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Dust Bowl Dbq

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During the 1920’s flappers, a group of women, decided not to care what society thought, and did as they pleased throughout this time of opportunity. In the 1920’s it was a great time of opportunity, but it later led to struggle during the late 1920’s and 1930’s. In the 1920’s, the economy was booming. New inventions are constantly being created to make people’s lives easier. The invention of the automobile and the four-way tri-colored traffic lights made it easier for people to get around and traffic to easily flow. The automobile industry provides over 300,000 people with jobs. The industry was also producing a mass production of cars, like Henry Ford’s Model T, and people were spending money on them. People were spending money on the automobile so they could easily get around, and travel to …show more content…
Herbert was blamed for the downfall of the economy. This time period was the start of the Great Depression and World War II. The Dust Bowl occurred during the Great Depression. Farmers were struggling with the drought, high temps, strong winds, soil erosion, overproduction, and crops not being healthy because of these factors. Because of the Dust Bowl, lots of farms were destroyed and abandoned. The Government got involved to help these farmers who were struggling. The Emergency Relief Appropriation Act was passed, which helped refund farmers. Not only were farmers having difficulties during the 1930’s, but also many other people. Over 15,000 people lost their jobs and were unemployed. The Government also got involved in lending a hand to the people who were dealing with these complications. Hoovervilles: unsanitary houses for people who were struggling were created to try and help out with the homeless. Although the government was trying to help out by providing homes for the people struggling, Hoovervilles were filled with poverty and crime. Soup lines were made to try and contribute to the

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