...Explain why the task of philosophy is to search for meaning. In my opinion, Philosophy was created because many people today are searching for the meaning in their lives. We have a lot of questions like ‘Why I am here? Who am I?, ’ etc. Most of us are seeking for the correct answers on questions on our daily life. The universities or schools enables students to openly explore and learn, but still, it is not enough to fulfil or answer our questions, so that’s why philosophy was created and its main task is to search for the meaning, philosophy can answer our questions in many possible ways. 2. Why is philosophy important to human development and existence? I think that philosophy is important to human development because it can be served as a guide for us on our daily life because philosophy can fulfil our needs for information and philosophy can enhance our knowledge. I think that if philosophy not exists, cell phones, laptops, and other gadgets also not exists. So that’s why philosophy is important to human development and existence. Comparative Analysis - Relate Philosophy with the following: a. Science They are both trying to find answers about life that’s why philosophy and science are related to each other. I think that science is on fact, while philosophy is based on people's beliefs or ways of thinking. In addition, science has many theories, theories that seeks truths and answers like philosophy. b. History I think that history and philosophy are...
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...Requiring philosophy in the general education curriculum, whether it is in addition to or in place of another class, is worth it. Last semester when I was registering for classes I knew when I saw that I could take philosophy in place of another class that it would be worth it. And almost finishing this semester I know without a shadow of a doubt that it was. In fact, I would encourage other students to take a philosophy class. Studying philosophy allows for our God-given desire to grow and learn as a person to be fulfilled. Throughout this semester, I have learned more than I would have in any other class about the world that we live in through a philosophical view. Three of the many Philosophers that we studied included Bertrand Russell,...
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...Study Guide: Lesson 2 The Importance of Philosophy in General Lesson Overview Having discussed what philosophy is, we now consider why it is important to study philosophy. We will divide our discussion into 2 parts: (1) Why is it important for all persons in general and (2) Why is it specifically important for Christians to study philosophy? We begin, in true philosophic fashion, by examining the question itself: what do mean by philosophy being important and we introduce the idea of the philosophic mindset. We then examine 5 reasons why it is important for all persons to adopt the philosophic mindset. We will end by providing an overview of the different branches of philosophy. Tasks Read and take notes from chapter 2 of Philosophy: Critically Thinking about Foundational Beliefs, “Why is Philosophy Important?” As you read, make sure you understand the following points and questions: * What is meant by the philosophical mindset? A philosophical mindset is an attitude or approach to life that involves regularly examining beliefs to ascertain what they mean, if they are true and what value they have. A philosophical mindset approaches new information critically. It involves questioning, reflecting and considering the meaning, value and truthfulness of what one sees, reads or hears. (Mark W. Foreman. Prelude to Philosophy: Thinking Critically About Foundational Beliefs. 2012) * How does the job/vocation analogy apply to adopting the philosophical mindset...
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...Bertina Markindi 639301 Dr. J oyigo PHL 4220A Asian Philosophy Why would I encourage a fellow student to take Asian philosophy course 2/11/2016 Introduction The quest for truth is elusive in modern society because we are accustomed to using science to show us that something is true. Not everything can be proven by science, since it requires significant material evidence to be a matter of fact. Therefore many issues are left out. Philosophy comes in to take the challenging topics, like the meaning of life and existence. It explores them in ways science is incapable of doing, since they yield no material evidence, and gives us knowledge that is even more important than that of gravity. After all if we don't know why we are here, then why are we here? Therefore, I would encourage a fellow student to take this course. Reasons why I would encourage a fellow student to take this course: * Primarily, to avoid the mistake of thinking that “If i don’t know it, it must not be important.” The study of human thought is incomplete and incoherent without the valuable contributions from the East * Philosophy seeks not simply knowledge, but deep understanding and wisdom. Philosophy is an activity people undertake when they seek to understand themselves, the world they lie in, and the relations to the world and each other. Those who study philosophy are engaged in asking, answering, evaluating, and reasoning about some of life’s most basic...
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...It is normal to underestimate the power of philosophy. It is a social science that has lost influence in the 21st Century because many do not understand how this science can help humans achieve true happiness. Though philosophy is a heavy subject, it is the science with the most results regarding human nature and knowledge. Philosophy offers guidance to understand human behavior as well as to question our presence and our real role in society. It is one of the leading social sciences because many world leaders have tried to grasp it and understand the meaning of it thus showing how important it is to study philosophy. Nevertheless, not only should world leaders study philosophy but also everyone should be aware of the different philosophical teachings in order to differentiate well from wrongdoing. It is no surprise that philosophers understood ethics and politics before others, therefore showing the depth and practicality of philosophy as well as defining academia. Philosophy should not only be considered a social science but also a lifestyle; to better explain, philosophy is applicable in the daily routine as well as in the professional world making it both a theoretical and pragmatic. As a lifestyle, philosophers focused on how philosophy could be applicable to the daily life to improve one’s being. One of the main philosophies, still applicable today, and serves as guide for those looking for a healthier life is Confucianism. This philosophical ideology analyzes ethics,...
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...The Branches of Philosophy Transcript S1: Hello, and welcome to another presentation in Philosophy 201: Philosophy and Contemporary Ideas. In this presentation, I want to introduce you to three major branches of philosophy, and talk about each branch a little bit separately, and then I’ll finish off by talking about some miscellaneous branches of philosophy that are kind of an overlap of those three branches. S2: The first major branch of philosophy is the branch of metaphysics. The word metaphysics means, ‘above or beyond physics.’ It investigates questions of reality and existence. But as the word implies, it’s not just simply the existence that we see or the things that we experience with our senses, but what’s beyond those. What’s beyond this real world that we see here? Why does it work the way that it works? Why is it here? How did it get here? Those are some metaphysical areas that we deal with here. We can break metaphysics into four sub-categories here. The first sub-category is cosmological metaphysics, and this deals specifically with the origin and purpose of reality. Why does anything exist at all? That’s often been called the first philosophical question. Why does anything exist? Where did reality come from? How did it develop the way that it was? What is its purpose—why is it here? Those are all cosmological questions. A second area of metaphysics is theological metaphysics, and this deals with the reality of something beyond the natural reality...
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...Women in Philosophy To start off writing about women in philosophy let me brief out on what philosophy is basically. Philosophy something that it’s a starting line for all the questions that need answers, need critical thinking to solve or trying to solve new concepts, basically humanity’s unanswered questions. Philosophy is a natural and true response of human being’s to the mystery, curiousness, wonder and uncertainly of life. We had seen and heard many male philosophers since ancient times till now. And many of them are very successful in their field and very well recognized. But why women philosophers have not received the same notoriety as male philosophers? I always get disappointed that why there are no importance for women philosophers in our society. If you search internet you cannot find more than hundred names, although women philosophers have also been contributed since ancient times. Even today, there are more men than women who teach philosophy in colleges and universities. Yet, women are, and always been philosophers, even if they don’t get credit for it. For example, Hypatia of Alexandria was the first woman astronomer, mathematician and a philosopher along with Plato and Aristotle. Simone de bouvior, an intellectual, existentialist philosopher and a French writer. Susan Sontag, American writer and a cultural icon and well known political activists. I call them history hidden philosophers because they were in shadows. One of the great philosopher is Agnes Heller...
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...makes philosophy so important? Tyus V. Harshaw American Intercontinental University PHIL 201-1501B Jerry Nwonye April 05, 2015 Abstract Although the many aspects of philosophy have shaped the world today, most of it has come from rules that are still applied to everyday life. All the important questions to life’s answers aren’t going to be always answered but can be theorized in some way. In philosophy often people use different branches of determining certain things are and asking certain question according to what they apply to. These methods are known as the braches of philosophy including: metaphysics, epistemology, ethics, aesthetics, politics, and social philosophy. Moving past the basics in philosophy it’s important to understand what all of these branches of mean individually. Metaphysics is the branch that is most responsible for identifying existence in the world, which answers the following question of “what is?” It fully determines whether things in the world or the world itself are real or not and keeps a balance ensuring everything that exists. This applied to me when I was growing up because I didn’t understand what I was put on earth to do. I just wanted to stand out and be something better so people would like what I do and not what I am. At about age 4 I solved a Rubik’s cube and in that moment that’s what I felt like was my purpose because I could do what most couldn’t at my age. Furthermore it’s important because philosophy is based...
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...The Value of Philosophy in Human Existence Philosophy is actually a “system of beliefs regarding reality” (Landauer & Rowlands, 2001) that performs an extremely important part in the development of human’s activities as well as responses to a specific topic, particularly in coping with human existence. People take advantage of philosophy by explaining the sense of the world. Various theories are on hand and more theories are to be discovered. Therefore, these theories let an individual to observe the world in different points of views, providing different ideas and letting a person to develop her or his own standards that can help him make the most efficient decision for his self. Thinking and making a decision on one’s future education as well as career is much more logical through philosophy. Having a philosophy in life helps in having a better perspective of what one desires to trust in, what one desires to follow and where path one needs to go. Philosophy is in great correlation with morals as morals provide a person a concept on what you must do in a specific situation and why a person should do it. Additionally, philosophy also helps in finding out one’s self. The primary value of philosophy is reasoning as well as questioning the facts of the world such as why one performs a thing and why one doesn’t. According to Bertrand Russell, “The person that has no tincture of philosophy undergoes life caught in the prejudices derived from…habitual beliefs of his era or...
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...brought new ideas that helped their civilizations survive, including a new way of medicine. These power struggles also made people begin to think and questions their lives through the study of philosophy. One of the civilizations...
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...Guide: Lesson 3 The Importance of Philosophy for Christians Lesson Overview In our last lesson for this module/week, we examined why developing the philosophical mindset is important for people in general. In this lesson, we want to ask that question specifically for Christians. What value does philosophy have for Christians? We will begin by examining the biblical basis for developing a philosophical mindset. We will discuss the biblical mandate for philosophy and three elements in fulfilling that mandate. We will then survey a number of roles that philosophy functions for Christians. Finally, we will examine the role that the Bible plays in doing philosophy. Tasks Read and take notes from chapter 3 of Philosophy: Critically Thinking about Foundational Beliefs, “What Athens has to do with Jerusalem: The Importance of Philosophy for Christians.” As you read, make sure you understand the following points and questions: • Know the historical and literary background to Col 2:8. Paul starts this passage off with a Greek term “blepete” meaning “beware” or “be on your guard.” Then follows this with a strange phrase that literally means “to be carried off as booty” but here is probably meant more like “kidnap” The literal wording here is actually “philosophy and vain deceit” knowing the historical and literary context of this passage one can see that Paul is not condemning philosophy in general. He is contrasting two kinds of philosophy: one that is based on human traditions...
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...Philosophy vs. Science by Joseph Rowlands The historical relationship between science and philosophy has not been a friendly one. Philosophers like to start with their conclusions, and work to prove them. When it came to trying to figure out what the world was like, philosophers tended to argue about what the world should be like. Science was born as a rejection of this method. Its goal was to figure out what the world was really all about, and its primary tool was actual experimentation. We've all seen philosophy at its worst. Philosophers are often completely disconnected from reality and, more recently, don't care. Rationalism, the view that only deductive knowledge is really reliable, is commonplace. Philosophers often expound their ideas from armchairs and ivory towers, where the facts of reality don't concern them. It's not surprising science would want to distance itself from philosophy. It becomes even more personal for the scientist when he's told that he must conform to preconceived views of the world. It started with Galileo having to renounce his scientific views on astronomy, but continued through the ages. Countless other scientists have had to hide their views on topics like evolution, the age of the earth and the existence of glaciers, with a range of punishments from the inquisition and burning at the stake to losing their jobs or financing. Philosophy, often in the form of religion, does not seek the truth. It seeks believers, and the truth is an...
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...Quiz Metaphysics and Epistemology 1: We all know the philosophical views of the world and of human life relate closely. In one hand, Brahman, Tao, Christianity are similar, they have delicate relationship. In the eastern, is the Tao. And in western, is Christianity. The fundamental reality of the universe is Brahman. 2: I think both western and Chinese philosophical are a kind of belief. But they focus the thinking is different. One is god, and another is Chuang tzu. And the reason why they are important today is the philosophical is more and more popular in our world. People use believe to relax their heart and be happiness. 3: I hope to understand the true meaning of the philosophy. I hope to know why we should to study philosophy. I will use my message and my thinking, my knowledge to tell. And I think the grade is not the only indicator, the most important is what I study and what I know from philosophy. I wish I can study well in this course. 4: After I study metaphysics, I am interested in it’s classification. Metaphysics can also look as Tao. It can date from Chinese JIN century. The most fascinating I find is the thinking of metaphysics. Metaphysics mainly involved with and without, life and death, dynamic and static, the crime and the nature, the saint sentient beings or ruthless, sorrows, could you mind waiting for metaphysical problem. I think it is Chinese traditional pursuit of the mind. So I like it. 5: I ask the question is Is love real? So What...
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...TOPIC “What is important about any philosophy is not what is explains, but what it assumes”. Discuss this question critically and provide examples of assumptions which underpin Machiavellian & Platonic philosophies. In this paper I will discuss the assumptions which underpin Machiavellian & Platonic philosophies in reference to The Republic and The Prince. My position is that both Machiavallian and Plantonic philosophies make assumptions in exemplifying their notions. Machiavelli’s is intentional while Plato’s is unintentional. Also both philosophies through their assumptions sometimes contradict each other. Well expressed In discussing his notion above it is important to understand the basic theory and ideas of Machiavelli and Plato. Both Machiavelli and Plato produce arguments for order in the state but they have different notions of how to go about order. Plato obsesses with certainty and has an ideal form of order, while order with Machiavelli is learning to live with uncertainty. Machiavelli believes we need to be able to work with insecurity and not try and produce certainty. He believes we embrace uncertainty by developing our own armour. Knowledge is the basis of leadership for Plato while Power is the basis of leadership for Machievelli. In the Republic the Allegory of the Cave represents Plato's views on philosophy. Basically, we are all in the cave and Philosophy is what brings us out of the cave. Plato believes that Philosophy is the highest form...
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...Philosophy is a vast subject that not only gives person knowledge about important perspectives in different societies but also a deeper and meaningful understanding of how the world around us works. Using the knowledge from this class, I am taking Buddhism and relating it with one of the most popular site for tourists in Oahu, Hawaii, the Byodo-In Temple. The temple, as I see it, stands as an icon for what Hawaii is and what the idea of Buddhism has to do in Hawaii. The temple maybe a religious site for those who follow Buddhism, or the ones who would like to view it from a religious point of view. But more importantly, it stands as a living proof of the influences of the immigrants in Hawaii and what religious philosophies they brought along with them when they came in, or what they give importance to. Also, another perspective is how Hawaii wants to structure itself with the potential of income from Japanese tourists, given that Byodo-In Temple is a beautiful imitation of temple in Japan. Having been born in Nepal, where about one third of the populations follow Buddhism, I was always interested in knowing the cultural and the key philosophical concepts of Buddhism. As with every other thing, Buddhism too has its own philosophical concepts and understandings. Buddhism, which was first spread by Gautama Buddha, has philosophical concepts and understandings to explain as to why it was started, and what Buddhism tries to convey. The primary concept of Buddhism-- Enlightenment...
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