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Who Is To Blame For The Tragedy In Romeo And Juliet

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A tragedy has just happened in Verona. In The play Romeo and Juliet by William Shakespeare, two love birds commited suicide. Someone is to blame for these acts. And those people are Mercutio and Benvolio.
If Mercutio and Benvolio had not encouraged Romeo to go to the party then he would not have met Juliet. In chapter I act iv scene i Mercutio said “ hey, you're being a stick in the mud, as cautious as a policeman on night patrol. If you're a stick in a the mud, we’ll pull you out of the mud-i mean out of love, if you'll excuse me for being so rude-where you're stuck up to your ears. Come on, we're wasting precious daylight. Lets go!”. Romeo and Juliet would not have fallen in love and not have suffered such a fate. They most likely would still

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