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Why Is Preemptive War Wrong

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Using Just War Theory, utilitarianism, and Natural Law Theory, I will describe in this paper that preemptive war against North Korea is wrong. I am going to show that claims and conditions of Just War Theory disapprove of a preemptive war against North Korea, even with their concurrent development of nuclear warheads and ICBMs and threats by the North Korean head of state, Kim Jong Un, to the United States. I will show that the aspects of quantitative utilitarianism determine that the results of avoiding war are better than those of preemptive war. I will argue that Natural Law Theory rejects a preemptive war due to failure to defend natural inclinations and satisfy the principles of forfeiture and double effect. Then, I will consider the arguments …show more content…
In order to apply Natural Law Ethics, you must first determine if the action is in accord with the four fundamental inclinations of life, procreation, knowledge, and sociability. Certainly, a preemptive war violates the inclination toward life. So, we must move on to see if the principle of forfeiture applies. While North Korea has threatened the United States, the threats have never come to fruition so the threat does not appear imminent and the principle of forfeiture should not validate the violation of life. Next, we must consider the qualifying principle of double effect. The act of protecting your own nation is morally permissible, so preemptive war meets the first criteria. The bad effect of innocent people dying is unavoidable if war is waged to protect the United States, but innocent people don’t die if diplomacy succeeds, so the second criteria is arguably not met. If we consider war to be the only viable mechanism of protecting the United States due to a history of failed diplomacy, we can move to the third principle. It meets the third criteria, because the deaths of innocent people is not the means of protecting your nation. Lastly though, the loss of innocent lives appears to outweigh the possible peace and protection resulting from preemptive war, so the final criteria is not met meaning the principle of double effect concludes that the act of preemptive war against North Korea is morally

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