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Persuasive Essay On American Privacy

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As technology advances throughout the years, American’s privacy slowly corrodes over time. It is almost impossible to not be tracked in the United States since there are so many technologies that invades American civilian’s privacy, like cellphone’s applications and satellites. Surely near the future, there will be a device that will allow anyone who uses it to be anonymous from all technologies. For now, this device can be called Personal Anonymous Device (or PAD). PAD will bring American back their privacy when used, but at the price that it could be potentially used for crimes. It is important to mention on how American’s privacy is being threaten over the past few years. According to, as of 2016, 77% of Americans own a smartphone and it is growing steadily yearly. Smartphones usually has many features, in which almost all smart phones have a GPS system, which …show more content…
If there were to be a criminal act being performed on the street, then it is most likely will be difficult to track down the criminal if they were to use PAD to prevent satellite and GPS tracking. Since PAD is still a theoretical idea, if a crime happens to get caught in public and people are to call the police for help, all PADs would temporary be disable within the vicinity of the caller for a set duration in case if the criminal(s) tries to run away from the scene. Another potential danger that might occur is if the PAD itself was poorly manufactured. If criminal manages to reverse engineer PAD, then they can use that information to make a device to allow them to be off the grid permanently from all electronic devices. If a PAD has a safeguard against reverse engineering like the total deletion of all software in the device, then this situation can be

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...means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying and recording, or by any information storage or retrieval system. All trademarks, service marks, registered trademarks, and registered service marks are the property of their respective owners and are used herein for identification purposes only. Printed in the United States of America 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 ISBN 0-536-97722-4 2005240359 AP Please visit our web site at ISBN 0-558-55519-5 PEARSON CUSTOM PUBLISHING 75 Arlington Street, Suite 300, Boston, MA 02116 A Pearson Education Company Research and Writing, Custom Edition. Published by Pearson Custom Publishing. Copyright © 2006 by Pearson Custom Publishing. 1 Reading Arguments ontemporary American culture often seems dominated by argument. Television talk show hosts and radio shock jocks battle over countless issues. Hip-hop artists...

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