...chief of the American Vogue Magazine is one of the characters depicted in the film The September Issue. The film is a documentary by R.J Cutler and his crew as they followed the daily routine of Wintour, which includes consulting with designers such as Oscar Del La Renta. In the film, Cutler gains access to her home and viewers can see her climbing chauffeur driven luxury cars. As the film opens, Wintour explains that fashion can make people nervous at time. In the film, Wintour lives to her reputation of being cold and detached. Wintour’s character is further highlighted by her relationship with Grace Coddington, Vogue’s creative director. According to The Independent (2014), Coddington’s character is opposite that of Wintour because she is approachable and cheerful. Wintour’s attitude towards her subordinates is further shown by the way she treats Coddington. She sometimes embarrassingly rejects her concepts and remains devoted to her lead feature: Sienna Miller. One of her signature looks is cutting her hair into the bob hairstyle, which she has retained since the 1960s. The September Issue follows Wintour during her shows and it highlights her demanding nature when she got the Milan Fashion Week moved another date to suit her schedule. This shows that Wintour not only runs a fashion magazine, but the entire fashion industry. At one instance, she meets the leading designer of Yves Saint Laurent. Being the leading designer of such a renowned fashion implies that the man must...
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...2.0 RESEARCH FINDINGS 2.1 Interview Three people were chosen to be interviewed. In order to participate in the interview, one must be familiar with the broadcast and print media. He or she must like reading books and watch movie or TV series as well. The purpose of conducting this interview is to get more thorough perspectives on the Broadcast and Print media. Among the three interviewees, two engaged more with the Broadcast than the Print media. However, when asked to choose their preferences on visual or text, all of them agreed that visual plays more important role in their lives. The first interviewee, Charmaine, could not decide whether she prefers movies over books, or vice versa. The second and third interviewee, Louise and Hans, would want to watch movies based on the good books that they have read previously. However, they both would not buy those books if they watched movies first. Adding on, they both claimed they are regular movie goers because a movie only consumes two hours whereas, finishing a book takes them a week. Charmaine on the other hand, prefer convenience and tangible material. Therefore, she prefers reading books instead when she has the time. She still would go for movies at times but she stated that books offer more escapism from reality. Louise and Hans, as movie watchers, believe that watching a movie is the best way for stress relieve. 2.2 Focus Group Five people participated in this focus group which fulfils the minimum requirement...
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...Fashion and Its Multi-Cultural Facets Critical Issues Series Editors Dr Robert Fisher Lisa Howard Dr Ken Monteith Advisory Board Karl Spracklen Katarzyna Bronk Jo Chipperfield Ann-Marie Cook Peter Mario Kreuter S Ram Vemuri Simon Bacon Stephen Morris John Parry Ana Borlescu Peter Twohig Kenneth Wilson John Hochheimer A Critical Issues research and publications project. http://www.inter-disciplinary.net/critical-issues/ The Ethos Hub ‘Fashion’ 2014 Fashion and Its Multi-Cultural Facets Edited by Patricia Hunt-Hurst and Sabrina Ramsamy-Iranah Inter-Disciplinary Press Oxford, United Kingdom © Inter-Disciplinary Press 2014 http://www.inter-disciplinary.net/publishing/id-press/ The Inter-Disciplinary Press is part of Inter-Disciplinary.Net – a global network for research and publishing. The Inter-Disciplinary Press aims to promote and encourage the kind of work which is collaborative, innovative, imaginative, and which provides an exemplar for inter-disciplinary and multi-disciplinary publishing. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means without the prior permission of Inter-Disciplinary Press. Inter-Disciplinary Press, Priory House, 149B Wroslyn Road, Freeland, Oxfordshire. OX29 8HR, United Kingdom. +44 (0)1993 882087 ISBN: 978-1-84888-309-3 First published in the United Kingdom in eBook format in 2014. First Edition...
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...4-6Recommendations……………………………………………………………………………..7-12Conclusion……………………………………………………………………………………….13References………………………………………………………………………...……….....14-15Appendix………………………………………………………………………………………...16 | Smith & Wesson Corporation Business Proposal Addressing Proposed Nationwide Gun Laws Smith & Wesson's motto intends to protect the Second Amendment gun rights from attack. Although the company has been around for nearly two hundred years, it has seen its share of challenges from ownership to financial difficulties. Today, the main concern the Smith & Wesson Corporation is facing is of a legal matter as it relates to the gun laws in the United States. Those laws regulate the sale, possession, and use of firearms and ammunition. Presently, Congress is working towards a new gun law despite the fact that statistics have shown a steady decline in our nation's violence within the last decade. So why is Congress contemplating a new law and what impact will it have on the firearms industry? The purpose of this new law is to strengthen penalties against illegal firearms purchases. While it intends to increase safety, the new law would have a financial impact on gun corporations as it might considerably decrease the number of gun owners, therefore decreasing gun manufacturers' proceeds, leading them to face a multitude of other challenges. For this business report we will focus on the following issues: how is the new gun law going to possibly affect Smith & Wesson? We will then recommend...
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...great advantage for people who want to succeed in the New Media Age. And the use of mass media in learning English will definitely lead to mastering English. This present article focuses on the importance and benefits of teaching English through mass media. Key words: Mass media, teaching English, information, LSRW skills The mass media play an active part in every society around the world. This has had a big influence on people's lifestyles, ways of behaving and interaction, and it is quite indisputable that they are important and active participants of our postmodern society: newspapers, the radio, press and television influence people’s likes and attitudes towards different things. Bestsellers, mega hits, celebrity idolatry, fashion obsession… and many other phenomena create a great scale of emotional similarity among people. As can be seen,...
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...Assessment Task 3 Report A summary of your Analysis of Green River’s performance in the last year: The Green River Clothing Company boasted an increase in yearly sales of 59% on all their product lines last year. The company had its most success in New South Wales with 36% of its total sales from the region, with Victoria coming in second at 22%. The Green River retail chain was its most prominent mode of sales with 80% of the total; the wholesale division owning 20% of the sales share. There was an average increase of 7.5% in wages over previous year coinciding with a 6.71% increase in store sales. The GRCC had a $175,000 budget for their Marketing Research and a $1357 Advertising and Sales Promotion Budget. A summary of your analysis of the environment: Effortless style, authenticity and easy-going living are at the heart of the brand philosophy. These positive values shine through at every level, from the laid-back tailoring and hand-crafted details to the made-to-last quality, use of natural materials and responsible production. International designers bring the brand’s charisma and energy to life with inspiring collections for women, men and kids. There is something stylish and unique for every occasion from contemporary and relaxed casual basics to the perfect dress for life defining moments, be it at...
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...CHAPTER-1 INTRODUCTION “Brands are like human beings. They are born, fed and nurtured, made strong and responsible so that they can be faithful friends of the people (customers), form mutually beneficial and satisfying relationships with them and become their companions for life. Such brands, make their parents (organization or corporate) proud of them. The best brands are the ones who help in forming and sustaining strong long term “parent-brand-people” relationships. These brands form the potential for present growth and future expansion. They help the organizations conquer peaks at the time of booms and stay afloat and swim at times of depression.” We come across a number of brands in our daily lives. Our morning starts with using a toothpaste (Colgate, Pepsodent or Close-up), using a bathing soap (Lux, Fairglow or Cinthol) and shampoo (Clinic All Clear or Vatika), wearing clothes ( Allen Solly, Levi’s or Raymonds), breakfast bread (Britannia or Modern) and butter (Amul) or jam (Kissan), lunch and dinner (Nature Fresh or Pillsbury flour and Safal vegetables), morning and evening tea and coffee (Tetley, Nescafe or Bru), going out in a car (Hyundai Santro, Honda Accord or Mercedes Benz). Talking on the cell phone (Motorola, Nokia, Siemens or Samsung), watching television in the evening (LG, Sony or Philips) or listening to music (Philips or Apple) etc. But how often do we think of what all a company does to put a positive imprint (fight for a shelf space) in the mind of...
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... BMGT454-0101: Global Marketing Professor Fardanesh Spring 2015 Mica Cocco Molly Pinkas Nora Keller Antonia Murray Katie Ta Table of Contents: Introduction Article Summary: Saudi Arabia “Booming KSA Beauty Market Attracts Investors” by Jamadil Akhir & “Saudi Arabia and UAE top world list in consumption of cosmetics” "Route to Market: Saudi Arabia" "Chapter 4: Ughmuri Ahasisaki: Cosmetics and Personal Care Products" by Roni Zirinski Article Summary: Japan “Blueprint for a Cosmetics Empire” by Terrie Lloyd “Exploring International Cosmetics Advertising in Japan” by Bradley Barnes & Maki Yamamoto “Face Time: A Digital Makeover for Japan’s Cosmetics Industry” by Kiyoshi Miura, Ian St-Maurice, Brian Salsberg Article Summary: China Understanding the Chinese Cosmetics Market - Dr. Mark Mobius Investigating the Impact of International Cosmetics in China - Bradley R. Barnes Western cosmetics in the gendered development of consumer culture in China - Barbara Hopkins Article Summary: Germany Trends in the European Cosmetic Market- Tereza Roubalikova Vivness 2015: The place to be for the global natural cosmetics industry Beauty Around The World- Germany - Eternal Voyageur Article Summary: United States of America “FDA official says cosmetics industry is trying to undercut government regulations” by Brady Dennis “Profit vs Wellbeing: How the Mass Media is shaping the Self-Image of Teens” by Natalie...
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...Style in Dishonorable Times: American Gangsters of the 1920s and 1930s Laura Beshears. The Journal of American Culture. Malden: Sep 2010. Vol. 33, Iss. 3; pg. 197, 10 pgs Abstract (Summary) Prohibition, which came into effect in July of 1920 with the passing of the Eighteenth Amendment, also illustrated the progressives' idealism, as many believed that the elimination of alcohol, because it allegedly created "poverty, marital distress, and negligence," would cleanse society (Mordden 141). [...] the birth of the radio and the movies as well as the development of flight induced excitement and fostered a vision of a society engaged in perpetual technological advancement (Mordden 47). [...] Horatio Alger, Jr. and his late nineteenth-century books- portraits of men who, born underprivileged, rose to wealth and success through hard work, honesty, self-confidence, commitment, and a bit of luck (Weiss 53-54) - characterized the progressive spirit, as it encouraged people to work hard for a better future and for the fulfillment of the American dream. Full Text (5892 words) Copyright Blackwell Publishing Ltd. Sep 2010 "You don't need to be ordering fancy duds," Frankie Rio advised his boss as a tailor took measurements of Capone's swollen physique at the Lexington Hotel. "You're going to prison. Why don't you have a suit made with stripes on it?" "The hell I am," Al shot back. "I'm going back to Florida for a nice long rest, and I need some new clothes before I go." In this irrationally...
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...Executive Summary .......................................................................................................1 Coach’s History..............................................................................................................2 Coach’s Current Profile..................................................................................................3 Coach’s Future Plans......................................................................................................3 SWOT Analysis .............................................................................................................4 Global Expansion & Challenges ....................................................................................6 Coach’s Competitors ......................................................................................................9 Industry Analysis ......................................................................................................... 11 Short-Term Recommendations ....................................................................................12 Long-Term Recommendations.....................................................................................13 Conclusion ...................................................................................................................14 Bibliography ................................................................................................................16 2 Executive Summary Company...
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...Ellinor Torsein Abstract Title: “Branding by doing” – a study in refraining from traditional marketing Bachelor thesis in Marketing, 15 ECTS, School of Business, Economics and Law, University of Gothenburg Michael Arvidsson & Robin Agné Ellinor Torsein Acne Studios, brands, “Branding by doing”, communication channels, fashion industry, non-traditional marketing communications, The Swedish fashion wonder, traditional marketing communications, word-of-mouth marketing To determine required conditions to adopt “Branding by doing” as a marketing approach in the Swedish fashion industry. Question 1: What conditions are required of a company to refrain from traditional marketing communications? Question 2: How is “Branding by doing” applied in practice? Question 3: For what reasons do companies refrain from traditional marketing communications? Methodology: This thesis has a hermeneutical approach. A qualitative research method is used and empirical results are based on a case study. Theories of brand management and word-of-mouth marketing. The primary data is collected from interviews with Suhrab Lachin, Credit & HR Manager at Acne Studios and Daniel Björk, fashion journalist and author. There are four main conditions required in order to apply “Branding by doing”; product focus and uniqueness, an elaborate corporate culture, a strong customer relationship, consequence and clearness in actions. The product becomes the main communication channel of the brand. Course: Authors:...
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...April 2015 The Devil [and I] Wears Prada It is every girl’s dream to graduate college, move to the big city, and risk everything in order to fulfill their dream. In fields such as writing, publishing, and editing, one must be willing to start from the bottom in order to claw their way to the top. One must take any job available to them that will potentially create powerful connections to help pursue their goals. Andrea Sachs is no exception. Fresh out of college, she acquires a job in New York City that every person trying to break in to the fashion industry would die to have: junior personal assistant to the editor in chief of Runway magazine, Miranda Priestly. Ironically enough, Miranda is anything but “priest”-ly. She takes advantage of Andrea, forcing her to complete humiliating, impossible tasks for her. To make matters worse, Andrea does not exactly fit the image of someone working at Runway magazine in terms of her mentality and her physical appearance. Awkward, a size six (practically obese in her line of work), and at the bottom of the corporate food chain, she is less than thrilled to be put into this position. However, she keeps her goal in mind, and this encourages her to put on a happy face as she absorbs the torment she receives from her colleagues. Outside of the office, Andrea lives with her boyfriend. The stress of Andrea (Andy)’s job takes its toll on their relationship, and it eventually breaks under the weight. The story concludes...
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...Executive Summary Stella and Dot is one of the Inc 500 companies that lead in sales for selling premier jewelry. With a signature line of innovative, premium and affordable jewelry, Stella and Dot targets consumers of all ages and backgrounds. Stella and Dot has reinvented the jewelry shopping experience for individuals, groups of friends and families, by selling high quality jewelry at a reasonable price, while being in the comfort of someone’s home. Stella and Dot are known for their home networking technique, in which consumers are able to work as an independent sales representative, selling their favorite jewelry. Our marketing plan will design a product strategy, marketing goals, competitive analysis and different tactics that we will use as a company to achieve a more profitable goal for the upcoming years. With this new marketing plan, we will lay out our budget for the next year to ensure we are utilizing our marketing budget in the best way possible for Stella and Dot. Situational Analysis Stella and Dot is known for their high end, yet very reasonably priced fashion jewelry at home shows. Stella and Dot cliental is primarily woman, since all of Stella and Dot’s jewelry and accessories are for women’s fashion. Stella and Dot have a price range that is reasonable for the working adult that enjoys high quality fashion at a lower cost than shopping at an expensive boutique or store. In today’s business world, finding out who a targeted customer is for a product...
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...Marketing Management Formative Assignment Contents III. Triple Bottom Line Analysis 3 a) Profit Analysis: 3 b) Planet Analysis: 4 c) People Analysis: 5 IV. 4C’s Stakeholders Analysis 6 a) Organizational Analysis 6 b) Community Analysis 7 c) Customer Analysis 7 d) Competitor Analysis 8 V. Goals 9 VI. Marketing Mix 9 VII. Promotion 10 VIII. Promotion Budget 12 Bibliography 13 I. Introduction SoleRebels is Africa’s fastest growing eco-friendly and fashionable World Fair Trade Organization certified Footwear Company based in Ethiopia. It was founded in 2004 by Bethlehem Tilahun Alemu (Ph.D.) aiming at creating job opportunities for the poor and marginalized yet skilled artisans in her community so that they help themselves through work instead of handouts. She started the company with just five employees and now, it has reached more than 300. The company manufactures its stylish shoes from recycled tires and army camouflage, locally resourced organic materials, and sells them around the world online, through its own standalone stores in Asia, America and Europe and through other major retailers like Amazon. (Iwuoha & Bokrezion (PhD), 2015) II. Triple Bottom Line Analysis a) Profit Analysis: Bethlehem Alemu, the founder and CEO of SoleRebels, has been very tight in sharing her profit or profit margin over the years but it is not secret that her company is growing in exponentially beyond...
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...Fabio Michelle, E. (2009, August). Can Fashion Designs be Copyrighted? Retrieved from Legal Zoom: https://www.legalzoom.com/articles/can-fashion-designs-be-copyrighted Fashion Market Research & Business Solutions. (2015, January). Retrieved from NPD Group: https://www.npd.com/wps/portal/npd/us/industry-expertise/fashion/ Jeremy, Y. R. (2015, February 2). Plus-Size Model Makes History. Retrieved from Here & Now: http://hereandnow.wbur.org/2015/02/02/tess-holliday-plus-size-model (Fashion Market Research & Business Solutions, 2015) Fabio Michelle, E. (2009, August). Can Fashion Designs be Copyrighted? Retrieved from Legal Zoom: https://www.legalzoom.com/articles/can-fashion-designs-be-copyrighted Fashion Market Research & Business Solutions. (2015, January). Retrieved from NPD Group: https://www.npd.com/wps/portal/npd/us/industry-expertise/fashion/ Jeremy, Y. R. (2015, February 2). Plus-Size Model Makes History. Retrieved from Here & Now: http://hereandnow.wbur.org/2015/02/02/tess-holliday-plus-size-model N2S Fashions Marketing Plan MK2530 Mrs. De’Onn Griffin January 10, 2015 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY This two-year marketing plan is for North 2 South Fashion Boutique to secure additional funding for in-house fashion line and to inform employees of the company’s current status and direction. Although N2S Fashions was launched less than a years, the boutique has experienced greater-than-anticipated demand for its Plus-size Woman clothing line, and research...
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