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Personal Narrative: What I Learned In A New School

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This year has been very eventful and challenging. I learned so many things this year about my education or just life in general. There are things that happened this year I want to repeat and then there are things I never want to remember. I think I improved a lot from 6th grade to 8th. In 6th grade I was terrified 11 year old about to start a new school and I didn’t know how I would get through it. Now I’m a 14 year old 8th grader, nearly in high school, I learned to not be afraid of everything new thing that comes along. I learned that I have to accept it and if I don’t like I have to speak up about it. I think I have always been a little too mature for my age. I just look at the other immature people I have to sit in class with every day and think “I don’t want to be like them and what their about.” I think I …show more content…
I am proud of that because last year I made a promise to myself that I would try hard this year so my high school of choice would notice that. I wish I could have received first honors but I am happy with what I got because that’s something I worked for myself. If I had to forget anything from this year, I would probably forget all the times my class has gotten into trouble so bad we embarrassed our homeroom teacher, Mr. Scanlon, simply because no one deserves to be treated like that. There are many values that I learned. I learned that I have to work for what I want. I can’t just sit back and expect things to be handed to me personally. I also learned that all the popular people who don’t do work now and love all the attention they get from their irrelevant friends won’t be as successful compared to the rest of us who actually do the work. I basically learned not to be caught up in my social life more than my education. I can have friends and go hang out with them, but at the same time I still need to keep my education as my first

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