...Why is it important to vote? voting is more important than the bullet. I think that is a really strong quote and i really like it because it has a sequences like jail or they could take you to court . That is why it is important to vote be cause we have a right to. “The ballot is stronger than the bullet.”-Abraham Lincoln. This quote means One of the reasons not to vote is some presidents are for bad stuff. One president was voting for abortion. And other bad stuff like really really bad stuff. But I personally like voting. Well kinda. Sometimes. The reason you should is because it is a honer. Some people don’t take it as a honer. But i do but i am not saying it you shouldn’t vote i think we should. Everybody...
Words: 1617 - Pages: 7
...give regarding why they did or did not do something, but if someone could possibly make a difference, even just a small one, why wouldn’t they? As most of us know, the presidential election this year is bizarre, and a correct decision just does not seem to exist. However, this should not stop Americans from voting. If you are strongly against both candidates, choose the “lesser of two evils” and vote. There are many reasons Americans aren’t voting, but a few are things such as: lack of time, feeling of their vote not mattering, and even the overall difficulty of voting. For the most part, a large number of citizens don’t vote because voting day is in the middle of the week. Although some employers offer paid time to go and vote, it often isn’t enough time to get to the polls and back with a few...
Words: 573 - Pages: 3
...time, should you have the right to vote? I think felons should be able to vote. Felons are still members of this country and society. Just because someone has made a mistake we are still human beings living in a country where we have no say so and one of which we have no option as to whether we stay or go. Why must the government tell us we can’t vote but yet we have to live in this country from now on. Where is the justification in this? everyone should have the right to vote. if you live in this country and you are a citizen, you should be able to vote. People who have gotten caught committing a crime are most all the same as those who have committed the same crime and have not gotten caught. People commit crimes all the time and are not thought of differently until they are caught. I think Felons should really be able to vote because they have freedom of speech, still are able to live in the USA, & they deserve a second chance in life. These are all good reason why everybody, no matter if you are a felon or not should have the right to vote....
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...Many people ask why is it important to vote. Whoever you are it is important to know. It is important to vote is because we need to keep our freedom for our country, our Patriotism, and our government structure. Of course there are many other reasons why we need to vote It is important to vote because we need to keep our freedom strong. If we vote for a person to be our president then he or she can make the right choices to keep our freedom strong. If a couple of people don’t vote and the person who was elected could crash our freedom because he made the wrong decision. The people who did not vote for the person they wanted could have made a good impact if they did vote. Patriotism is also another reason why we should vote. By voting...
Words: 287 - Pages: 2
...very intense, many kids in my generation was interested in politics and was eager to vote. The excitement and anticipation of finding out the next president was one of those on the edge of the chair, biting your finger nail moments. I guess what I’m trying to say is that the voting age should be lowered. The voting age should be lowed to at least the age 16 or older. If you let a 16 year old teenager behind the wheel of the car then we should definitely be able to vote! Just like any other American, us young Americans would like for our voice to be heard too. "No right is more precious in a free country than that of having a choice in the election of those who make the laws under which ...we must live. Other rights, even the most basic, are illusory if the right to vote is undermined.” - Wesberry v. Saunders. So In this paper, I’ll answer the question WHY? Why should the voting age be lower? There are many pros and cons to this argument. Okay, adults consider us to young “responsible” adults. What they consider us to be and what they say we our which are “irresponsible kids” are totally different. There is research that shows that “young “responsible” adults” or “irresponsible kids” can make reasoned decisions, our voting age remains two years above most age restrictions. Sixteen year olds are mature enough to make important decisions such as voting. Our bodies are fully develop to be an adult, we have been educated for at least ten years, and most of us have some work experience...
Words: 1629 - Pages: 7
...rights, that we as Americans have. We have the freedom to vote and the freedom to choose whether we want too or not. However, just because voting matters it does not mean that everyone does it. Studies show that barely 60% of voters participate in the elections that take place here. So why don’t voters vote? I mean we fought for the right to vote so why don’t we take that privilege? The question that face americans today is Should americans be required be to vote? I think Americans should be required to vote because Many nations have good voter turn out, we could have better informed voters and we could have higher voter turnout. The first reason i think americans should be required to vote is because many nations have good voter turnout. In Document A it shows that at least 40 countries have required voting. This is...
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...Should Americans be Required to Vote? Why would a country that revels in the fact that they have more freedoms than most countries obligate their citizens to vote? It is clear that american citizens should not be forced to vote. People feel that if they were given a day off work on election day, they would be able to vote. Another way is if citizens were able to vote early. Should the eligible citizens of america be obligated to vote? There are three reasons why Americans should not be obligated to vote. First of all ignorant voters are dangerous,the fact that citizens do not participate as much shouldn't be masked, and the higher level education people receive the higher percentage of them will vote. One reason why Americans should not be required to vote is that ignorant voters are dangerous. Evidence supporting this reason is “must you vote?” new York times by randy Cohen. A quote that I found on this site explaining the dangers of ignorant voters is, “It is irresponsible to encourage the unaware to put their ignorance into action so aimlessly...you might as well urge the unpracticed to Rollerblade and use power tools simultaneously. At least they'd injure only themselves.” this evidence helps explain why Americans should not be required to vote because when the ignorant vote their vote could possibly be the vote that takes a...
Words: 610 - Pages: 3
...One month, until the election booth opens. “Yippee” my friend Cass says. I don’t know why she’s thrilled, it’s only the election. Just like voting for a class captain except now we are 18, not in school and we have to vote for a captain of our country. The mention of the word country, just adds a bit more importance to everything, doesn’t it? Ten minutes of my life is going to be gone just to go and vote. A whole months worth of ads used up for elections, when they can be accounted for six episodes of Gossip Girl. Gone. My life right now is sky rocketing. In two more weeks there will be no more campaigns. Cass can’t get a hold of herself; I think she is going to explode. I think I am going to explode. Mum is starting to take interest and is asking me for election advice. Seriously mum, what am I suppose to know? “You should be interested in the elections, first time you get to vote. Aren’t you excited? It’s your future here we are all voting for, use your power, use your rights, make it count! Don’t you know how significant voting is; it’s so special that it doesn’t come every single year.” Blah blah blah, mum is going through her whole sixties, feminist, power phase, saying “voting is great and democracy is awesome.” Democracy is only majority rules, and voting is just another word to accompany it. Rights and power, if we all had rights and power why didn’t the blacks utilise their power to get their land back they had the rights and numbers to do so. However it doesn’t just...
Words: 807 - Pages: 4
...Would the United States be a better country if more people voted? Why or why not? Voting in America is a responsibility. People will always speculate if we should go out and vote, people will always persuade people to go vote, but does it ever work? Just because we see celebrities like Diddy and Usher out telling us slogans to “Rock the Vote,” will it make me want to go vote? Answer is most likely not. As a black American, I get told over and over again that I should go vote because of what my ancestors went through to give me the right to. Will guilt tripping me really make me go vote? Let’s think, as a young child I rode a school bus, I learned that riding in the back of the bus was cool. That’s where all the cool kids were, so of course, that’s where I wanted to be. But as a BLACK American, I learned that Rosa Parks was pivotal in enabling me to sit in the front. By telling me that didn’t want me to sit in the front, it is my choice to sit there. It doesn’t make me and better or any...
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...asking me to join. I do feel that I deserve the right to vote, but my husband does not see the point. He told me if I joined the movement it would be a waste of my time and effort. My husband is strongly against my right to vote. He has plenty of reasons, but I do not agree with any of them, to be honest their not the most thought out ideas. His first reason against it is because he says that most women do not care if they have the right to vote (Barkhorn, 2012). If this was true do you think women would be fighting this hard to get this right? He also says that it is pointless because 80% of women that can vote are married and this means it would...
Words: 640 - Pages: 3
...Should Convicted Felons Be Allowed To Vote? For many years felony disenfranchisement has cost convicted felons their right to vote. This law caused 5.3 million people were denied the right to vote in 2008. Everyone should have a voice and because they made a mistake you can’t just take it away. Ten thousand people are wrongly convicted every year; that is 10,000 voices taken away every year. “When people vote, they feel like they’re part of something bigger than themselves. “(Justice) So would you like someone to take your voice? Should felons have the right to vote? Convicted felons should not have their right to vote taken away. The Constitution of United States of America in the first three words state,” We the People “. Taking the voice...
Words: 441 - Pages: 2
...No Way, No Change “Voting is the expression of our commitment to ourselves, one another, this country and this world.” -Sharon Salzberg Why would you want a change? Why take away our rights? Is it that, you feel that we don’t have the right mindset to choose our politicians, who will run our country? But our men who are eighteen are old enough to go and fight in the war. These are questions you must ask yourself. Do not take away the rights of an eighteen year old. Let us keep the chance to vote. There are so many reasons to keep the age limit the same. For example, by keeping the voting age at 18, it has encouraged responsibility at an early age, and has promoted lasting social involvement and political participation from youth. When the youth see other youth getting involved, they want to join as well. It’s the domino effect when one fall into doing something, the rest will fall into place as well. Instead of changing the age to twenty-one, why don’t we encourage the responsibility that it takes to vote. Adults should not want to limit how many people should be able to vote. They should want more people to vote that way it’s a better chance for who they want elected to be elected. I mean, shouldn’t we as teenagers have a say so in who runs our country? Democrat Senator Edward Ted Kennedy (United States) states that 18 year-olds already have many rights and responsibilities in our society comparable to voting. It does not automatically follow of course-- simply because an...
Words: 576 - Pages: 3
...Americans have the right to vote it is also illegal to not let women or everyone have the right to vote. This speech is the most impactful to me because Susan B Anthony was the only African American in her time to fight for her rights and the right to vote. Susan B Anthony says that women should have equal rights as white men did. “ It was we, the people; not we the white male” the reason why I choose that is because susan says “ we the people’ and she is talking about we the black women. The reason why she is fighting for their right to vote is because the only citizens allowed to vote were the white male citizens if the black woman were caught voting they would be brought into the streets and beaten half to death and it was illegal to not let women vote. This provides evidence to support...
Words: 637 - Pages: 3
...know that 50 years before women got to vote, there was a woman named Victoria Woodhull who ran for political office? You see, 168 years ago, in 1848, Women’s Rights began because women Couldn’t vote, this revolution lasted 72 years before women could finally vote in 1920. In the Victorian Era, scientists proved that women were by nature inferior to men. They even claimed that their skull size and brain were small. Well that’s wrong because women are smart and there are reports of women having a very high IQ, some higher than Albert Einstein. Most doctors of the Victorian period felt like women felt no or very little sexual desire and that only atypical women felt strong sexual desire. Why did so many states deny women the right to vote? In my...
Words: 1386 - Pages: 6
...years to come I will not be able to participate in any election. Why? Because as a young person I made mistakes. Those mistakes are still haunting me when I want to vote or apply for a better job. My conviction will always haunt me even though I now have a family, own a home, and have a good job. I feel like I'm not a part of my community at times because I cannot currently vote. However, I understand why I cannot. The laws that prevent me from voting protect those that have not been convicted of a crime. If I were to have my voting right, then many others that have not lead a successful post-prison life could make decisions regarding our government. Felons should only be able to vote if they have completed prison,...
Words: 1754 - Pages: 8