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Who Is King Arthur A Hero

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(-- removed HTML --) is a movie filmed by Antoine Fuqua in 2004. The film is mainly about 3 groups, Arthur and his knights, the Woad and the Saxons. Roman cavalry master Arthur and his knights has been defended Hadrian's wall against the Woads, a group of native Britons who resist against Rome, for 15 years in charge. The night which Arthur and his knights were promised to get freedom, bishop Germanus send them to redeem a family who lives north. Although it is almost a suicidal mission, Arthur decides to accept the order. During their final mission, he saved one of the Woads, Guinevere. One night, Guinevere takes Arthur to meet with Merlin, the leader of the Woad and her father. Arthur first thinks Guinevere has betrayed him, but Merlin suggests an alliance between Arthur's group and the Woads against the invading Saxons. Finally, they defeat the Saxons. The film shows a clear contrast of hero and villans. The heros are …show more content…
Also, he saves Guinevere, who was tortured by Marius, in his mission. Not only him but his fellows are heroic because they shows strong friendship by coming back to Arthur to fight against the Saxons even though he let them to go and live freely. More significantly, they go on a risky mission even they were planned to be released soon. They could have ignore the order and get freedom, but they choose their responsibility rather than their own benefit. Moreover, some of the knights died during the battle. For example, Dagonet sacrifices himself by breaking the ice with is axe on the frozen lake to kill the Saxons who were also standing on the ice. Arthur's loyalty and sympathy and his fellows' fidelity match with the quality of hero. Interestingly, the Woads, who were shown as villains in the beginning, are also a heroic figure because they fights against the Saxons with Arthur's group under their

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