...The 13th, 14th, 15th, and 19th amendments have all greatly affected and changed the lives of many Americans for different reasons. Each of these amendments has to due with giving people equal rights no matter what race or gender that they may be. These are all tremendous milestones in American history. First, the 13th amendment was passed in 1865 to end slavery. African Americans were no longer allowed to be considered as property. Instead, they became viewed as real people, and slavery was banned unless it was used as a form of punishment This amendment was passed because before and during the civil war, most northern citizens strongly stood against slavery. They thought it was unjust to make people work for long hours and to be treated unfairly. This amendment clearly and effectively signified that no American citizen could own slaves....
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...4 Ethics & Values 6 Attributes 6 Behavior 8 Followers 9 Motivation 9 Satisfaction & Performance 9 Groups 10 The Rocket Model 10 Situation 11 Situational Levels 11 Emancipation Proclamation 12 Death 13 Conclusion 13 References 14 Introduction Abraham Lincoln was the 16th President of the United States of America. Abraham was born on February 12, 1809 to Thomas Lincoln and Nancy Hanks. He grew up in both Kentucky and Indiana as the son of a farmer who preferred him to work on the farm rather than read books. Lincoln had an intellectual ambition however and was in constant pursuit of knowledge through his readings. Abraham set out for Illinois in 1831 and studied to become a lawyer which he eventually did in 1836 after passing the bar examination. He was then elected to the Illinois State Legislature in 1836, 1838, and 1840. After his retirement from legislature in 1841, Lincoln went on to marry Mary Todd Lincoln in 1842. He then began devoting the majority of his time to law practice until 1847 when he was elected and served in Congress (McPherson, 2000). Lincoln would continue to move in and out of politics for the next 14 years as was continually defeated in bids and elections for office. It wasn’t until 1861, after losing five straight bids for office that Lincoln would be elected President of the United States. On his campaign to the Presidency, Lincoln spoke out to end the institution of slavery instead of allowing the country...
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...Abigail Almog Mrs. Burns ELA English 11 24 September 2024 Writing Freedom: An Argumentative Essay What is the purpose of freedom if it is not equal for all? As Abraham Lincoln said, “I have never had a feeling politically that did not spring from the sentiments embodied in the Declaration of Independence.” The Declaration of Independence lists several claims that refer to all men as being created equal, entitling them to several basic rights and liberties. The Gettysburg Address has a similar theme, emphasizing the importance of ensuring these freedoms are accessible to all American citizens, regardless of their cultural background. The concept of liberty falls hand in hand with that of freedom, as one cannot exist without maintaining the principles of the other. Lincoln’s concept of equality in The...
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...many ways, this claim speaks the truth. The mammy, sambo, pickaninny, zip coon, and uncle are a few important caricatures that prove white America’s innermost fears regarding race and white superiority. The mammy caricature is one that defeminizes African American women. Drawn as a smiling, hefty servant, her loyalty to her white owner’s family trumps that to her own children. The mammy was used as evidence of the “humanity” of slavery’s institution, for she was posited as content with her lowly position. This caricature reflects the fear of mixing races. By desexualizing African American women, like the mammy, then white men would then be less likely to become sexually involved with them. Many blues artists in the 1920s-30s stood up against the mammy caricature, such as Ma Rainey; her image stood to sexualize the mammy. The sambo caricature was depicted as a perpetual child, one who was incapable of living an independent life outside of the institution of slavery. This loyal servant was offered as a defense for slavery, for if blacks like the sambo were happy being servants, what could be wrong with segregation and slavery in the first place? This caricature showcases the dependency of whites on the institution of slavery. By suggesting an image of blissful servitude, then one suggests little reason to...
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...One of Americas most defining moments in history began with a siege on Fort Sumter on April 12th, 1861 in Charleston, South Carolina. When Fort Sumter was attacked by the Confederacy, few realized the implications of what had just happened. It was at this time that America’s most deadly war took place, and the beginning of a new era of freedom for all had begun. Six days after South Carolina declared is secession from the Federal Union, Maj. Anderson (Union) moved the troops under his control to Fort Sumter; in hopes of delaying an attack by the South. Unfortunately for him, Fort Sumter had not yet been completed. Some of the walls were not as tall as they should have been because they had not yet finished being built. Thus, Maj. Anderson...
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...An examination of the Bill of Rights and how it extends the protection of the civil liberties to the population, with emphasis on the First, Fourth, and Sixth Amendments, and a description of a public policy implemented to protect the constitutional rights of suspects, when interrogated by the police. The Bill of Rights and Civil Liberties The Bill of Rights is the first initial inclusion of laws to the Constitution, collected as the first ten amendments out of a total of 27 other amendments. This paper discusses three amendments in the Bill of Rights which includes the First, Fourth, and Sixth Amendments, with explanation of each amendment, and how it extends the protection of civil liberties to the population. The First Amendment This Amendment enacts the protection of free speech, religion, press, assembly, and freedom to petition the government (Dautrich & Yolof, 2011). The purpose of this Amendment is to prevent any directive establishing an adherence to a specific religion or any law prohibiting free practice of speech, assembly, and freedom of the press (Volkomer, 2011) The Amendment exclusively affects all individuals living in the U.S. including citizens within the U.S. government. It protects the right for an individual to express themselves freely, without fear of retaliation. The First Amendment is so important, because it protects the rights of the citizens to engage in open discussions and debate on public issues, which are important in any democracy...
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...Just after the mid 1800’s the newly unified United States was still going through the reconstruction of their nation after the civil war. While the country was coming together, questions were being raised about the revolutionary changes regarding social and constitutional ideas. A better understanding of whether there were any revolutionary changes as a result of the civil war can be gained by looking at the decisions made regarding state's power or federal power, black rights, and the untold racism at the time as a result of blacks gaining rights. On a political level a revolution occurred but because of the radical rise of racism after the civil war and even the amount of racism today, socially there is still a long way to go with the battle against racism. During and after the civil war the federal government realized it had to make a change and rule over the state governments. At the end of the secession from the north the government realized that they can not standby and watch the south become its own sovereign country...
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...rights. This essay will recount the bloody paths Americans of all colors had to follow in order to enjoy the civil liberties which so many take for granted today. The origins of civil liberties for the United States dates back to England. The United States has a clean start by including the Bill of Rights in the American Constitution. The Bill of rights at first were the symbolism of American ideals because there was no way of enforcing them until 1803 where in the case of Marbury v. Madison the Supreme Court took action in striking down laws for the first time that were considered unconstitutional. From that point on the Supreme Court established a precedent of wielding the power to strike down any unconstitutional legislation. Marbury v. Madison happened long before the Civil War and before any of the other cases mentioned. However its importance to civil liberties is essential to any civil liberty essays because it was the one case that allowed for the Supreme Court to take action and enforce the bill of rights along with any other law that is deemed unconstitutional. It was this case that brought about the exercise of judicial review in the United States under Article III of the U.S. Constitution, guaranteeing the rights of every American one case at a time. Although countless Americans lost their civil liberties during the civil war due to President Lincoln suspending the Writ of Habeas Corpus, a larger number of others benefited by Lincoln’s polices as did African Americans and...
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...February 1st, 2016 HIS-202 Trochim Reconstruction Reconstruction was a time era, 1863 to 1877, in American history where there was an attempt to resolve issues from the Civil War. It was a period of putting back the pieces. The Confederacy and slavery were demolished and the development of the Constitution strengthened the rights of citizens. The movement tackled the return of southern states that had estranged, the status of previous confederate leaders, and the Constitutional status of the African-Americans. Controversy on how to handle the situations and by the 1870s Reconstruction had been considered a failure for the lack of equally integrating the recently freed slaves into the legal, political, economic and social system. The Dunning School perceived Reconstruction as a failure for different reasons. They claimed Reconstruction took freedom and rights away from qualified Caucasians and gave it to unqualified African-Americans. Revisionism focused on economics, and ultimately downplayed political and constitutional issues. They claimed that the movement was an attempt by financiers, railroad builders, and industrialists to use the Republican Party to control the national government for their own selfish economic needs. There has been much debate as far as which interpretation is best. Dunning’s interpretation is best because although it views the failure of Reconstruction, it also draws attention to what Reconstruction achieved. Reconstruction allowed for former slaves...
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...the form of modern day slavery, which is also referred to as human trafficking. Human trafficking comes in several forms and it can in many ways be a hidden problem within our country that many people do not see on a day to day basis. Many people may not ever actually see the problem of human trafficking at all in their lifetime. Human trafficking has many different effects on its victims, but the most damaging effect caused by human trafficking is the psychological effects that can last a lifetime and can cause many future problems, such as being able to function properly and being able to trust others again after their terrible experience. Basically to be able to summarize the issue of human trafficking, we must first take a look at what exactly human trafficking is. Human trafficking is in its most basic form an aspect of modern day slavery as we would compare it to. According to the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (2000), human trafficking is, “Trafficking in persons as the recruitment, transportation, transfer, harboring or receipt of persons, by means of the threat or use of force or other forms of coercion, of abduction, of fraud, of deception, of the abuse of power or of a position of vulnerability or of the giving or receiving of payments or benefits to achieve the consent of a person having control over another person, for the purpose of exploitation” (para. 1). The crime of human trafficking is very widespread throughout our country and this problem...
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...Underground Railroad. Before the beginning of the American Civil War, there was a secret network system that freed thousands of slaves. This system was named the Underground Railroad, not for being directly underground or because it was a railway station, but “because of the secret nature of the network”...
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...three that really stick out to me to have shaped the United States economy, social, and political aspects. The first court case that was very influential during this time period was Marbury v. Madison where the concept of Judicial Review and judging how much power congress has were established. This case mainly influenced the political aspect of the United States because it focused on power. McCulloch v. Madison is another case that influenced the US, especially in the area of economics. The case was about whether or not the National Bank should have overall control over other banks and how much control they had. The third and final case that I think is equally as...
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...Assess the significance of Federalism. The founding fathers had to make a compromise that would satisfy the 13 independent colonies, meanwhile providing a secure central base. This resulted in The United States government adopting federalism. Even though federalism isn’t mentioned in the constitution, the principles of federalism are mentioned in various articles. For example article 1 section 8 displays the power available to congress. It contains the ‘elastic clause’ that potentially gives the federal government so much power over the states. And the amendments provide a list of ‘can’t do’s’ for the states. For example states can’t enter into treaties with foreign powers. As the aspects of federalism is displayed in the codified constitution, signifies the importance for the US to collectively follow this system. However, Federalism is a method of government that also allows the states to maintain their sovereignty, without the fear of intervention of the central government, unless they violate or clash with the constitution. This is evident as each state has its own constitution and its own executive, legislature and judiciary all working within the limits set by the national constitution; executive; legislature and judiciary. An example of a state constitution that has relevant articles to its needs is Idaho. For instance in their constitutions article 16, section 1 the constitution talks of the need for the Idaho legislature to pass laws that protect livestock from disease...
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...Material Influences on the Constitution Table Write one or two paragraphs in each section. Include citations for your sources. Documents Summary What was its influence on the Constitution? Magna Carta Magna Carta, also called Magna Carta Libertatum or The Great Charter of the Liberties of England, is an English charter, originally issued in Latin in the year 1215, translated into vernacular-French as early as 1219,[1] and reissued later in the 13th century in changed versions. The later versions excluded the most direct challenges to the monarch's authority that had been present in the 1215 charter. The charter first passed into law in 1225; the 1297 version, with the long title (originally in Latin) "The Great Charter of the Liberties of England, and of the Liberties of the Forest," still remains on the statute books of England and Wales. The 1215 charter required King John of England to proclaim certain liberties, and accept that his will was not arbitrary, for example by explicitly accepting that no "freeman" (in the sense of non-serf) could be punished except through the law of the land, a right which is still in existence today. Magna Carta was the principal document forced onto an English King by a group of his matters, the feudal barons, in an effort to limit his powers by law and protect their privileges. It was followed and directly influenced by the Charter of Liberties in 1100, in which King Henry I had specified particular areas wherein his powers have...
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...When the Civil War came to a close on April 9, 1865 at Appomattox Courthouse, it was obvious that making amends between the conflicting regions was going to be a difficult task. Reconstruction was a period plagued by conflict because there was no precedent or blueprints on how to deal with secession because the Founding Fathers never thought it would happen. There were several different ideas on how to go about Reconstruction, but they all conflicted with one another. I agree with these different plans by Lincoln, Johnson, and Congress to a certain extent, the Reconstruction policies were mediocre and could have been improved, Southern resistance was provoked but not justified, and lastly the most lasting impact of Reconstruction was the increase...
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