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College Advisor Case Study

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It is very important to meet with an advisor because you can learn so much from them and just all around get a better feel of your surroundings here at Virginia Commonwealth University or any other college you are attending. They can help you plan what classes to take each semester, what not to take, or even what to plan for in the future for your success as a college student. They can help you plan on not taking two difficult classes in the same semester, or taking some easy ones when takes a difficult one to get them out of the way. They can also help you get connected with your community and help you get involved with any on campus opportunities that you might not have known about. My personal advisor is Carlton Goode.
I know this might …show more content…
Another decision I am going to make is that I need to stop stressing over the little things, and just be okay with how the semester is going. I need to make the decision to focus more on studying than going down to the game room and hanging with people all the time and be okay with the fact that I will stay in for the night and get my work done. Another decision I will make is the fact that I need to get some curtains for my room. We talked about how I have an amazing view from my place, but I will need to get some curtains that block out the sunlight before any basketball game or anything going on outside. I could also make the decision that I might need some noise canceling headphones due to the fact that I live right on broad street and it gets super loud at night at times.
Some of the reasons I should meet with my advisor is basically the same stuff I mentioned in my first paragraph. They can help with everything dealing with academics and the next four years of classes. They can also help when it comes to other activities around campus and building up your resume. They can also help you understand all the stud applying to your credits that you brought in, if you had any. I brought thirty-one credits with me and I was a bit confused on where each credit was substituted but my advisor helped me understand where each one was

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