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The Cloud Computing Model Described in the Lecture Is an Example of Which Cloud Computing Model?


Submitted By emerthe8524
Words 2205
Pages 9

Course Syllabus | | Print This Page | | | Course Text | | Managing Organizational Change: A multiple perspectives approach
2nd Edition by Ian Palmer, Richard Dunford and Gib Akin
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To find out more about VitalSource Bookshelf, check out the VitalSource FAQ. | | | | Course Description | This course addresses concepts and techniques required to successfully implement change across an organization. Coursework focuses on identifying an organization’s vision as well as opportunities that can align the vision with the organization’s structures, processes, culture, and orientation to the environment. Also addressed are opportunities for and problems in, managing human dynamics in organizations, including intervention techniques, models, principles, and values that indicate how to take charge of planned change efforts in order to achieve success. No prerequisite. | | | Terminal Course Objectives | DeVry

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