...causes of fa ta l crashes (in orde r): 1. Failing to mainta in lane position 2. Speeding 3. Driving unde r the influe nce of alcohol, drugs and othe r medica tion 4. Failing to yie ld the right-of-wa y 5. Inatte ntion 6. Re ck less driving 7. Failing to obe y tra ffic signs or signals 8. Imprope r driving te chnique 9. Mak ing a n imprope r turn 10. Drowsy driving 11. Obscured vision 12. Driving the wrong wa y on a one -wa y stree t Tra ffic enginee rs a nd la wmake rs ha ve designe d the roads, la ws and traffic controls to he lp drive rs anticipa te and predict wha t othe r road use rs a re about to do. These efforts a re in our best inte rest a nd reduce the chances of us crashing into ea ch othe r. In our integra te d tra nsporta tion system a ll drive rs ha ve to depend on ea ch othe r to follow the rules. Page 1 Our socie ty give s you the free dom to come and go whe re and whe n you wish. Howe ve r, driving is not a constitutiona l right it is a privilege you ea rned upon re ce iving your lice nse . You a re obliga ted to follow state licensing regula tions a nd rules-of-the-road in orde r to keep tha t privile ge. Your licensing...
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...Mystic – someone who has undergone a transformation from which they emerge in the realized oneness of god, ourselves and all things. Although I am not God, I am not other than God either. That there is a oneness that wholly pervades the divisions and fragmentations of our lives, and the realization of this oneness the divisions and fragmentations loses their tyranny over our heart for we live in the intimate experience of the oneness that wholly pervades the divisions and fragmentations. And they live with a sense of joy and sense of freedom from fear, that fear has no foundations, a sense of peace in the midst of life as it is. Its not the peace that’s dependent on the outcome of our efforts to have the situation turn out the way we want it to. Rather it is a peace that invincibly pervades the whole process and the outcome itself regardless of the outcome. Mystics bear witness to this realized oneness with a sense of respect even reverence for life, for all things, manifested most concretely as love. As the Buddhists say, compassion is the body of emptiness, Aquinas, charity is the form of faith, that love is the shape of our faith, that faith configures itself as love. The mystic is hidden in the world as God is hidden in the world, but some are called upon to be mystic teachers, called upon to offer guidance and encouragement to us who feel interiorly called to this path of realized oneness. To be amazed and humbled that this applies to you, to be interiorly awakened...
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...THIRD EDITI ----- --·-- --·-- - - -- - O N -- SU PP LY CH AI N MA NA GE ME NT Stra tegy , Plan ning , and Ope ratio n Sunil Chopra Kellogg Schoo l of Manag ement Northwestern University Peter Meindl Stanfo rd University --------Prentice I-I all Uppe r Saddl e River , New Jersey ·--· PEAR SON -- · - · - - - "ibrary of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data :::hopra, Sunil Supply chain management: strategy, planning, and operation I Sunil Chopra, >eter Meind!.-3rd ed. p. em. Includes bibliographical references and index. ISBN: 0-13-208608-5 1. Marketing channels-Managemen t. 2. Delivery of goods-Management. i. Physical distribution of goods-Management. 4. Customer servicesvfanagement. 5. Industrial procurement. 6. Materials management. I. vfeindl, Peter II. Title. HF5415.13.C533 2007 658.7-dc22 2006004948 \VP/Executive Editor: Mark Pfaltzgraff ii:ditorial Director: Jeff Shelstad ;enior Project Manager: Alana Bradley E:ditorial Assistant: Barbara Witmer Vledia Product Development Manager: Nancy Welcher \VP/Executive Marketing Manager: Debbie Clare Vlarketing Assistant: Joanna Sabella ;enior Managing Editor (Production): Cynthia Regan flroduction Editor: Melissa Feimer flermissions Supervisor: Charles Morris Vlanufacturing Buyer: Michelle Klein Vlanager, Print Production: Christy Mahon Composition/Full-Service Project Management: Karen Ettinger, TechBooks, Inc. flrinter/Binder: Hamilton Printing Company Inc. fypeface: 10/12 Times Ten Roman :::redits...
Words: 138607 - Pages: 555
...David d White, esta W ablished a view that companies s that are su t uccessful in the long term have n e growth initi g iatives in th hree stages: Horizon 1, : , the mature slow growt businesses; Horizon t th n 2, 2 the emerging high growth businesses; and g d Horizon 3, t embryon ideas an pilots ofH the nic nd ten found in R&D. Moore asserts in the art n s ticle that h has obs t he served a t tendency of f companies, particularl technolo c ly ogy companies, to ta n ake promising H3 pr rojects and d launch them directly in H1 whe they ofl m nto ere ten are un t nsuccessful under the weight of f near-term fi n inancial pre essures and the need to o conform to the curren business model and c nt d organization norms. The Clarion Group has o nal T n s used the H u H1-2-3 framework with dozens of h f clients over the years, and we hav seen the c ve e phenomenon Moore describes o p n d occasionally. . However, using the H1-2-3 framework as a H H diagnostic, we have also seen ot d a ther trends s more freque m ently – tren nds which impede our r clients’ abili to grow. c ity st es occupied wit existth Mos companie are preo ing businesses; they must learn to p ; t pay more ention to w where they are headed versus d atte chan nneling all o their ene of ergy into wh here they are today. The authors of the H1-2-3 framee f 3 oherent way to talk ab y bout curwork offer a co t rent businesses, new enterprises...
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...THIRD EDITI ----- --·-- --·-- - - -- - O N -- SU PP LY CH AI N MA NA GE ME NT Stra tegy , Plan ning , and Ope ratio n Sunil Chopra Kellogg Schoo l of Manag ement Northwestern University Peter Meindl Stanfo rd University PEAR SON --------Prentice I-I all Uppe r Saddl e River , New Jersey ·--· -- · - · - - - "ibrary of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data :::hopra, Sunil Supply chain management: strategy, planning, and operation I Sunil Chopra, >eter Meind!.-3rd ed. p. em. Includes bibliographical references and index. ISBN: 0-13-208608-5 1. Marketing channels-Managemen t. 2. Delivery of goods-Management. i. Physical distribution of goods-Management. 4. Customer servicesvfanagement. 5. Industrial procurement. 6. Materials management. I. vfeindl, Peter II. Title. HF5415.13.C533 2007 658.7-dc22 2006004948 \VP/Executive Editor: Mark Pfaltzgraff ii:ditorial Director: Jeff Shelstad ;enior Project Manager: Alana Bradley E:ditorial Assistant: Barbara Witmer Vledia Product Development Manager: Nancy Welcher \VP/Executive Marketing Manager: Debbie Clare Vlarketing Assistant: Joanna Sabella ;enior Managing Editor (Production): Cynthia Regan flroduction Editor: Melissa Feimer flermissions Supervisor: Charles Morris Vlanufacturing Buyer: Michelle Klein Vlanager, Print Production: Christy Mahon Composition/Full-Service Project Management: Karen Ettinger, TechBooks, Inc. flrinter/Binder: Hamilton Printing Company Inc. fypeface:...
Words: 141930 - Pages: 568
...Pope Francis’ speech at Malacañang January 16, 2015 10:36am Below is the full text of Pope Francis' speech at Malacañang after his courtesy call on President Aquino on Friday, Jan. 16. Ladies and Gentlemen, I thank you, Mr President, for your kind welcome and for your words of greeting in the name of the authorities and people of the Philippines, and the distinguished members of the Diplomatic Corps. I am most grateful for your invitation to visit the Philippines. My visit is above all pastoral. It comes as the Church in this country is preparing to celebrate the fifth centenary of the first proclamation of the Gospel of Jesus Christ on these shores. The Christian message has had an immense influence on Filipino culture. It is my hope that this important anniversary will point to its continuing fruitfulness and it’s potential to inspire a society worthy of the goodness, dignity and aspirations of the Filipino people. In a particular way, this visit is meant to express my closeness to our brothers and sisters who endured the suffering, loss and devastation caused by Typhoon Yolanda. Together with many people throughout the world, I have admired the heroic strength, faith and resilience demonstrated by so many Filipinos in the face of this natural disaster, and so many others. Those virtues, rooted not least in the hope and solidarity instilled by Christian faith, gave rise to an outpouring of goodness and generosity, especially on the part of so...
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...governments formally asked for it.. Indian government is not asking for the details... ..no marks for guessing why? We need to start a movement to pressurize the government to do so! This is perhaps the only way, and a golden opportunity, to expose the high and mighty and weed out corruption! . Please read on..and forward to all the honest Indians to.. like somebody is forwarding to you... and build a ground-swell of support!for action ! . Is India poor, who says? Ask the Swiss banks. With personal account deposit bank of $1,500 billion in foreign reserve which have been misappropriated, an amount 13 times larger than the country's foreign debt, one needs to rethink if India is a poor country? DISHONEST INDUSTRIALISTS, scandalous politicians and corrupt IAS, IRS, IPS officers have deposited in foreign banks in their illegal personal accounts a sum of about $1500 billion, which have been misappropriated by them. This amount is about 13 times larger than the country's foreign debt. With this amount 45 crore poor people can get Rs 1,00,000 each. This huge amount has been appropriated from the people of India by exploiting and betraying them. Once this huge amount of black money and property comes back to India , the entire foreign debt can be repaid in 24 hours. After paying the entire foreign debt, we will have surplus amount, almost 12 times larger than the foreign...
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...Report of Online Discussion WOMEN IN LEADERSHIP ROLES Coordinated by the Division for the Advancement of Women Department of Economic and Social Affairs United Nations Hosted by WomenWatch With support from the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) 19 November to 15 December 2007 Disclaimer: The views expressed in this report reflect the opinions of participants to the online discussion and not the official views of the United Nations Contents 1. Introduction................................................................................................................................ 3 2. Theme One: Status of women in leadership positions globally ....................................................... 5 2.1. Country experiences ................................................................................................................5 2.2. Ability of women in leadership positions to influence change .....................................................6 2.3. Instruments and methodologies to measure impact ..................................................................8 3. Theme Two: Factors that influence women’s access to decision-making positions —views from public administration, the judiciary and the private sector................................................................. 9 3.1. Representation of women in the public sector.........................................................................10 3.2. Representation...
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... the lg Way No. 1 LG ong-do Je ement Manag sed ect Ba t Resp emen g Mana lue ng Va s i Creat tomer s for Cu 2 Creating Value For our StakeholderS ContentS getting Started Print BaCk ForWard the lg Way is a reflection of core beliefs, values and aspirations that has driven our growth and success over the years. this is the success that leads us to create greater value for all our stakeholders. ever since our products first touched our customers more than 50 years ago, a strong dedication to enrich our customers’ lives and a spirit of respect and unity among colleagues has always been at the heart of the Company. our management philosophy is a reflection of core beliefs, values and aspirations that has driven our growth and success over the years. this is the success that leads us to create greater value for all our stakeholders. Our Vision Being a no. 1 company is not about being the biggest or the most profitable. a true no. 1 company is one that holds sound and transparent management practices as the foundation to achieving global competitiveness and preeminent market presence. this is our promise to our stakeholders. We continue to practice “the right Way” to build an lg electronics that is respected by competitors, trusted by its customers and admired by talented people around the world. Our Philosophy ‘Creating Customer Value’ represents what we strive for in our daily activities. in everything we do, we always consider what our customers...
Words: 18127 - Pages: 73
...THE SIXTH AND SEVENTH BOOKS OF MOSES; OR, MOSES' MAGICAL SPIRIT-ART KNOWN AS THE WONDERFUL ARTS OF THE WISE OLD HEBREWS, TAKEN FROM THE MOSAIC BOOKS OF THE CABALA AND THE TALMUD, FOR THE GOOD OF MANKIND. Translated from the German, Word for Word, according to Old Writings. WITH NUMEROUS ENGRAVINGS EGYPTIAN PUBLISHING CO. 609 STAR BUILDING 356 DEARBORN ST CHICAGO, ILL. Preface The first edition of this volume has been commended and criticized by the public. It was admitted to be a valuable compendium of the curiosities of literature generally, and especially of that pertaining to magic, but that it was at the same time calculated to foster superstition, and thereby promote evil -- a repitition of the charge made against the honorable HORST, the publisher of a magical library. In our enlightened age, the unprejudiced will observe in the publication of such a work, only what the author claims, namely, a contribution in reference to the aforesaid literature and culture of no trifling merit; but in regard to the believer also, the issue of a cheap edition will be more serviceable than the formerly expensive propductions on sorcery, which were only circulated in abstract forms and sold at extortionate rates. What other practical value the above named edition may possess is not the question. Let us not, therefore, underrate this branch of popular literature; the authors wrote in accordance with a system which was, or at least, seemed clear to them, and...
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...A Stranger in the Mirror By: Sidney Sheldon Category: Fiction Suspense Synopsis: Toby Temple is a superstar, the world's funniest man. He gets any woman that he wants, but under the superstar image is a lonely man. Jill Castle is a sensuous starlet. She has a dark and mysterious past and has an ambition even greater than Toby's. Together they rule Hollywood. Last printing: 05/21/02 `;/91' ISBN: 0-2366-102-9772-1 Sidney Sheldon has had a most remarkable career. The New York Times acclaimed his novel. The Naked Face, as ' the best first mystery novel of the year '. At the age of twenty-four Mr Sheldon had three hit musicals playing simultaneously on Broadway. A theatrical motion picture, and television producer-writer-director, Mr Sheldon has been awarded an Oscar for his original screenplay of The Bachelor and the Bobby Soxer, Screen Writers Guild Awards for Annie Get Tour Gun and Easter Parade and a Tony for Broadway show Redhead. He lives in Los Angeles with his wife, actress Jorja Curtright, and their daughter Mary. Books by Sidney Shelton A STRANGER W THE MIRROR THB OTHBK SIDE OF MIDNIGHT THH NAKED FACE A STRANGER IN THE MIRROR by Sidney Sheldon First published 1976 by Hodder and Stoughton Ltd © Sidney Sheldon 1976 First Indian edition published 1976 by the macmillan company of india ltd under arrangement with Pan Books Ltd, Cavaye Place, London SW10 9PG Reprinted 1981 This book is sold subject to the condition that it shall not, by way of trade or otherwise, be lent...
Words: 36901 - Pages: 148
...break the enemy’s will and capacity to resist. Brig. Gen. Huba Wass de Czege Defeating the enemy’s will. That is the essence of maneuver warfare, that you defeat the enemy’s will to fight rather than his ability to fight. But how do you defeat a man’s mind? We can measure and precisely quantify the mechanics of defeating the enemy’s ability to fight, and it is this tangible, mathematical quality that makes attacking the enemy’s physical ability to fight so much more attractive than attacking the enemy’s psychological will to fight. At some level none of us can truly be comfortable when we dwell on the fact that our destiny as soldiers and military leaders ultimately depends on something as nebulous and unquantifiable as an enemy’s “will,” and we are tempted to ignore such aspects of warfare. But somewhere in the back of our minds, a still, small voice reminds us that ultimately the paths of victory run not through machinery and material, but through the hearts and minds of human beings. So what is the foundation of the will to fight and kill in combat and what are the vulnerable points in this foundation? In short: what are the psychological underpinnings of maneuver warfare? To answer these questions, students of maneuver warfare must truly understand, as we have never understood before, the psychological responses of that hungry, frightened, cold individual soldier in combat. “Of the maimed, of the halt and the blind in the rain and the cold, of these must our story be told.”1 S...
Words: 17523 - Pages: 71
...A Stranger in the Mirror By: Sidney Sheldon Category: Fiction Suspense Synopsis: Toby Temple is a superstar, the world's funniest man. He gets any woman that he wants, but under the superstar image is a lonely man. Jill Castle is a sensuous starlet. She has a dark and mysterious past and has an ambition even greater than Toby's. Together they rule Hollywood. Last printing: 05/21/02 `;/91' ISBN: 0-2366-102-9772-1 Sidney Sheldon has had a most remarkable career. The New York Times acclaimed his novel. The Naked Face, as ' the best first mystery novel of the year '. At the age of twenty-four Mr Sheldon had three hit musicals playing simultaneously on Broadway. A theatrical motion picture, and television producer-writer-director, Mr Sheldon has been awarded an Oscar for his original screenplay of The Bachelor and the Bobby Soxer, Screen Writers Guild Awards for Annie Get Tour Gun and Easter Parade and a Tony for Broadway show Redhead. He lives in Los Angeles with his wife, actress Jorja Curtright, and their daughter Mary. Books by Sidney Shelton A STRANGER W THE MIRROR THB OTHBK SIDE OF MIDNIGHT THH NAKED FACE A STRANGER IN THE MIRROR by Sidney Sheldon First published 1976 by Hodder and Stoughton Ltd © Sidney Sheldon 1976 First Indian edition published 1976 by the macmillan company of india ltd under arrangement with Pan Books Ltd, Cavaye Place, London SW10 9PG Reprinted 1981 This book is sold subject to the condition that it shall not, by way of trade or otherwise, be lent...
Words: 36901 - Pages: 148
...R AJA Y OGA rajyaeg S WAMI V IVEKANANDA CELEPHAÏS PRESS Issued by Celephaïs Press, somewhere beyond the Tanarian Hills (i.e. Leeds, England), August 2003 E.V. Revised and corrected, November 2003. This work is in the public domain. EACH SOUL IS POTENTIALLY DIVINE. THE GOAL IS TO MANIFEST THIS DIVINE WITHIN, BY CONTROLLING NATURE, EXTERNAL AND INTERNAL. DO THIS EITHER BY WORK, OR WORSHIP, OR PSYCHIC CONTROL, OR PHILOSOPHY, BY ONE, OR MORE, OR ALL OF THESE—AND BE FREE. IS THE WHOLE OF RELIGION. DOCTRINES, OR DOGMAS, OR RITUALS, OR BOOKS, OR TEMPLES, OR FORMS, ARE BUT SECONDARY DETAILS. THIS PREFACE SINCE the dawn of history, various extraordinary phenomena have been recorded as happening amongst human beings. Witnesses are not wanting in modern times to attest the fact of such events, even in societies living under the full blaze of modern science. The vast mass of such evidence is unreliable, as coming from ignorant, superstitious, or fraudulent persons. In many instances the so-called miracles are imitations. But what do they imitate? It is not the sign of a candid and scientific mind to throw overboard anything without proper investigation. Surface scientists, unable to explain the various extraordinary mental phenomena, strive to ignore their very existence. They are, therefore, more culpable than those who think that their prayers are answered by a being, or beings, above the clouds, or than those who believe that their petitions will make such beings...
Words: 64342 - Pages: 258
...Memoirs Of A Geisha Arthur Golden Chapter one Suppose that you and I were sitting in a quiet room overlooking a gar -1 den, chatting and sipping at our cups of green tea while we talked J about something that had happened a long while ago, and I said to you, "That afternoon when I met so-and-so . . . was the very best afternoon of my life, and also the very worst afternoon." I expect you might put down your teacup and say, "Well, now, which was it? Was it the best or the worst? Because it can't possibly have been both!" Ordinarily I'd have to laugh at myself and agree with you. But the truth is that the afternoon when I met Mr. Tanaka Ichiro really was the best and the worst of my life. He seemed so fascinating to me, even the fish smell on his hands was a kind of perfume. If I had never known him, I'm sure I would not have become a geisha. I wasn't born and raised to be a Kyoto geisha. I wasn't even born in Kyoto. I'm a fisherman's daughter from a little town called Yoroido on the Sea of Japan. In all my life I've never told more than a handful of people anything at all about Yoroido, or about the house in which I grew up, or about my mother and father, or my older sister -and certainly not about how I became a geisha, or what it was like to be one. Most people would much rather carry on with their fantasies that my mother and grandmother were geisha, and that I began my training in dance when I was weaned from the breast, and so on. As a matter of fact, one day many years...
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