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Paid Family Leave Research Paper

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After watching Paid Family Leave with John Oliver, he goes through the requirements that certain companies have in order for you to go through a leave after you have a baby for only 12 weeks and its things such as having fifty or more employees, you have to have been there for over a year, you have to be a full time salary, and that means that 40 percent of people can’t apply. Most of the time these leaves are not paid and less than 12 weeks in the United States. In the podcast, Countries Around the World Beat the U.S on Paid Parental Leave states how paid parental leave looks right but the U.S is too far behind. I think we do not have it because America is so fast past and wants to be the quickest, newest, and up to date country that is filled with debt that it does not allow people to enjoy time with families. …show more content…
I do believe in Paid Parental Leave and women in some countries who do receive this, its not for free, they work a certain amount of time to receive the paid leave. And it is paid through social insurance structure in which small amounts of money is put in to create a pool full of money that when needed they can use. This can be so beneficial to things such as infant mortality and even post baby depression. After reading the, states how in California, as a pregnant mom, you can receive up to four weeks of disability insurance for a normal pregnancy and eight weeks for a Casarean section. (Paid Family Leave, 2018). And according to CNBC, Trump proposal includes six week leave for mothers and fathers including those who adopt to promote bonding and time to recovery. (Konish,2018). Overall, six weeks does not seem like enough time, European countries seem to have a better grasp on insurance. If I was President, I would give new mothers 12 weeks. My question for my peers is, how long would you give maternity leave if you were

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