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Sex Trafficking In America

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“Wherever you live, regardless of the city or nation, some form of human trafficking exists” (Hepburn, 2010, p. 2). This same theory is also true for trafficking for commercial sexual exploitation. Sex trafficking trades people, mainly women and girls, into the commercial sex industry to be used. Sex trafficking has profited billions of dollars into the traffickers in various nations. A nation-state is a term coined to a country that rules themself, has a system of rule, and people and a place to rule over. Even within nation-states, the definition of prostitution and sex work can change dramatically throughout time due to concepts such as social norms. “Both ‘deviant behavior’ and the laws dealing with it are, of course, a product of ‘dramatized social movements’ resting on ‘cultural imagination’ (Ball, 2012, p. 26). …show more content…
Every nation-state may regulate a variety of activities in completely different ways, which is especially important when discussing sex trafficking due to the differences in social norms. For example, in Indonesia, a country where prostitution is not illegal, they face issues with forced labor and debt bondage because pimping is illegal. In New York, where prostitution and sex work is illegal, women from places such as China or Korea travel there with the knowledge they will work in the sex industry, but are later coerced, threatened, or become subject to debt bondage (Chin & Finckenauer, 2012). Every country has different attractions and pull factors for women migrating there, but in the end a lot of these women become subject to some form of trafficking. It is important for each nation to understand the true nature of the crime and these nation-states need to find a way to halt the crime from

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