...ACT 2007 MALAYSIAN CODE ON TAKE-OVERS AND MERGERS 2010 __________________ ARRANGEMENT OF CODE __________________ PART I PRELIMINARY Section 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Citation and commencement Interpretation Company Persons acting in concert Delivery of documents Rulings PART II CONDUCT DURING TAKE-OVER, MERGER AND COMPULSORY ACQUISITION 7. Conduct of persons who intend or are obliged to make a take-over offer, effect a merger, undertake a compulsory acquisition etc. 8. Conduct of persons involved in take-over, merger or compulsory acquisition PART III MANDATORY OFFER 9. Mandatory offer 1 PART IV PARTIAL OFFER 10. Partial offer PART V ANNOUNCEMENT, NOTICE, OFFER DOCUMENT AND STEPS OF TAKING OVER 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. Announcement Offer document Management of the affairs of an offeree Duty of board of director of offeree to issue comments etc. Independent advice circular Profit forecasts and assets valuation PART VI TERMS OF TAKE-OVER 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. Acceptance conditions Conditions of voluntary take-over offers Fulfilment of conditions Right of withdrawal Offer price and settlement of consideration Nature of consideration 2 PART VII TIMING OF TAKE-OVER OFFER 23. 24. 25. 26. Duration of a take-over offer Revision of a take-over offer Closing of a take-over offer Announcement of acceptance PART VIII OBLIGATION OF OFFEROR IN RELATION TO TAKE-OVER OFFER AND COMPULSORY ACQUISITION ...
Words: 17480 - Pages: 70
...is the owner and manager of a construction company that his father started. He is getting close to the age of retirement and is concerned with who will take over for him after he retires. He has a child Robert who has been with the business for four years and is expected to take over for him. He has no formal training but years of experience learning under his father. Martin also has a daughter who is more qualified having studied at an ivy league college and holding an MBA. She also has worked for a multinational conglomerate giving her plenty of experience in the field of business management. Martin is worried that no one will take his daughter seriously and she will fail as a owner and manager of his company. I think that Martin's worries are very justified. If he were to bring his daughter in to the business and let her own and run it out of nowhere his employees would see it as nepotism and would not respect or listen to Dorothy for that reason. What Dorothy should try to do is convince her father to allow her to work in the business and prove herself as a capable leader before deciding who to give his business away to. Dorothy is very qualified to handle this position so she will shine and earn the respect of her workers and family given the opportunity to show what she is capable of. This would also allow Robert to still take over the family business without hurting anyone's feelings and keeping the family close and intact if Dorothy were to fail at her new position. If...
Words: 487 - Pages: 2
...There numerous of people suffering from dementia in today's society, and many caretakers to provide the care for the family member or others with dementia. The US rates over seven hundred thousands of caregivers who care for people with dementia. Caregiver’s personal cost and the risk of their own health is at state, individuals who care for people with dementia normally have a high morbidity. Mostly encountering effects are influenced by the caregiver demographic and personal characteristics, resources and support system. Even consideration of the patient's level of impairment, hours caring for them and if a spouse or adult child. Although the caregivers health is not the responsibility of the patient's health, caring for someone is a clinical...
Words: 950 - Pages: 4
...life. The whole process takes a toll on everyone in the family. Changes begin to take effect as soon as the death is announced and people cope in their own ways. Those individuals who go through these changes vary in age. Not only do adults go through the mourning stage, but the younger children and teenagers do as well. How they deal with the loss is what distinguishes them from each other as well as the different ages. The reaction of an 8-year-old being told someone or something has died will vary from that of an 18-year-old. In my paper, I’m going to be exploring the idea of death and the aftermath based on 3 different age groups. There is going to be a lot of information, but in the end it will be worth it. You will understand the impact of death on various types of people, and maybe you’ll learn how to help someone should you be put in the position. Death takes a toll on children as well as adults. It may not be as overwhelming to children, but it has its effects. How do you tell a child that someone or something dear to them as died? According to the child bereavement UK organization, there is a certain approach you should take. In order to make some sense of what has happened, children need information and explanations. These need to be honest, simple, and in language that the children understand. For example, when talking to a child you should tell them as soon as the death occurs. Don’t wait or they might find out from someone else or over hear a conversation they...
Words: 1504 - Pages: 7
...limit to the amount of unfair treatment and oppressive rule an individual can take. Living in a hostile environment will only promote an uprising for change. That change will include political activism and the search for independence. This is the case for the ethnic groups in Iraq. During Saddam Hussein’s government there were revolts intended to change the boundaries of Iraq set earlier by colonial powers. According to the newspaper “USA Today” When the United States and the coalition of other countries were able to dismantle Hussein’s government the idea of separation began to take form by the local ethnic groups” ( Michaels 2014). During the period of Iraq’s existence, tensions between all of these ethnic groups have emerged due...
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...lying can be destructive, and take over someone's life. Lying takes over Blanche’s life throughout “A Street Car Named Desire” lying allows Blanche to escape the reality of her life when she tells lies to other people, because she starts to let herself believe her own lies. Blanche escapes reality because she is not proud of her past, and wants to be something else but herself. Blanche tries to hide who she is to her friends, and even her family. When Blanche just meets someone, it’s easier to feed them lies about who she is because they don’t know anything about her so it’s easier to believe. It’s more of a struggle to tell her own family lies because they question her because they know her past. Blanche let’s lying destructs her life slowly, by ruining each relationship with someone important to her. Blanche lives in a fantasy world to hide from her reality. Lying can be destructive because people let it overtake their life, and the truth always ends up coming out because people end up forget their lies. In “A Street Car Named Desire” Blanche starts lying to her sister, and she knows she’s lying. Blanche says to Stella in Scene One that she’s taking a “leave of absence” from her job as a schoolteacher. The truth on that situation is that Blanche got fired from her job as a school teacher, and got asked to leave. Later on Blanche lies about her age to Mitch telling him that she is younger than her twenty-five year old sister to Mitch who is seventeen. She lies to...
Words: 1212 - Pages: 5
...An essay on ‘over-parenting’ 1. Summary - The text is about an over-caring single mom, Robyn Lewis, with two boys, Ethan, 21 and Brendan, 18. Robyn is very involved in her son’s lives, by helping them with literally everything. All from doing their laundry to checking their personal e-mails and bank account balance. Brendan and Ethan are both attending college, away from home, and Robyn has a full-time job. Brendan and Ethan are very grateful for their mother, and describe her as a secretary, because she is organizing everything in their lives, for them. The author and consultant on parental relations, Helen Johnson, says and thinks that parents like Robyn Lewis, are far too involved in their children’s lives. She describes Robyn as a ‘Helicopter Mom’, which is a mom who does everything for her child. 2. Outline - In text 1 over-parenting is presented by describing a family, with an over-caring single mother, which does everything for her two sons. The mother believe that by doing everything for them, will keep balance in their lives; “We don’t know how to balance much of our lives yet when we’re 18”, she said. Helena Johnson is a consultant on parental relations, and she says: “I can understand why a parent would think, ‘I’m just doing what I think is right for my son or daughter.’ The problem is, they’re doing exactly what’s wrong for their son or daughter,” So she thinks that by doing everything for your child, the child won’t be self-reliant, the child will be the...
Words: 725 - Pages: 3
...responsible for the lives of thousands of passengers who fly every day in and out of the worlds airports. Over the last 15 years, the number of planes in the sky has doubled, leading to congestion at many airports and putting air traffic controllers under increasing pressure. The controllers battle to maintain separation standards that set the distance between planes as they land and take off. Sheer volume pushes the air traffic controllers skills to limit. Jim Courtney, an air traffic controller at LaGuardia Airport in New York, says: there are half a dozen moments of sheer terror in each year when you did something else for a living. New York – the worlds busiest airspace The busiest airspace in the world is above New York. Around 7500 planes arrive and depart each day at new yorks three airports, John F. Kennedy , LaGuardia and Newark. The three airports form a triangle around Newyork and are just 15 miles from each other. This requires careful coordination of traffic patterns, approach and take-off routes, using predetermined corridors in the sky to keep the planes away from each others. If the wind changes, all three airports work together to change the flight paths. Sophisticated technology fitted to most of the bigger planes creates a safety zone around the aircaraft so that when two aircrafts get near to each other their computers negotiate which is going to take acation to avoid the other and then alert the pilot who changes course. Smaller aircraft, without radar...
Words: 1105 - Pages: 5
...about the illegalization of immigrants coming over to the United States while they’re pregnant. This bill was introduced on May 20, 2015 by Dana Rohrabacher, a congressmen in California. I am for this bill becoming a law. I feel that this bill should become a law because if a women is coming to the United States pregnant, she will be living off our governments support programs. We have no way of telling if this women will find herself a job and be able to take care of her child on her own. If she lives off of the support groups, will she be able to pay taxes? Once she has her baby, how will she afford her hospital bills? Where will she take care of her baby? There are so many questions and situations you have to think about. It’s not that I don’t like that people just come from around the world. I love that people from all different places want the opportunity to start over, but I think that if they want to have a baby here, they should have proof that they will be able to support themselves and their child. Also, they’re families living in the United States who need help and aren’t able to get it. If a women was to come over to the United States and be supported by our government groups, they should be doing something to give back to our community. She should be able to get a job and be able to pay taxes just like every other American. The United States is already over populated as it is, and if we have people coming over who are having children, and CAN’T support them, that’s...
Words: 588 - Pages: 3
...a behavior and thus clearly intended by the individual person.” He goes on in this article talking about how the addict monitors their use and the amount they use, so they are aware of what they are doing which makes it a choice to use. However scientific research proves that the use of drugs and alcohol changes brain patterns and the release of hormones in the brain which actually causes addiction, a disease after the choice to use is in the past. If addiction is a choice then so would be choosing to live an empty life full of pain, health issues, loss, and jail time. Who in their right mind would choose to lead a life like that? Drug and alcohol addiction only begins as a choice which creates a disease developed when the brain is subjected to substance abuse over a period of time, once the brain patterns change, it’s not about choice anymore. The disease of addiction should not be judged by people who have no personal experience and are not willing to face scientific facts. Studies have proven how the brain goes through changes with the use of drugs and alcohol, yet for some reason scientific proof isn’t enough for some individuals. The choice to use drugs or alcohol arises in everyone’s life, and that is agreeable, but the changes that occur in the brain after even that one time use can be permanent and lead to the disease of addiction. Research has proven that some people are more susceptible to...
Words: 2586 - Pages: 11
...The forces that descended the world into World War 2 in 1939 was world powers who accepted the policy of appeasement to avoid war, and Germany, Italy and Japan who took over territory with force in violations of the League of Nations which consisted of . In document 1, Hitler who ruled Germany, took over territory such as Rhineland, which bordered along Germany, and he said it was for the greater good for the country and for Europe. League of Nations met with Hitler to decide the fate of Czechoslovakia which they allowed Germany to take over Czechoslovakia because appeasement was better than to lose men in another war. This meeting allowed Germany to know that the League of Nations didn’t want a war and wouldn’t use force if Germany kept...
Words: 260 - Pages: 2
...and under him the Soviet Union begins to fall, he allows all dissidents to leave, and the Soviet Union is begins losing its power under him. Gorbachev ended the Soviet Union, and its power by allowing states to disband from the Warsaw pact, and free elections to take place. Stalin’s policy of absolute power caused the USSR to thrive while the people living in it to become unhappy, hungry, and have widespread famines. He used a secret police, and wanted to have everything under Government control, while the rest of the world saw him as erratic leader, domestically he was seen as a man to be feared. People being sent to Gulag’s became common, to such an extent it was hard to find someone who did not know anyone in a Gulag. Stalin had all his political opponents killed, and develops the first nuclear bomb for Russia, and has a giant arms race with the US. Under Stalin, the USSR become the first people to send a machine to space, and take over many colonies under the Warsaw Pact. While Stalin had many successful things, he did many things that people domestically hated. He had the Berlin Wall built so no one could leave. He had widespread famines due to wanting to collectivize farming and killing all the rich ones, who worked the hardest, and were the best at their job. Stalin also, led many purges of good generals, and political...
Words: 705 - Pages: 3
...unachievable in professional baseball. If you do not know who they were, these players were known for their power, they were known for their home runs. These kind of players do just randomly appear out of nowhere, they trained their entire lives to get to this point, they deserve it, or do they? These kind of players showed everyone who loved the game of baseball that even though their numbers were...
Words: 1498 - Pages: 6
...free, I will play with Doggie in the garden. it will lie down on my feet, roll over and squirm around me until I give it a stomach rub. I am happy to have a friend who is never busy and can always play with me when I am lonely. Besides, Doggie is just like my family safety guard. it will always help us to take care of our house. I remember that once there was a thief who tried to steal something valuable from my house. On that night, all of us were asleep. None of us noticed that the thief had broken into out house. Luckily, we have Doggie. Doggie barked at the thief fiercely when it noticed the thief. It helped us to chase away the thief. All of us were as happy as a lark because nothing had been stolen by the thief. I am very happy to have a pet dog like Doggie. I believe that caring for animals is important. So, I promised that I will take good care of Doggie forever. I have a pet dog. I named it Doggie. Doggie is a white coloured shepherd dog. it is very lovely and It always licks my cheek. Doggie had been trained before ehile it is in the pet dog. So, it knows how to go back home, sit, stand and stay. Doggie is special to me because it is just like my best friend. everytime when I come back from school, it will run out quickly to welcome me. it will jump onto my arm and lick my cheek. when I am free, I will play with Doggie in the garden. it will lie down on my feet, roll over and squirm around me until I give...
Words: 1096 - Pages: 5
...On September 13, 1814, the Star-Spangled banner was written by Francis Scott Key. He was inspired by the flag over Fort McHenry after a barrage of shots and shells plummeted onto the American fort. As the British pounded throughout the day and night, the smoke had cleared the next day revealing the American flag still flying high over the fort. Key jotted down the few lines saluting the event: “And the rocket’s red glare, the bombs bursting in air, Gave proof through the night that our flag was still there.”The “home of the brave” lyrics represent the heroism of Americans to defend their country. Respect is to feel admiration for what someone has done, and to treat them in a polite and kind way. The soldiers and people who have died for the...
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