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White Rose Thesis

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The White rose was a Jewish resistance group that made a very big impact on World War Two but they didn't use guns to fight the nazi troops, they used words. The white rose was a group of student medical corps from the army who met in Munich. They would talk about literature,philosophy,religion,music, and drank wine late into the night. The group was a very fun and loving at the time, but that was before the nazis attacked. Once the nazis started to take Jews and take over the Jewish population Hans scholl and Alexander schmorell decided to take action against the nazi regime. The students who formed the white rose started to question the nazis ideals and ridicule their grand public displays and rallies. A man named mueller got himself his …show more content…
It is no question that our death only makes sense if we are fighting against hitler and not for him in Russia.” Once the white rose had enough members the white rose finally formed on the June of 1942. Now that he white rose was formed their first act was to spread the word that nazis are invading the land. This letter was sent to all Germans and also hitler himself. Once the white rose finally made the first leaflet they distributed is online 6 1942. This leaflet criticize the Germans who joined hitler's regime and urged them to passively resist the nazis instead. These leaflets started to become very inspiration pieces of art to the Jews locked away in camps and Jews hiding from the nazi parties. Many leaflets were usually copied and passed on, and while they became more and more popular they started to talk about how the nazis are bad and murder over 300,000 Jews over World War Two. The white rose knew that the nazis were looking for them and wanted to kill them, but the white rose tried as hard as they could to stay hidden while making a movement. Sadly, in 1943 the a member of a school found some members of the white rose trying to hide copies of their sixth

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