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Why Gpa Important

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How important is college GPA / grades in getting a job?
GPA (grade-point average) evokes mixed feelings among students. For those who have earned high grades, GPA is a ticket to a bright future. For those with low grades, it is a demon waiting to crush their job prospects. The reality about GPA is somewhere in between: some companies, including a few of the most prestigious ones, set great store by it. Others don’t take it quite so seriously at all.
For recruiters who take GPA into account, it is a first indication of how valuable a job applicant if hired as an employee. At least some of them are inclined to take GPA as the main yardstick as they themselves did well in college, and naturally have faith in it. They say that college is the closest …show more content…
But an A grade will not make you stand out from the crowd, mind you. Research indicates that As form 43 percent of all grades granted on average, an increase of 28 percentage points since 1960 and 12 percentage points since 1988. “Grade inflation” makes you a competitive candidate with an A but may not a superstar applicant.
A good grade may help you make the shortlist but employers may not use it further to evaluate you. They look for critical thinking, communication skills, interpersonal skills, creativity, and projects that you have completed that show your leadership and the ability to work in a team.
An “acceptable” GPA (3.0-3.4) indicates your competence but won’t make your recruiter sit up. If your GPA is in this range, you should have taken some role of responsibility in college, such as member of a student government, to impress the recruiter as a candidate who is not only competent but also possesses leadership skills.
Besides leadership, you need relevant work experience to further your case a little bit more. If your experience comes from having done internship in a relevant role in a good company, you earn extra

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