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Why I Want To Pursue A Career In Emergency Service

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Many people say that they've known their dream career from an early age. For me, a career in the emergency services has dawned slowly, and as time has gone on, developed from an idea into a calling.
My first experience with the emergency services was in 2009, when my grandmother went into anaphylactic shock after taking penicillin. My mother explained to me at that time that my grandmother was dangerously ill, but that the paramedics who arrived on scene saved her life. I thought that was cool, and of course I was thankful, but at that time I was heart set on becoming a teacher, and so never gave the emergency services of that day much thought. It wasn't until four years later that I began to consider a career as a paramedic.

In September 2013, the Ballymena Unit of the Order of Malta Ambulance …show more content…
I decided to attend on a whim, and at the end of the course I had fallen in love with emergency first aid, and became a member. Joining the Order of Malta Ambulance Corps has been the best decision I ever made as it awakened in me a genuine passion for emergency health care. I have also made genuine friends for life through the solidarity that arises through becoming a first responder. My Order of Malta Ambulance Corps family has been a great support system throughout my teenage years, and has given me the opportunity to find my own true calling in life. Over my six years with the Order of Malta Ambulance Corps I have attended many duties as a Critical First Responder. One duty, however, cemented in my mind the growing notion that I should become a paramedic. In the summer of 2016, I volunteered at Hell and Back at Baronscourt Estate, Omagh. An older gentleman had fallen at the entrance to the mud slide trying to avoid the electrified canopy enclosing it. He tried to slide on

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