Collabora'on that boosts produc'vity Box's advanced collabora;on features increase
employee produc;vity. Comment on preview, @men;ons, tasks, Box Notes, edi;ng, and workflow automa;ons combine for faster business processes. While ShareFile has a few basic collabora;on features, they're merely table stakes in today's market and don't truly increase efficiency.
Powerful pla8orm and integra'ons Use Box as the single content layer across your
organiza;on to boost efficiency and security. Build custom applica;ons or use pre-built integra;ons with key enterprise applica;ons like, MicrosoO Office 365, Google Apps, and more. ShareFile lacks many prebuilt integra;ons and robust APIs to serve as a content plaXorm..
Benefits of the cloud Cloud deployments save ;me and money associated with ini;al setup,
ongoing maintenance, and soOware upgrades. And, the cloud boosts produc;vity by enabling collabora;on from anywhere. Hybrid deployments don't reduce storage or maintenance costs, are more ;me consuming, and scale slowly.
Security repor'ng and controls Ensure the security of your content through Box's repor;ng
and controls, like granular permissions, password-protec;ng and expiring shared links, and repor;ng on
60+ user ac;vi;es. ShareFile lacks security controls that many businesses need, including granular permissions and security policies that quaran;ne sensi;ve data like Social Security and credit card numbers. User Experience Not only does Box provide an interface that resembles the consumer tools
employees are used to, but seemingly simple experiences like beau;ful document previews of nearly any file type, and streamlined file edi;ng, make Box quicker to adopt. When