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Why Do You Think Middle Schoolers Should Have Unstructured Recess

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Have you ever had the thought of 6th graders having recess? Well there is a debate about whether 6th graders should have recess. The debate about recess is whether it should be structured or unstructured. Recess is a period of time during which you are dismissed from your school duties. Middle school students should have recess because they are more attentive, help’s with social skills and fights obesity.

To begin, one reason middle schoolers should have unstructured recess is because they are more attentive in class after recess. Sources s1p4 states that” prior research shows children are less fidgety and are more attentive. This happens because after all the work they do during the day, they are stressed out. Having recess helps because they have time to clear their mind and chill out. The side that argues that middle schoolers should not have recess may say that there is too much work and not enough to have recess. This reasoning is wrong because students are more tired and stressed after their time doing work, so it is critical to give them a break. …show more content…
According to s2p5, “Recess allows children to design their own game, to test their own abilities, to role play, and to mediate their own conflicts, activities that are key to developing social skills.” Unstructured recess brings the task of using your imagination to bring great and bright ideas to life. This gives you a chance to learn and socialize with other children. Let you solve your own quarrels. All in all, unstructured recess lets you build up social skills and lets you solve your own

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