...Animal testing is a world wide argument. Many people believe it is cruel and inhumane, others agree it is the best way to get fast results. This is a very controversial topic, especially in psychology. Psychologist do research to learn about behavior and how knowledge of behavior can be used to advance the welfare of people and animals. Overall, animal testing is right because it not only saves human lives, but animals as well, contributes to many life saving cures and lastly animals have shorter life cycles so it speeds up the result process. People think animal testing only benefits us, but it is widely used to save animals all around the world. Because when animals get sick we don't always know or understand why. So what could be better to learn about a rat or chimpanzee than testing on one? Animal researchers have reestablished populations of endangered and threatened species. They did this by...
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...I disagree with conducting experiments on animals, it’s inhumane and cruel against animals. It’s also unreasonable and invalid considering that animals aren’t even the same species as humans. There is also over means of testing that doesn’t harm animals or people. Also I think that these alternative means of testing products is useful and should be used instead of testing products on animals. Conducting experiments on animals is cruelty against animals, considering that products that are tested on animals are commonly treated unfairly and are force fed, forced inhalation, food and water deprivation, and undergo prolonged periods of physical restraint. Infliction of other wounds to study the healing process also commonly occurs. Also...
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...Jade Quinonez Mrs. Ronce Core C 14 February 2017 Is Animal Experimentation Acceptable and Beneficial? Animal experimentation is used all over the world to test the safety of products and to develop new products. According to the Humane Society, authorizing a single pesticide can require over 50 experiments and as many as 12,000 animals. Although animal testing may lead us to more medical advancement, it is an expensive way of researching vague outputs and at the same time a practice of animal cruelty and abuse. Animal testing is completely unbeneficial and unacceptable. It is inhumane and unethical, not accurate, and is very wasteful. Animals experience pain and suffering during research experimentations. The animals are tormented, hurt, contaminated...
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...“He who is cruel to animals becomes hard also in his dealings with men. We can judge the heart of a man by his treatment of animals.” ― Immanuel Kant. Likewise, we can judge the amount of justice animals get in animal testing. While some believe animals should be tested on because it is necessary, most test on animals are not necessary, fail often, and are inhumane. Tests on animals are not necessary and are incorrect. First of all, most experiments are flawed; 87% of animal tests fail, causing animal lives to be sacrificed for nothing, according to procon.org. This means that people are being inconsiderate about wasted animals subjects. In the same fashion, 94% of drugs that pass animal tests fail in human clinical trials anyways. To add, there are many alternatives to animal testing, and new technology that does not require animal subjects. WIth all these failed tests, animals are dying for...
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...Animal Testing Over 70 million animals die each year from animal testing. Although many animals have died during the course of animal testing, many things have been improved or have benefitted from animal testing including medicine. Animal testing also affects everyone in more than one way. Animals are not just used for testing in the United States; they are used all over the world for animal testing. Animal testing is a social justice issue that has improved medical research, but has resulted in the killing of many animals. Animal testing is the testing of cosmetic products, cleaning products, agricultural research, dog and cat food trials, weapons tests, aerospace studies, and car crash simulations (PETA). One might feel animal testing is cruel, but almost the whole world has benefitted from vaccines. It has also led to the treatment of some diseases. Animal testing can sometimes end with mixed outcomes. Many people have died because drugs or treatments that have successfully passed tests conducted on animals have failed on humans. Many alternatives to animal testing exist. Some alternatives include using computer models and using tissue cultures in research. During some of the experiments, some animals are given medicine so the animals do not feel pain or distress. However, thousands are not. The experiments preformed can be painful, damaging, and deadly to the animals used (B 5-9). Animal testing is an issue all around the world. In Great Britain, more than 2.5 million...
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...For my topic, it is going to be animal testing. Animals don’t deserve to be hurt or potentially killed. Animal testing, in my opinion, is a horrible thing to do. There is something wrong with people if they think that animal cruelty is right. I feel like that is what animal testing is, it is animal cruelty, it is hurting the animal and at sometimes it can even kill it. It would be the same as if i went up to your dog and put potentially harmful chemicals in your dog. I know that putting an animals life in danger is better than putting a humans life in danger. But that is why we are advancing to be able to do testing in simulations. An animals life is still a precious thing to have. There is at most 2 million different animal types in this...
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...face of a helpless animal can break your heart. Many animals go through torturous testing on a day to day basis that they cannot help, nor can they defend themselves. Since Ancient Greek times, animals have been undergoing cruel and inhumane medical testing that should not be done for the benefits of the human race. Animal testing is wrong because it is cruel, costly, harmful to animals, unreliable, and outdated. Animal testing has been around since the times of the Ancient Greeks. Between seventeen million and twenty-two million animals are used for biomedical research each year (Leepson). Many believe that animals do have rights, and there are many organizations out there to trying to ensure their safety and help them get out of the horrible treatments they endure. For example, the ASPCA, American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, has been around since 1866 trying to curb the gruesome treatment of humans to animals. The ASPCA tries to prevent the abuse and neglecting of animals around the nation. They set up shelters for animals and they give vaccines and anything else they may need. The different types of animals being tested are endless; from mice to sheep, they all serve their own purpose in the medical field. Even though these animals have helped scientist break through some medical mysteries, it is still inhumane how they have to suffer in confined quarters. The CAFO, Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations, raise animals in small living spaces...
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...Kleemeier Erica Jones ENG 105 11-22-15 Stop Animal Testing in the Medical Field Lions and tiger and bears oh my. More like, monkeys and dogs and mice oh no. How does being poked, probed, opened up, burned, shocked and tortured all for the advancement of the medical field sound? Now think about all those things being done, knowing there is another way, which causes no agony, distress or discomfort to any living creature. Animal testing is a process or “tradition” that has been around for many, many years. The problem with this tradition in particular is that although it causes much pain to innocent animals and can be avoided, many choose to still use this practice today. Animals have been used as tools in biomedical research as early on as the days when Greek philosophers, such as Aristotle, were experimenting for their next scientific breakthrough. Ibn Zuhr (Avenzoar), an Arab physician in twelfth century Moorish Spain, introduced animal testing as an experimental method for testing surgical procedures before applying them to human patients (Hajar 2011). Many research associations claim that animal testing has been used in almost every single medical breakthrough within the last one hundred years. Laws have been passed in several countries to make this practice more “humane.” In reality, these laws are the bare minimum and do not truly make a difference for the animals that are being used for experimentations. Animal testing in the medical field needs to dissolve and ultimately...
Words: 3596 - Pages: 15
...indifferent to them; that’s the essence of inhumanity” (Shaw). The use of animals in research and developmental projects, especially for purposes of determining the safety of substances such as foods or drugs is substandard. Animal testing is any scientific experiment or test in which a live animal is forced to undergo something that is going to cause them pain, suffering, distress or lasting harm. Animal experiments are not the same as taking a live animal to the vet; animals used in laboratories are deliberately harmed, and are usually killed at the end of the experiment. Animal experiments include force feeding animals with potentially harmful substances, exposure to radiation, surgically removing animal organs, forcing animals to inhale toxic gases, and subjecting animals too frightening situations to...
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...happen, why do humans keep insisting on doing animal testing? Everybody can come together to stop animal testing because it goes against the animal's rights, it is cruel and wasteful. Animal testing is not fair because it goes against the animal's rights and after all we live in a world where equality is valued. No animal wants to be subjected to this kind of treatment. Since animals do not have a voice, humans need to speak for them and protect them. They were not put on this Earth so they could be mistreated. Animals and humans are alike in many ways; they both feel, think, and experience pain. Thus, animals should be treated with the same respect as humans. Animals are more than just scientific tools. Next, animal testing is utterly cruel. To sentence 100 million thinking, feeling animals to life in a laboratory and intentionally cause them pain, loneliness, and fear is completely ruthless. Countless animals are experimented on and then killed after their use. Others are injured and will still live the rest of their...
Words: 490 - Pages: 2
...People everywhere are debating whether animal testing should be allowed or not, and there are many reasons to prove that animal testing is insufficient and should not be allowed. The main reason as to why animal testing should be banned, is because it is cruel and inhumane. The Humane Society International has found out that the animals used in experiments are being subjected to force feeding, water and food deprivation, lengthy periods of physical restraints, the animals are being inflicted with burns and other wounds to study the healing process, they are forced to suffer a great amount of pain to study the effects and the remedies for it, and are killed by carbon dioxide gas, neck- breaking and decapitation. Before a company can release...
Words: 339 - Pages: 2
...My topic of research is animal research and testing, and as I have done the research on this topic, I have found many different opinions on how it either helps, or it’s hurting innocent animals for pointless research. As I look more and more into animal research and testing, I find that a minute number of people are doing anything. There are proven moments where this outrageous research has helped, but there more instances where it´s been proven wrong as well. Animal research helps further the field of science, yet its practices can yield both positive and negative outcomes. What happens to animals if they fail a test is they are put down, but during this testing, the worst part is they are poked and prodded. They are paralyzed, unable to...
Words: 1421 - Pages: 6
...incredible gift of medicine would not be possible without animal testing . Despite these overwhelming benefits , however , some individuals are calling for animal testing to be banned because of alleged cruelty. Those who are against the use of animal testing argue that it is inhumane to use animals in save human’s existence. However I completely disagree with such approach. It would be much more inhumane to test new drugs or some other medical elements on children or adults because all people are like big family and therefore people should not put their lives under risk. The second reason why I am in favour of animal testing is that the result of medical experiments are not often applicable to humans .this maybe partly true as some drugs have had to be withdrawn despite being tested on men , therefore as we simply do not have alternative methods of testing , because computer models are not so advanced enough and testing on plants is much less applicable to humans than test on animals such as monkeys . Unless we have a better system we have to use animal testing to provide human’s safety when scientist using drugs A further point often raised against animal testing is that it is cruel . some of the test certainly seem painful , but the great majority of people on this planet eat meat or wear leather without any guilt . SO in this case where is their sympathy for animals? Furthermore , animals clearly do not feel the same way as humans and scientists...
Words: 331 - Pages: 2
...cruelty towards animals is growing rapidly because people don’t understand the value of an animal’s life. People all around the world use and abuse animals as if it was some kind of national sport, and everybody is competing for the first place gold medal. Ever year millions of animals are being beaten and starved because of heartless people. Animal cruelty is a social issue that many people don’t understand. All the people who abuse animals don’t understand when they are harming an innocent animal are going to continue to do it until they are shown what they are doing wrong. Each type of abuse has certain patterns that scientists can study and find out why people commit the crimes they do. Animal cruelty is broken down into two categories, which are active and passive. Active cruelty is also known as NAI (non-accidental injury). NAI is when a person has malicious intent so fierce that they deliberately and intentionally cause harm to an animal. On the other hand with passive cruelty a person doesn’t intentionally cause harm to the animal, they simple neglect it by giving it no attention. While I was doing the research for this essay, I thought non-stop about how a human being could break a dogs leg, back, or even neck and feel no sympathy for the dog? Are some people in this world that heartless that they have no feelings for other living things? I wonder if you asked a person that has abused an animal if they would do the same things they did to the animal to another human...
Words: 1770 - Pages: 8
...Sopharoth Seng Sokmeng Oeum Chhaileang Sam Rachna Neak Bunhak Animal Testing Is animal testing a good way for experiment? Why? According to Peta homepage, around 100 million animals are used for experiments and 90% of the experiments are successful. Actually, there are three main advantages that make animals are suitable for the experiment. First, animal testing helps to ensure safety of drug. According to The public overwhelmingly supports biomedical research in the United Kingdom (UK) with recent surveys citing more than three quarters of the general public in support of this type of testing. Since animals that are used in testing are considered similar reaction to human, this allows researchers to explore the safety of drugs before it is being used toward human. For example, if the products first come out being harmful to human health, the method of animal testing can be such a way to protect human. This means that human harm is reduced and human lives are saved from the danger of drug. Furthermore, many people might believe that animal testing is only useful to humans, but what many do not know is that animal testing also helps animals in various ways. Animals share the same diseases as humans like cancer, high blood pressure, and other common diseases. Animals need the same medications as humans do. Cancer is one of the treatments which have been developed by animal testing. Sometimes animals also require curing their illness by using the same medicine as used in...
Words: 544 - Pages: 3