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Why Do Government Use Executive Orders In Congress?

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There has been a controversial topic in Washington D.C. concerning the president’s use of executive orders. In one hand you have Democrats who believe that executive orders are necessary to combat the United States uncooperative Congress, and on the other hand you have Republicans who believe that executive orders are a form of abusive power by the president. The President is leader of the Executive Branch and has the authority to pass legal binding orders to Federal Administrative agencies. However, in many cases presidents have used executive orders to control and convince agencies into opposing ways to the intentions of Congress. Nevertheless our past’s presidents have encouraged executive orders with the sole purpose of improving our American opportunities.
Our current president, Barack Obama, has caused several controversies between Republicans and Democrats. Obama threatened Congress in his last two …show more content…
In addition, the president’s evidence for authority to pass executive orders derives from Article II, Section 1 of the Constitution which grants the president “Executive Power.” According to, the official federal government’s website, “presidents use executive orders to direct and manage how the federal government operates.” In effect, executive orders are directions from the president that have substantially the same amount of power as federal laws. With that in mind, there are times when Congress cannot agree on how to pass a law or a program, so they fail to come up with details in how to execute the law, and therefore it opens the doors for the president to provide those details in the form of executive orders. If Congress takes a vast amount of time trying to pass laws, in which half of the time they declare them unconstitutional, then one can see why the president resorts to executive orders in his short

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