...Why is the sky blue? Many people ask this question and we think they come across as silly or young. But the ironic thing is, is that this question touches on some of the deepest aspects of astronomy and skygazing (Sky-Watch). The question is what causes us to see the sky as blue? There are a variety of answers and not necessarily all of them being true, like when you tell a child that it’s because God spilled his water. The sky is blue because of the wavelength of the colors in the electromagnetic spectrum, the atmosphere of Earth, and our eyes. Many people believe that the sky is light blue just because they have grown up to think only about the color blue when they are asked about the sky. But scientific studies show that the light from the Sun is all the colors of the rainbow. (Note card 3) The light travels in waves and consists of weightless particles that are moving around 200,000 kilometers per second (Sky-Watch). The range of light that our eyes can see is the electromagnetic spectrum. Each color in the spectrum has a different frequency-which is the number of cycles per second. The frequency of light is determined by color. For example, blue light has a shorter and highter frequency than the others. Furthermore, now you know that the light waves coming from the Sun contain all the colors with different frequencies and that the light with a lower frequency has a longer wavelength. For my second point, it is our atmosphere on Earth. In suppor of this we know that...
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...Why is the sky blue? Have you ever wondered why our sky is blue? The molecules in our atmosphere are made up of about 78% nitrogen, 21% oxygen, .7% argon, and a small amount of trace gases. White light from our sun is made up of all the colors in the rainbow from red to violet. When the light hits our atmosphere the molecules scatter blue light more than red or green etc. so we see a blue sky! Let's do an experiment to see the effect of scattering, and some other properties of light. Get as many of the following materials as possible: A 1 liter beaker or 1 qt glass jar (a 12 oz glass will do), some milk, a laser pointer or other low power laser, a prism or diffraction grating and some lenses, and a lab notebook to record your observations. Fill the beaker with cold tap water and shine your laser through it. Mix 2-3 drops of milk into the water. Take the mixture into a dimly lit, or dark, room. Shine the laser through the side of the beaker and look through the top of the beaker, jar, or glass. What do you see? The mixture you made is called a colloidal suspension. Now shine the laser up through the side of the beaker toward the center of surface of the suspension. [Physics FAQ] - [Copyright] Original by Philip Gibbs May 1997. Why is the sky blue? A clear cloudless day-time sky is blue because molecules in the air scatter blue light from the sun more than they scatter red light. When we look towards the sun at sunset, we see red and orange colours because the blue...
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...The sky is blue because When the sky is clear and blue it is because blue light is reflected by molecules in the air from the sun a lot more than they are reflecting red light. The sunlight has all the colors of the range in it; when reflected through a prism or these little compounds, you see different colors. Those colors you see in the sky are derived from this principle why is the sky blue crip knowledge. So exactly like when you glow a white light through different angles of a prism, the molecules reflect different shades when the sun is lower in the sky, including when you see the red and oranges sunset. At sunset, the blue is then out of your type of sight. This is a really deep matter. You’ve to comprehend perhaps and prisms which kinds of compounds reveal the different shades. So many actually technical things to consider. In about 1859 man called John Tyndall took measures in the name of science to explain the sky’s color. He proved that light passes through clear water and acts like a prism by polarizing the light with benefits and particular attributes. This is know as the Tyndall Effect, frequently recognized to physicists as Rayleigh scattering–after Lord Rayleigh, who analyzed it in greater detail a couple of years later. His tests demonstrated, and showed, the number of light scattered is inversely proportional to the fourth power of wavelength for sufficiently small particles. It followa a blue...
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...2.) Is blue sky polarized, is the sun polarized? Blue light reflected from a glass table polarized? Why do some sunglasses block glare of off water and others do not? What other applications are there for polarizers? In this second extra credit I am going to talk about the sun and how different polarizer’s work. As I stated above rainbows can come in different forms; to elaborate on this topic I am going to talk about the different types of rainbows. There are primary rainbows, secondary rainbows, spurious rainbows, supernumerary rainbows, fogbows or white rainbows, and lunar rainbows. The main thing that is talked about between primary rainbows and secondary rainbows is that they can be reflected off each other. Simply put a secondary rainbow is a rainbow that is reflected twice of the drop. This means that instead of looking like a normal rainbow that has red, orange, yellow, green, blue, and violet respectively from the outside in. They are opposite which means that the colors are reversed. Some other the other rainbows are the spurious or supernumerary bows which is a mix of a primary and secondary rainbow. These rainbows are faint in color and are hard to see because they are a mix of a secondary and primary rainbow. Some of the special rainbows that are rarely seen by humans are the lunar rainbows because they are caused by the moonlight. With these rainbows the colors are different than regular rainbows because the light source is the moon. They appear as white...
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...with real natural taste of a fruit. Candy makers used their bare hands in the candy-making process. Candy is made by dissolving sugar, water and milk to form syrup, which is boiled until it reaches the desired concentration or starts to caramelize. This type of candy depends on the ingredient and how long the mixture is boiled. Candy comes in an endless variety of texture. These have different flavoring and colorants added. Most of Filipinos really love these because it suits their sense of taste and it is really affordable. These what we so call “candies” are already part of Filipino’s delicacy. Fruit peelings are not really dangerous to eat. Maybe it just doesn’t taste great that si why people don’t usually eat them. In fact, these have different vitamins and nutrients. Orange has Anti-cholesterol compound that are are found in the peels. These compounds help combat the LDL or ‘bad’ cholesterol in our bodies that form clots and plaque culminating in clogged heart arteries. It also averts cancer because some chemicals in citrus peels also help inhibit the growth and division of cancerous cells. It Chapter 2 REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE AND STUDY This chapter present different excerpts from literature and studied found to have an important bearing on the investigation conducted a review of books, newspaper, unpublished thesis and other paper materials through for the research study. They are...
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...Samuel Mena Block 3 6/7/14 Payroll Essay Payroll taxes have become a big thing in our country’s funding today. Payroll taxes are paid with anyone who has a job. We pay these taxes to fund multiple things in our country, things like our education or military. We need to pay these taxes to keep our country’s programs going. Payroll taxes are the base of our country’s funds. Payroll taxes are paid by anyone with a job in the USA; this is the best way of getting things done for the funds such as education or arts because if everyone gives a little out of their monthly salary, it will add up and we will have enough money to support the U.S. We only have people with a job pay them because unemployed people cannot afford the monthly tax. If we didn’t have payroll taxes we wouldn’t be able to afford things that make the U.S. the U.S. Payroll taxes chip in on many things, not only the government. When you chip in on a payroll tax it goes to things such as our education system, the military, food industries, etc. Payroll taxes can range from 2,000 to 10,000 dollars a year. We need to pay these taxes so that none of our programs are in any financial scares due to not being able to pay for themselves. These programs aren’t the type of things that you would consider jobs. They are the things that better our country’s character, not necessarily things that are an absolute necessity for the most part. The amount that you pay on your payroll taxes depends on your yearly salary, the...
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...1 Book Bag • 4 boxes of Lg. Crayons (8 Basic Colors) • 6 Large Pencils Label All School Supplies 1st Grade • (4 packs) 24 #2 Pencils • 1 pair of Fiskar Scissors • 3 Plain Folders (Red, blue, green) • 1 Character Folder for graded papers • 4 Lg. Glue Sticks • 2 pks. of Notebook Paper (wide-rule) • 4 Lg. Rectangular Erasers • 1st Grade - continued • 1 Lg. Plastic or Cloth Pencil Pouch • 2 Lg. Bottles of Hand Sanitizer • 1 Box of Ziploc Snack or Sandwich Bags • 2 Lg. boxes of Tissue • 1 pk. of Lg. Unlined Index Cards • 3 Lg. Bottles of Clorox Wipes • 1 Ruler (standard & metric) • 1 Stretchable Book Cover • 1 Lg. box of Baby Wipes • 1 Black Dry Erase Marker • 4 boxes of 24 Crayons (One box per quarter) • 1 Book Bag (No roller book-bags) • 3 Spiral Notebooks (Wide Rule) (Red, blue, green) Please put your child’s name on all school supplies 2nd Grade • 2 PKS. OF #2 Pencils • 2 boxes of 24 Crayons • 3 plain Pocket Folders (Red, blue, green) • 3 Spiral Notebooks (Red, blue, green) • 2 boxes of Tissue • 4 Glue Sticks • 2 boxes of Lysol Wipes • 1 pair Scissors • 2 pks. Of Lined Index Cards • 2 bottles of Hand Sanitizer 2nd. Grade-...
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...Blue painted ceiling and wasps Kasia Nalbandian American Intercontinental University 3/24/2010 Abstract In this week individual project options are very interesting but unfortunately I have to choose only one option, and I choose the second experiment which is painting the porch ceiling sky blue can keep off wasps or other insects from building their nest or no?, I’m going to talk about my hypothesis and my outcome for the controlled experiment. Blue Painted Ceiling and Wasps Sky blue color paint will helps from keeping away the nests or any wasps and insects. Few years ago South Carolina country use sky blue color which is called (Haint Blue) for their porch ceiling believing sky blue color extend for light and fool the wasps or insects from making their nest, usually insects or wasp don’t build their nest under the sky it’s not a safe place for it, according to (Howard,2014, para 1). Hypothesis My hypothesis is that of course insects won’t make their nest under the sky and they think that it’s not a safe place for their nest, according my research about wasps I find out why beekeepers where white colors, the white color will keep wasps and bees off from you (Ecker, 2013, para 6). Prediction and outcome After my research I predict that the sky blue (Haint Blue) color helps human to keep wasps away from their houses, an as I said in my pervious paragraph that wasps don’t make nests under the sky it’s not...
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...the experiment we can come to a conclusion on whether further experimentation is needed or other hypothesis need to be implemented to solve a question. Introduction Blue porch ceilings are quite prevalent along the east coast, there are many theories as to why, from keeping evil spirits out of the home to fooling spiders and wasps into thinking that the ceilings are actually the sky. Many old houses around the Victorian and Colonial era bear this color in their porches due to the popularity at the time, but even now the popularity of the color is prevalent. Besides keeping evil spirits from entering the homes and fooling bugs, the blue ceiling reminds the owners of the blue skies even on cloudy days. Hypothesis The blue paint used in the painting of porches of the Victorian and Colonial homes contains an ingredient that repels insects, a natural insecticide used in the popular paint color. Prediction If there is an ingredient that naturally repels insects in the blue paint then the results should be obvious. Painting two porches ceilings one with blue paint and another one with white paint should demonstrate that the one with blue paint is bug free during the time of the experiment. Controlled Experimental Method First three enclosures were built; enclosure number one ceiling is painted sky blue. Enclosure number two ceiling was painted with the same type of paint only white color. Enclosure number three was left unpainted. Then thirty wasps were collected and divided...
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...mirage and why does it always disappear as the observer gets closer? A mirage is a naturally occurring optical phenomenon in which light rays are bent to produce a displaced image of distant objects or the sky. Mirages appear at very low viewing angles, when you are far away. As you approach, the viewing angle increases and the mirage disappears, or moves farther away. The reflection of heat dissipates in the human eye causing the mirage or blur to vanish. 3) If you were looking for a rainbow in the morning, which direction (N, S, E, W) would you face and why? It is best to look towards the west. Rainbows always appear in the opposite side of the sky away from the sun. 4) What is a halo? A Halo is a burst of light produced by ice crystals creating colored or white arcs and spots in the sky. Many are near the sun or moon but others are elsewhere and even in the opposite part of the sky. They can also form around artificial lights in very cold weather when ice crystals called diamond dust are floating in the nearby air. 5) Why is the sky blue? The sky is blue because molecules in the air scatter blue light from the sun more than they scatter red light on a cloudless day. When we look towards the sun at sunset, we see red and orange colors because the blue light has been scattered out and away from the line of sight. 6) Why are sunrises and sunsets red/orange? Because the light from the sun has passed a long distance through air and some of the blue light has...
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...While rationalism relies on reason “as the ultimate test of truth” (Soccio, n.d.). Empiricism describes reason as “unable to provide knowledge of reality; such knowledge can only derived from experience” (Soccio, n.d.). The 5 senses are pinnacle for empiricism. Rationalists say, “the 5 senses give you an opinion on something, but don’t explain why it is” ("Rationalism vs. Empiricism", 2018). Even though they both desire to discover how ideas are created and knowledge is formed, they both have very different ways for discovering what is true...
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... “The Sky is Gray,” and James Baldwin’s short story, “Sonny’s Blues.” “The Sky is Gray,” by Gaines, is a story around the theme of growing up too soon, from a young man’s perspective. The protagonist, James, is a young child who has to grow up too soon due to his father being away in World War II. James’s mother, Octavia, forces him to give up his childhood in order to help his family survive in the harsh world. On a cold and weary day, James accompanies his mother on a trip into town. While on this...
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...One instance where nature is personified is on page one hundred sixty six, “When i was a child, my grandmother told me that the sky speaks to those who look and listen to it. She said ‘In the sky there are always answers and explanations for everything: every pain, every suffering, joy and confusion ‘ That night I wanted the sky to talk to me.’”. Another example of nature being personified is “Some nights the sky wept stars that quickly floated and disappeared into the darkness [..] behind clouds to avoid seeing what was happening” on page eighty. The moon was cold unhappy and dark this night. No one knew why either. No one had done anything lately to make the moon upset, nor sad. All the villagers started to take notice and soon all the people were outside their huts looking up at the moon in wonder and fascination....
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...idioms can often be very difficult to understand. You may be able to guess the meaning from context but if not, it is not easy to know the meaning. We tend to think of colors as ideas which all humans agree on – grass is green, flames are orange, the sky is light blue – even if different languages have different names for these colors. As English speakers, we also tend to think of color names in terms of the "basic" ones and the more specific, secondary ones. Many people are surprised to learn, therefore, that different languages do not consider the basic colors to be the same. This research has inevitably led some linguists to surmise that the experience of seeing color may be relative for a person and may be influenced by his or her language. It follows, then, that colors are used in very different ways in different color idioms across languages. 2. Aims of report The report help students of English as a foreign language increase their knowledge of English idiomatic expressions about color “Blue” and have fun while doing it with lively definition and examples of each idioms. 3. Objects of the report - Object of the report: English idioms. - Entidy of the report: The expression of color “Blue”...
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...yesterday. 3. mountains The mountains are full of trees. 4.pretty The pretty baby is smiling. 5.insects There are many insects in the forest. 4.Review Direction : Underline the verb in each sentence. 1.Tom waters the plants every morning. 2.The girls clean the backyard. 3.The boys dig the canal. 4.The men work hard to keep the community clean. 5. The women cook delicious food. 5.Motivation Take a look around you. What can you see? Can you describe them? I can see clean black board. I can see blue sky. I can see beautiful and handsome Classmates....
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