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Creative Writing: Blood Brothers

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In a sunny morning at the Leopard Village, there was a newborn cub named Asgard. He is the son of the Alpha male and female of the village. One night, there was a group of tigers which led by Ravil. They invaded and attacked everyone that were at the village. Luckily Asgard was safe and he was carried and hid in the mountain cave. Asgard didn’t know what was happening so he peeked, he saw the tigers attacking the leopard and he saw Ravil attacking Asgard’s parents. He couldn’t do anything so he just cried and kept quiet. It was dawn when the tigers left the village. Asgard was shocked and traumatized after seeing the tragic event last night. He went to see his parents and suddenly fell on the ground. It was already afternoon …show more content…
He remembered that there were rumors about the tigers and the foxes. He ran to the forest hoping to meet a fox and ask a question about the tigers. As he searches he saw Sobek, the alligator. Asgard asked Sobek, “Did you saw any foxes here?”
“I didn’t saw any fox who walked here,” Sobek said. “Why are you looking for the foxes?” “I just want to ask something about them,” Asgard replied and left. He searches and searches but he can’t find them so he decided to go home and hope for another chance. On his way home, Asgard felt weird and as he turned his face to the left he saw Ravil, the tiger who attacked his parents. Asgard was so angry and he surprised Ravil an attack but he dodges it.
Ravil said,” So, you’re the only leopard who survived?”
Asgard didn’t response but he growled so loud. The loud growls from them waked up the other animals, a group of animals and Sobek came to help Asgard. Asgard and the animals flee but Sobek stayed and distracted Ravil so that Asgard won’t be harm or get killed. It was morning when they knew that Ravil is still in the forest and Sobek was fine. Asgard asked for help from other animals. Asgard’s friends helped by gathering the animals. Luffy, the monkey told to spread the plan to scare Ravil so he will run away from the

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