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Why Is Abortion Wrong

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Murder: The crime of unlawfully killing a person especially with malice aforethought. So I ask you is abortion wrong? Do you think its ok to do so? Should it only be up to the woman? Should people study how to effectively kill an unborn child? Would it be ok if you were raped by someone, whether someone close, or a complete stranger? Is adoption not an option for some? When does the situation become ok for you to even consider this as a legit option? A final option? I feel like abortion shouldn’t even be considered. Abortion is the type of topic that can be strongly argued from both perspectives. Abortion, if thought of a strictly wrong, can come down to your moral belief or how you were brought up? If thought of as ok, then you can say how the child will effective you in the long run, or even if you got pregnant from a bad situation. …show more content…
No matter the circumstances. Abortion may seem like the right choice at the time, but once it's done, you can't go back. And that seems to be when everyone wnts to be sad and cry over a decision they made solely.
So I ask you, "Should women only be able to make this decision, or is only fair to have the "father" agree?" Some will say that because they are not caring the body for 9 months, that men have not right to be included in the decision making. But what women are not understanding is that they are still the father. They have every right to be a part of

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