysis

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Summative Rhetorical Analysis Essay Format.

Intro=hook+precis 3 body paragraphs, one about each choice: 2 pieces of evidence Commentary linking choice to SOAP Final body paragraph ends with a concluding idea.

Summative Rhetorical Analysis Outline Choice 1: Repetitions Choice 2: Different Perspectives Choice 3: Use of metaphors Evidence 1: The word “Breath”.

Connection to SOAP: Purpose- the hardships of having to breathe and what they have to do just to breathe. Evidence 1: If you’re white, you may be thinking, “They certainly aren’t socially distant.”.

Connection to SOAP: Purpose- the different lives you live depending on what color you are and how you are treated. Evidence 1: “Racism in America is like dust in the air”. It seems invisible. …show more content…
Evidence 2: Burning Building

Connection to SOAP - a.

Evidence 2: If you’re white, you probably muttered a horrified, “Oh, my God” while shaking your head at the cruel injustice. If you’re black, you probably leapt to your feet, cursed, maybe threw something (certainly wanted to throw something), while shouting, “Not @#$%! again.

Connection to SOAP: Purpose- Depending on the problem, you are being treated differently. Evidence 2: “it feels like hunting season is open to blacks”.

Connection to SOAP: Evidence 3:.

Connection to SOAP: Evidence 3:.

Connection to SOAP: Evidence 3: “Or whether being black means sheltering at home for the rest of their lives because the racism virus infecting the country is more deadly than COVID-19.”

Connection to SOAP - a.

Essay Resources: What is a Essay

Assignment Sheet Rhetorical Precis Overview SOAP CHAT Slides Rhetorical analysis verbs Transition words Rubric (page 4) Exemplar rhetorical analysis

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