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Why Does Jem Show Courage In To Kill A Mockingbird

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Jem looks up to his father, he is his idol and aspires to become just like him when he grows up. His father is the infamous lawyer Atticus Finch. A brave man who stands by his opinions and is not afraid to be himself. Jem tries to follow his fathers’ footsteps and learn from what he goes through daily.
When Atticus is called because there is a stray dog on the street, Jem observes his father have courage and defend everyone by shooting and killing the dog with a rifle. Jem had been impressed because not only did his father defend everyone from the dog, he had known how to shoot a gun. Jem had only thought of his father a man of the books, not a shooter.
After this occurred, Jem sees courage as a man with a gun. In the hopes of understanding

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