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Things I Learned About Going To School And Work

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If there is one thing I have learned about going to school and working is you have to manage your time wisely. You need to plan your days at least a couple of weeks in advance and stick to your plan. Going to school full time or even three quarter time and working is not easy. You have to make and plan the time to get your work done. I not only go to school full time and work part time, I also have a six year old daughter and I am a single mom. I have to make sure I wake up early enough in the morning to not only get myself ready for school, but my daughter up and ready for school as well. I have to make sure I have the time to get my homework done, but I also have to make sure she gets her homework done as well. Even using time management skills things can still become difficult or hard to complete. However, not taking the time to plan my days and just winging it would make it even more stressful and difficult. …show more content…
The job I have now, I have been working at since before I decided to go back to school to not only better my life, but to provide a good life for my daughter as well. I am currently a care giver for the elderly. When I decided to go back to school my boss let me pick the hours I could and wanted to work based off of my school schedule and she has adjusted my schedule every time a new term starts so that I didn’t have to wait to take a class another term or lose any hours at work. I am also a tutor for accounting at Klamath Community College where I am currently receiving my associate’s degree in Business Management-Accounting. I will be transferring to OIT fall of 2015 to continue my education in accounting and hopefully receive a Bachelor’s

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