...School days should start later because it gives the kids more sleep and more time to prepare and be ready for the day. Another reason that it would be good for schools to start later is that it would help students feel more lively and awake because they get more sleep. There are many good reasons why kids should start school earlier, one being that kids will have better memories. Kids having better memories would help them with school since they wouldn't forget the stuff that they learned the day before. Research says that kids who get better sleep get improved attention, memory and better performance at school. It's important that kids do better in school because it will help set them up for life later on. It's been shown that kids who don't...
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...Anne Wheaton, the study’s lead author and epidemiologist in the CDC’s Division of Population Health, stated, “Getting enough sleep is important for students’ health, safety, and academic performance.” If kids don’t get enough sleep not just their mental health is affected. According to LA Times, “Later start times can mean less missed school — absences dropped 15% in Bonneville County, Idaho.” This means that when teens have more sleep they will less likely to miss or be late to school . That’s why school days should start later. School days should start later because it is unhealthy for students to be getting less sleep than recommended by doctors. According to a article called, “Teens May Do Better When School Starts Later” by Amanda Macmillan,...
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...School start times have always seemed early, but in the recent years, these start times have been creeping earlier and earlier in the morning. Unfortunately, this causes many teens to have to fight their bodies’ natural clock in order to achieve their desired grades and have bright futures. School start times need to be later in the day. With earlier start times, scientists are seeing more and more health problems in teens, many of which are related to sleep-deprivation. Teens need more sleep than people in other stages of life because of the crucial development that is occurring in their brains. That is why sleep deprivation is so detrimental to teenagers. For the sake of our future generation’s health, school needs to start later. In order...
Words: 1960 - Pages: 8
...alarm clock. “I should be sleeping right now. Not waking up at 6 AM.” I grumbled to myself as I slowly got ready for another day of school. People often ask their friends and themselves why we have to get up early almost everyday and be at school by 8:45 or 7:30. (Debate.org) According to the data collected from students, 79% say that school should start later, while the remaining 21% oppose the idea. One student who supports the idea stated that she had observed her sister through her high school years. She said that if her sister’s school had started later, and ended later, then she would be ready to learn and the chance of her falling asleep during class decrease. Another student claimed that a average teenager need about 9.5 hours of sleep a night, but study shows that teens usually get about 7.5 hours. Their claim was that you can’t concentrate when you are tired, and if you were taking a exam, you would need concentration. Other students share that they don’t have time for breakfast, they are stressed in the morning hours and they feel rushed. Though the students are correct, the other 21% is also correct. Students...
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...Your alarm clock wakes you up groggy, on Monday morning for another week in school, for most people this situation is all too familiar and all too annoying. As you beg for 5 more minutes you once may have thought “Why can’t school start later.” Well for the following reasons. Starting schools 2 hours later means ending school 2 hours later and for students who play sports they could not go home until 7:30-8:30 pm. Most kids are not tired anyway and it is very expensive. Schools should not start later. First of all, it is common sense that starting school at the recommended 10:00am (2 hours later ) would mean ending school 2 hours later. Which, would mean kids who play sports who would usually get out of practice at 5:30-6:30 pm would be...
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...early school times can result in less concentration in class and creating bad health habits such as skipping breakfast. According to Jennifer LeComte, director of the pediatric program at Christina Care’s Wilmington hospital health center, bad sleep habits can lead to obesity and diabetes, because the body’s regulation of sugar is thrown out of whack (Albright). This could...
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...School isn’t so easy and can be really tiring … shouldn’t we students deserve late days at least every Friday? A late day is a day when school starts later, at about 9:00 in the morning. Starting school later in the day will help students achieve better test scores, have less sleepy faces during class, and improve their academic performance. Sleep is important to have, and it keeps you not as grumpy in the morning… wouldn’t you want to have a late day on Friday if it means you can get more sleep? Getting more sleep means that us students would be more energized for school, and we wouldn’t be half asleep in class! I have had some personal experience with getting up in the morning and it’s not too pretty! I always want to go back to sleep and...
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...depression and substance abuse, decreased ability to pay attention, react to signals or remember new information”. (The National Sleep Foundation). Lack of sleep can also cause students to forget important things. School should start at least an hour later. That one hour can affect the quality of the students towards school work and tests. Cristo Rey Jesuit should begin its school day one hour later because students spend too much...
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...School is a very interesting thing when it comes to learning,but sometimes and some subjects can make you want to fall asleep. I think on Friday’s, school should start way late on Fridays: like around 9:45 or 10:15! If school was to start on Friday’s it has to have reasons why. I looked up on google what the expert say and Dr.Paul Kelley says that Children 8-10 should start at 10:30 or later. Kelley called for an end to early starts at schools, colleges and university to “improve the lives of a generation”. An effect on students if there was to be a later day, is the sleep difference. An expert from CBS News says that middle schools should start later in the morning to give students their much-needed sleep. But Dr.Judith Owens says, “One of the issues is that kids are overscheduled, don’t give them so much work so they can be in bed before midnight. I agree with all these experts, but just because they’re experts doesn't mean they’re true. I only agree with two out of the 4 opinions from all of the doctors or professor’s opinions. I know that school is good for you but,why does it have to start so early? 9:15 would be fine!...
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...I feel like school should start later in the day. If we had more time to sleep in the morning we would be more energize throughout the day. Even if it was just two hours I would feel a lot better about coming to school. I also think that the school day would go by so much faster if we got more sleep. If we got more sleep in the mornings we would have more energy. If I got two more hours a morning i would be more ready for my classes and football practice. My buddy Zach is late for school three days out of five because he over slept that wouldn't happen as much if we got more sleep. We also have most of the girls that I go to school with are waking up at 5:30 am just so they can look good for school. If we got two more hours in the morning...
Words: 356 - Pages: 2
...of schools start before 8:00. Schools should start time later because when kids fall asleep in class, they don’t get the knowledge they need, not enough sleep makes people sleepy and groggy and not enough sleep can hurt people mentally and physically. The first reason why sleep is important is when kids fall asleep in class, students don’t get the knowledge they need. Teenagers are tempted to stay up later so they have a tendency to fall asleep in class (The teen who woke up her school). This is bad if students fall asleep so this is one reason to push back school times. “60% of kids complain that they are tired in school,” states Sleepfoundation.org. Again, if school started at 8 or 8:30, there would be no problem with the complaining.The majority of students past the age of 13 are sleep deprived. To conclude this, Next when people don’t have enough sleep, people are really tired and cranky. The second reason why school should start after 8 is not enough sleep can make people sleepy...
Words: 446 - Pages: 2
...concentration is broken periodically by daydreams drifting in like a low fog. School lets out just shortly after three o'clock in the afternoon, and the masses of students debouch from the school like prisoners dragging weights around their ankles (except on Fridays when even the teachers skip happily out the front doors with a sense of freedom). This same scenario plays Monday through Friday in schools all across the country. If schools would begin later and end later in the day to accommodate sleepy students (and tired teachers, too) then I am sure the education of American youth would rapidly advance in response....
Words: 680 - Pages: 3
...Did you know that lack of sleep in children and teenagers can have a negative effect on their health and can cause kids to be less active and even lead to obesity? Schools all over the world should start later because of the mental health effects a lack of sleep can have on a student. One piece of evidence from the article “School Start Times” is, “Doctors say that kids between the ages of six to twelve should get nine to twelve hours of sleep a night to make sure they stay healthy.” This piece of evidence from the text supports my claim because this quote explains that if kids don't get a proper amount of sleep it could damage their health. The amount of sleep we need to get is different for everyone but studies show the more sleep you get the better students focus in class, so why do schools make students start so early if they know the students won't be at their best learning capability?...
Words: 463 - Pages: 2
...they need. After barely making it out of bed, everyone has their own morning routine, like washing up, getting dressed, eating breakfast, or even doing last night’s homework. Then comes the race to make it to homeroom before the bell rings. Sadly, this is the daily morning routine of almost every teenager in America. This only gets worse when they have to spend their school day yawning and daydreaming about their comfy bed at home. Secondary schools should have a later starting...
Words: 1322 - Pages: 6
...2017 Teens and Sleep School should start at a later time so teens could get enough sleep. It is no surprise that teens sleep late at night. Almost all of them only get about six hours of sleep. The reasons for that are: tons of homework, chores, jobs, etc. Sometimes they are even forced to go out by their parents/guardians because of a relative’s birthday party or just visiting friend. And when they go out, sometimes they come home late. Which forces them to do their homework at midnight. Some teens take AP and honors classes so they could easily get into colleges. Taking those classes puts a lot of stress into students if they don’t have time to study or do their homework. If school starts at a later time. They would definitely have the time to do it and they’d be able to sleep more. According to a research, not having enough sleep can have a huge effect on a student’s concentration, focusness, and alertness. They will feel sleepy and have problems focusing in school. My favorite quote from the article...
Words: 1960 - Pages: 8