...Student life is the best part of life. A student learns many things from books. But he has to enter the real world after his student life is over. So, he needs practical knowledge of things. Student life prepares a man to lead a successful life. In fact, student life is a life of learning. A student learns morality and good manners. He understand the value of discipline in life. So student life is a period of making and preparation. Student life is a care-free life. It is a life of joy. A student is free from almost all cares of the world. He gets a different atmosphere at college from that of home. He takes part in games and sports. He goes sometimes on a picnic and sometimes on educational trips. A student lives in a small world of his school or college. The life of a student, therefore, is a golden period of life. Student life is a life of discipline. At home a student may behave well or badly. But the atmosphere of a school college is completely different. Good boys are loved and praised. Wicked boys are punished. All students have to follow some rules and obey their teachers. Thus, they learn discipline. Discipline makes them self less and teachers them ‘live and let live’. Student life is a life of character building. Character has its importance in life. A student must be bold and fearless. He must think society. He should try to solve the problems of the nation. He must be loving and truthful. Student life is a life of character formation. Students must have a sense...
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...The poem “Snapping Beans” by Lisa Parker is about a granddaughter who goes from a tradition southern life up to a north city life and fears telling her religious grandmother that she has changed. Through thoughts and emotions, Parker shows the fear the teenager faces when trying to tell her grandmother. Although the granddaughter doesn’t want the grandmother to know, the grandmother has a secret that is revealed at the end of the poem. The granddaughter is back home from her school up North which implies she is from the south. In the southern area many people based their life off of tradition. One of the traditional things that is shown in the poem is “snapping beans”. The grandmother and the granddaughter are snapping beans while sitting on “splintering slats of the porchswing”. The description of the seat signifies how old it is and how long they have been doing the tradition. While they are there the grandmother hummed “What a Friend We Have in Jesus”. The song implies that the grandmother is a religious women and being religious tends to cause people to have certain beliefs and views on life. When the grandmother stopped humming the granddaughter felt “the soft gray of her stare against the side of my face”. The gray of her stare implies that the grandmother had a question that she wasn’t sure if she wanted the answer to. The color gray represents the grandmothers frozen like body, as if she was holding back when she asked “How’s school a-goin”. Not only was the grandmother...
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...The difference between highschool and college life is the incredible increase in free time. In high school, every day was a constant grind and I neverhad any free time. In college I have a surplus. Instead of classes six hours a day, they take up a mere three hours. I'm no longer forced to sit in the same building all day. This newfound time provides many luxuries that can easily be abused. I can be productive or goof off. Time management is the most difficult or stressful about college life. There were many times this semester when I had to write a paper and heard my friends were going to a party. That always happened on days that I'd had time to get work done but had wasted it instead. Then I couldn't go out. My biggest fear was how to adjust to this new freedom. I knew living on my own meant my parents were not going to be breathing down my neck to do my work. They were not going to have me home at a certain hour. I was in complete control. These two aspects of being on my own were very exciting but I wondered how I would do without myparents holding my hand. Once things got rolling I realized I would beall right as long as I stayed motivated. The best advice I could offer future freshman to make the adjustment process easier is to stay on top of things. Don't get so caught up in the social atmosphere of college that you get behind in your studies. Remember what you're there for. There is nothing worse than approaching the end of a semester and realizing...
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...Unli icense Squad L ed Lists Version 1.0 O October 2010 Retail Release y Created by foxtrot Last U Updated: 03/10/2010 20:10 0 1 Conte ents Europe ................................................ ........... 3 Bosnia & Herzegovina ............. ....................................................... 3 Montene ............................... egro ....................................................... 3 Serbia ........................................ ....................................................... 3 a ....................................................... 4 Slovakia ..................................... Ukraine ...................................... ....................................................... 4 ....................................................... 4 Wales ......................................... Algeria ....................................... ....................................................... 5 ....................................................... 5 Angola ....................................... ....................................................... 5 Guinea ....................................... ....................................................... 6 Mali............................................. o ....................................................... 6 Morocco .................................... Nigeria ....................................... ....................................................... 6 .........
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...Life as a Male Asian Student Texas State University – San Marcos COMM 1310: Fundamentals of Human Communications Melissa Novak Life as a Male Asian Student My name is Tao Zhèng, and I am a 19-year-old male attending school in America. I lived in Japan until I was 16, and then moved to America to attend an American university and expand my education. I tend to spend the majority of my days either at school or focusing on my studies at home. My parents are very strict and take my schooling very seriously. Typically, It’s my mom who pushes my academic success. Dad always says it would be her fault if I did not succeed so I do everything I can to not let her down. I don’t see my father much, maybe around three hours a day. But it’s okay because I know he’s working to provide our family with the best care and make us proud (Cohen 2011). (Question 1) When I wake up, I start out my morning with looking at my schoolwork and seeing what I need to do for the day and plan accordingly. My parents and family back home in Japan have high expectations for me and I want to do everything I can to impress them. I then attend all of my classes back to back because I’m taking twenty credit hours; my plan is to graduate this December. After I finish my classes, I head up to the library for three back to back Asian centered study groups. My friends and I help each other out a lot; I have found that we compliment each other well because we experience the same stereotypes and can help one...
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... I’m so happy to be here to tell you about the first part of our group’s presentation: Study life of a student at university. My talk will be in three parts. First, I’d like to give you an overview of the difference between university and high school. Second, I’ll focus on the new study form. Finally, I’ll talk about new exam form.So, let’s start with the difference between university and high school. As you know, a classroom in high school is small and only enough for about 50 students. But at university, the classroom is larger, crowded, and not fixed. It can have more than 100 people and well-equipped. Moreover, the lecturers at university have the new teaching styles that are not similar to these of teacher in high school. For example, teacher often check our homework, remind us of our incomplete task, while lecturers may not do that. At university, we are supposed to do that self- consciously. Lecturers provide us helpfully with knowledge and the direction. It is the fact that, many freshmen aren’t used to this teaching styles so at first, the result of study is not good. But then, they find it more enjoyable. Furthermore, the regulation at university isn’t as compulsory as in high school. We have more freedom and responsibilities. It is up to us to go to class, manage our work. The benefit is that we can own our timetable, our study and our life. On the other hand, some students are lazy or tempted to other attraction such as: internet, game…Ok, let’s move on to the new...
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...Importance of education for the student life Education is excellent because it helps students to improve the skills while enabling to get better jobs and improve our living styles and standards. This helps for county’s social economic as well as the political side. From the small days children obtain the education about discipline from the parent who is known as the home school and gradually grows send to the school to acquire the desirable skills and knowledge. This helps for the development of the society in the future by lighting the lamps. The educations helps us to measure how much percentage did the country development has taken part, did poverty reduction happen by improving the living standards etc. The well educated people can join for the national development while improving the growth of the enterprises as well by working on hard and soft skills. When the education is given next step is to offer training. After the war most of the countries are still in the origin of the achievement of education. The chief aspect is that education produces the skillful intelligent generation that will lead to a future leader of a country with self confidence. One cannot say the education is enough but it the responsibility of an individual to keep it up-to-date to spend a better life. In my perspective it is the valuable gift to us and it helps to get better jobs when education is suitable for nowadays. In future in our generation we can be the leaders of the country to...
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...Electronics in our daily life influence a lot in our different times and part of life. They can effect us physically, mentally and in many ways we never had thought about it. the other words on this page will make you to attain a good knowledge about it. DEFINITION ELECTRONIC GADGETS 1. Definition of electronics. “Electronics is branch of engineering which deals with the study of transport of information through the magnetic waves.” Most of the electronic gadgets are built on the basis of this definition. As they work through or on magnetic waves. Following is the definition of electronic gadgets. 2. Definition of electronic gadgets. “Electronic gadgets are the instruments which can perform many activities at a time with vast speed & makes the hard work efficient one.” Some of them are in following figure, There are many ‘Electronic gadgets’, which we are using in day days life such as computer, T.V., mobile, I-pod, pen drive, etc. available easily. These instruments helps us by making easy paper work, entertaining, for communication etc. But not to limit only this, these instruments are proved useful in almost every industry. Electronic gadgets operate many machines, ships, aeroplanes, and industrial activities. Also they are used to identify conditions for the performance of any works. E.g. T.V., Computer, Laptops, Palmtops, Digital Camera, Mp3 Players, Mobiles, digital pens, printers etc. Hypothesis 1. Spending much time on electronic gadgets effect the academic performers...
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...ntroduction Background of the Study Due to the rapid phase of the changing generation, the youth is now more demanding in acquiring technologies that will suit to their needs, especially in when it is applied to their studies. Certainly, the access in Internet or in the World Wide Web is easy and there are many benefits can be gained. Nowadays,Social Network Sites are very popular because of its benefits especially in the field of communication. It helps us to keep in touch with our friends, classmates and relatives but they also allow us to communicate with other people who share common interests with us. Almost of the students worldwide do have Accounts in the different social networking sites which are the Facebook, Friendster, Twitter, Google+ and many more. According to Wikipedia social networking service is an online service, platform, or site that focuses on building and reflecting of social networks or social relations among people, who, for example, share interests and/or activities. A social network service consists of a representation of each user (often a profile), his/her social links, and a variety of additional services. Most social network services are web-based and provide means for users to interact over the Internet, such as e-mail and instant messaging. Online community services are sometimes considered as a social network service, though in a broader sense, social network service usually means an individual-centered service whereas online community services...
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...Initially, I remember feeling a fear and high stress level, as a returning adult to graduate school, after 10 years. I was worried that I would not have enough time with my hectic schedule, worried that I would neglect other areas of my life, and worried that I would fail. However, I have learned to balance my life and I must admit its a sacrifice well worth it. I have learned to take it one step at a time, by managing 1 stressor at a time, as I have been doing, although had failed to recognize or remember this as a returning student. This experience, was uncomfortable, yet exciting at the same time, as I become familiar I looked forward to both the challenge and learning. Lifespan theorist Paul Baltes was discussed initially during the class,...
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...Introduction to Law Series Part 1 - Law (What is Law?) In its broadest sense, means any rule of action or norm of conduct, applicable to all kinds of action and to all objects of creation. In a strict legal sense, law is a rule of conduct, just and obligatory, promulgated by legitimate authority, of common observance and benefit. (Sanchez Roman) Law is: 1.) A rule of conduct; 2.) Just; 3.) Obligatory; 4.) Promulgated by legitimate authority; 5.) Of common observance; and 6.) Of common benefit. <><><> Things to Ponder Why and how, law is a rule of conduct? Why and how, law is just? Why and how, law is obligatory? Why and how, law is promulgated by legitimate authority? What is promulgation? Why promulgate law? Who is legitimate authority? Why and how, law is of common observance? Why and how, law is of common benefit? ============================ Introduction to Law Series Part 2.1 - Evolution of the Concept of Law A.) Classical Greek Concept of Law ============================ Side Notes: - Literature is the reflection of reality. -Greek civilization is two things, politics and drama. -Greek drama is two things, tragedy and comedy -Alexander the Great's teacher is Aristotle. -Aristotle's school is the Lyceum. -Aristotle's teacher is Plato. -Plato's school is the Academy. -Plato's teacher is Socrates. -Socrates' teachers are the Sophists. -One of the sophists is Sophocles. -Sophocles is an ancient Greek tragedian (tragedy...
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...Fulton Some would say that I’ve had a “picture perfect childhood.” I have never lost a close loved one, seen someone go through a hard time, gone through one myself, had a family accident, or had some big traumatic thing happen. For the most part I was a privileged child who got to do a lot of things most kids couldn’t. It’s hard for me to console people when something bad happens to them because I just don’t know what to tell them because I have never been through something like this. Instead I am going to tell how a happy thing had impacted my life in a very positive way and helped me understand what kinds of people go through these things everyday. How MASC student council changed my outlook on life. I have been to camp two times. The first time I went it was the summer going into my freshman year. I thought that I knew what to expect, turns out I was wrong. I was out in council C. This was full of kids my age and a year younger than me. Everyone was so warm and welcoming I...
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...definition of terms. Introduction College students around the world commonly have problems in studying and getting high grades. Study habits, sleeping pattern eating pattern and night life are the factors that affect the academic performance of students. Aside from these four, there are still other reasons like family problem, finances, peer pressure, lack of confidence and genetic predisposition Talking about lack of study habits, one has to establish number of hours, frequency and time to studying. The number of hours is very important for studying because while studying will take time to process information in the brain. One has to concentrate and during concentration, he or she must focus on what he or she studying and this requires time. Frequency of studying in important because there are subjects that needs time. For example, in mathematics and other subject that require skills, one has to perform the operation several times so that he or she can master the process. Time for studying is important because one is affected by mood, stress and hormonal activities for the day. Early in the morning most of the senses not yet prepared for heavy mental work so one need is to warm up so that one’s senses will also prepared. But this will require habit because some people like to study early morning when they are not yet tired or in the evening when they are not pressured to prepare for school activities. Academic performance of students is also affected by sleeping pattern. Sleeping...
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...1 Some people think that students in single-sex schools perform better academically. Others, however, believe that mixed schools provide children with better social skills for adult life. Discuss both these views and give your own opinion. 2 Some employers believe that job applicants’ social skills are more important than their academic qualifications. Do you agree or disagree with this opinion? 3 Some people think that the government should make university education free for all students, regardless of their financial situation. To what extent do you agree or disagree? 4 When students study a foreign language, they should also study the culture and lifestyles of the people who speak the language. Do you agree or disagree? 5 Schools should only offer subjects that are beneficial to students’ future career success. Other subjects, such as music and sports, are not important. To what extent do you agree or disagree? 6 Today, more and more parents depend on their children’s grandparents for childcare. Do you think this is a positive or negative trend? 7 In many countries, average life expectancy has been increasing. What problems will this cause for individuals and for society as a whole? Suggest some solutions. 8 Some people believe that video games are harmless fun. Others, however, think that video games have a negative effect on their players. Discuss both these views and give your own opinion. 9 Some people think that advertising aimed at children should be banned....
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...1.1 INTRODUCTION National Higher Education Fund (NHEF or locally known as PTPTN, the Malay acronym) is very helpful to many students entering the local universities mainly depended on limited financial resources from government and private agencies. Despite the fact that the loan provides financial support to students, the students tended to take the loan agreement for their uses. Some think that it is fully subsidized by the government and needs not be repaid. The consequences are students may not be prepared for settlement and do not manage the finances very well (Elistina Abu Bakar et al.,2006) These may be affect quality of life among students. Quality of life can be define as an individual responses to the social, physical and mental effects...
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