...Making sense of Gender and ICTs in Education: Exploring theoretical explanations for complex findings. Cheryl Brown and Laura Czerniewicz University of Cape Town Abstract This paper examines findings from two surveys of 10110 university students conducted in South Africa in 2004 and 2007. We report on the differences between male and females students access to and use of ICTs for learning. In particular we note that whilst equal opportunities do largely exist for both genders, there are subtle differences in terms of female students practical access and sense of personal agency. Findings about use are complicated with male students using ICTs more frequently particularly in the sciences disciplines and for activities such as information seeking and communication (in contrast to research elsewhere). In order to try and better understand our findings we explore four different theoretical perspectives namely; Bourdieu’s notion of habitus; Feminist Standpoint Theory; Critical Information Systems Theory; and Expectations States Theory. We then suggest using Bourdieu’s notion of habitus as we believe it offers us the most flexibility whilst enabling a gender focus to be maintained,. Introduction Research findings about gender differences and ICT access and use are complex and contradictory. While only a decade ago researchers were united about gender difference with regards to ICT access and use, recent discussions about gender divides are less emphatic, but more varied...
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...Interdependence and Conflict: An Introduction Edward D. Mansfield and Brian M. Pollins Over the past few decades, there has been a surge of interest in the relationship between economic interdependence and political con›ict. One view that has gained considerable popularity and empirical support is that heightened interdependence fosters cooperative political relations. Voiced with increasing regularity in both academic and policy circles, this claim has been used to help justify the formation of the European Economic Community, Richard Nixon’s opening to China, Willy Brandt’s Ostpolitik, and Henry Kissinger’s conception of détente with the Soviet Union. Nonetheless, critics of this argument have not been stilled. Some observers maintain that, rather than fostering cooperation, increased interdependence generates political discord. Even more widespread is the argument that economic exchange has no strong bearing on the high politics of national security. This debate is hardly new. For centuries, the nature and strength of the links between interdependence and con›ict have been the subject of heated disagreement. Until lately, however, these links remained the subject of remarkably little systematic scrutiny. In recent years, a growing number of studies have attempted to ‹ll this gap in the literature, but they have yet to resolve various crucial questions. Most important, how and to what extent does interdependence in›uence political antagonism? What are the causal mechanisms...
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...September/December 2012 Understanding the Importance, Impacts and Barriers of ICT on Teaching and Learning in East African Countries Berhane Aradom Tedla Northeast Normal University Abstract This paper based on synthesis of the research literature, observation and focused group discussion with East African Scholars on the use of Information and Computer Technology (ICT) in primary and secondary schools in East African Countries with a particular focus to understand the importance, impacts and barriers of ICT into classroom Instruction. The study explored internal and external factors that surround ICT issues, policies of ICT integration and factors that facilitate or impede the use of ICT, with the focus of improving the quality of teaching-learning process. The study reveals that the inhibiting factors are unrealistic policies of ICT, poor infrastructure, lack of teacher competence, confidence, incentive, perception and beliefs, imposed curriculum, lack of proper network, political instability, brain drain, sporadic electricity, poor transportation, lack of public awareness and participation, poor school leadership, technological illiteracy and lack of pedagogical skills. The study further revealed that ICT integration is far behind in East African Schools as a consequence of ICT deficiency, absence of pre-service and in-service teacher training and poor teachers’ welfare and morale. Eventually, the study concluded that ICT is crucial for anytime and anyplace learning to ensure economic...
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...skilled, educated, and enlightened adult citizens. It was the World Conference on Education for All, held in Jomtien, (Thailand) in 1990 that highlighted the critical importance of addressing the learning needs of adults. In the context of globalization, basic learning skills and competencies are necessary not only for children, but also for adults, who are valuable human resources of every society. The new technological developments in information and Communication technologies (ICTs), such as satellite radio and television broadcasting, long distance telephony, computers and telecommunications have dramatically expanded our options for engaging in learning and teaching at the individual, community and societal levels. The hallmark of ICTs is their distributive power and ability to reach a large number of learners in the dispersed locations. To meet new adult literacy challenges in the present times, the use of ICTs in adult literacy education is indispensable. The question is how the ICTs can be used in making basic education, skills and knowledge available to those who are unreached by the existing system of education. With the phenomenal expansion of the...
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...Introduction Information and communication technologies (ICT) refer to several forms of information exchange between two or more computers through any of the several methods of interconnection. These technologies provide speedy, inexpensive and convenient means of communication. The adoption of these technologies in many countries by different sectors of the economy have been found to have direct positive impact on the organizations's efficiency and have led to more rapid acceleration of development in these countries. In Nigeria, however, preliminary investigations show that only a few organizations in the economy have adopted the ICTs, but there has not been formal study to determine the level of adoption and impact on the efficiency of the organizations and the consequent effect on the nation's economy. This study, is therefore, designed to determine the level of adoption in the Nigerian organizations, and the impact on the operations of these organizations as well as investigating the factors responsible for the present level of adoption of these technologies in the organizations. Globalization of the social economy will further increase during the 21st century. The mission of international air transportation will become more important, and all airports around the world will have a significant role to play. Furthermore, it is predicted that air transportation demand in the world will double over the next 15 years. In the meantime, since the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks...
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...and Adopting ICT Tools Rose Anthony & Kadvekar Shravan (Affiliation: Rose Anthony is Dean Academic, Bharati Vidyapeeth University, Pune India while Shravan Kadvekar is Consulting Professor at the university as well as Head Products at Harbinger Knowledge Products India.) Contact: shravan75@yahoo.com, anthonyrose8@yahoo.co.in, adopting ICT. Based on literature available Abstract in the forms of – research projects, MHRD Use of Information and Communication and UNESCO’s reports on ICT adoption, Technologies (ICT) in academia is well- Technology known for its importance and effectiveness. Change Management theory in technology At the same time, it is also one of aspects of adoption – researcher identified broad any education system, which needs a categories of challenges as hurdles faced by consistent reality check for its adoption by the educators. A set of technical education educators. A research has been undertaken institutions by the authors in developing ICT Adoption feedback from respondents on their take on Model for Indian Higher Education Sector. challenges in ICT adoption. Outcome of the The real pilot study was a list of major challenges challenges faced by the academia in ICT faced by educators in ICT adoption. The adoption, paper research aims measures to to identify overcome the Adoption were talks Model targeted about ICT to theories...
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...J DECLARATION Candidate's Declaration I hereby declare that this dissertation is the results of my own original research and that no part of it has been presented for another degrec in this Univcrsity or elsewhere Candidatc's Signature.!?!(~ Date.l?1.r::.'!lc/ IDDRISU BAMIE MUBASHIR-AHMED Supervisors' Declaration I hereby declare that the preparation and presentation of the dissertation werc supervised in accordance with the guidelines for the supervision of dissertation laid down by the University of Cape Coast. Signature:.~~ PALMAS ANYAGRE ABSTRACT Despite the increase in ICT tools in Ghanaian High schools. most of schools seem to be teaching ICT literacy instead of a complete integration of the ICT tools in the curriculum to enhance the teaching and learning process. The objective of the study was, to assess. whether ICT tools are reaJly being used to assist, enhance and extend students knowledge in the Teaching and Learning process in the Upper West region of Ghana A total sample of 225 respondents took part in the survey. made up of 165 students and 60 teachers. These samples were picked from seven High Schools, comprising 88 female and 77 male for the students and 6 females and 54 males from the teachers' sample. Stratified random sampling was used...
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...ICTs in the Tourism Industry and its influences on the tourist consumer behaviour The tourism industry often needs a various range of information to satisfy and attracts its consumers and most of this information is delivered promptly to the customers with the help of the information and communication technologies (Poon, 1993). And as result, the global tourism industry is rapidly changing and the information and communication technologies ( ICTs) such as the internet is altering the structure of tourism industry and how it market his products and conducts its promotion. In order to understand the role and impacts that ICTs has in the wider tourism industry and to find its influences on the tourist consumer behaviour, it is advised to first know what ICTs are and to comprehend the study on consumer behaviour based on the tourism industry. Information and communication technologies are defined as the collective term given to the most recent development in the mode (electronic) and the mechanisms (computers and communications technologies) used for the acquisitions, processing analysis, storage, retrieval, dissemination, and application of information (Poon 1993 cited in Buhalis 2003, p 7). It can also be defined as “the use of digital tools for business functions and processes” (Cooper et al 2005, p.704). When tailing about ICTs, it consist of hardware (self service terminals), software (front office applications), and telecommunications (broadcast of images, teleconferencing...
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...sources of business risk in the ICT industry Bachelors thesis Erik Allenstr¨m, 1984-11-26 o Fredrik Njurell, 1984-01-30 ¨ Tutor: Osten Ohlsson January 14, 2010 Abstract The number of company mergers and acquisition activities has increased dramatically the last two decades. The reasons for conducting these activities are many and the uncertainties of their results are high. To reduce the uncertainties when making an investment, merger or acquisition it is vital to do a thorough assessment of the risks involved with the activity. This thesis focuses on a specific part of this risk assessment, namely the non-financial risks. Mergers and acquisitions are done in almost all industries around the world and the reasons for and benefits of these activities can vary between industries. We have chosen to investigate the risk assessment of non-financial risks in the Information and Communication Technology (ICT) industry. The thesis aims at investigating what business characteristics, for companies in the ICT industry, that give rise to non-financial risks that must be assessed when doing investments, mergers or acquisitions. Further on we present a risk pattern that points out what business characteristics that are the most important when conducting a risk assessment of non-financial risks on companies in the ICT industry. From a literature study we find evidence that ten different business characteristics are of key interest when targeting companies in the ICT industry. These ten characteristics...
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...Acronyms used AIDS Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome ART Antiretroviral Therapy ARVs Antiretrovirals BBC British Broadcasting Corporation BCC Behaviour Change Communication CFSC Communication for Social Change CSO Civil Society Organisation DFID Department for International Development FAO UN Food and Agricultural Organisation FBOs Faith Based Organisations FHI Family Health International GFATM Global Fund for AIDS, TB and Malaria HDR Human Development Report HIV Human Immunodeficiency Virus ICTs Information and communication technologies IEC Information, Education and Communication MAP Multi-country AIDS Programme MDGs Millennium Development Goals NGO Non-governmental Organisation PLWHA People living with HIV and AIDS PMTCT Prevention of Mother to Child Transmission STI Sexually Transmitted Infection TAC Treatment Action Campaign UNAIDS Joint UN Programme on HIV and AIDS UNESCO UN Educational Scientific and Cultural Organisation USAID United States Agency for International Development VCT Voluntary Counselling and Testing WHO World Health Organization WTO World Trade Organization INTRODUCTION 1.1 Background In developing countries, preventable diseases and premature deaths still inflict a high toll. Inequity of access to basic health services affects distinct regions, communities, and social groups. Under-financing of the health sector in most countries has led to...
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...APPLICATION OF ICT IN EDUCATION We are living in a constantly evolving digital world. ICT has an impact on nearly every aspect of our lives - from working to socialising, learning to playing. The digital age has transformed the way young people communicate, network, seek help, access information and learn. We must recognise that young people are now an online population and access is through a variety of means such as computers, TV and mobile phones. The developments in the use of the electronic media have influenced all walks of life. Education is no exception to this. The use of computers and the internet for enhancing the quality of education by making learning more relevant to life has been seen as an ideal by educational institutions. The citizens of tomorrow who are our students now are going to live in the age of the electronic media. How are we preparing them for the same? Are we giving them technology based Education? Are we giving them exposure to the use of computers and the itnernet? Have we integrated the ICT into classroom processes? What are the efforts made by the department in this direction? What does policy say about ICT in Education? There are several such questions which we need to probe into. An understanding of these issues will enable us to use the ICT more meaningfully in Education. Information and Communication Technologies have recently gained groundswell of interest. It is a significant research area for many scholars around the globe...
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...fundamental types of research questions: 1 2 What is going on (descriptive research)? Why is it going on (explanatory research)? Descriptive research Although some people dismiss descriptive research as `mere description', good description is fundamental to the research enterprise and it has added immeasurably to our knowledge of the shape and nature of our society. Descriptive research encompasses much government sponsored research including the population census, the collection of a wide range of social indicators and economic information such as household expenditure patterns, time use studies, employment and crime statistics and the like. Descriptions can be concrete or abstract. A relatively concrete description might describe the ethnic mix of a community, the changing age pro®le of a population or the gender mix of a workplace. Alternatively 2 WHAT IS RESEARCH DESIGN? the description might ask more abstract questions such as `Is the level of social inequality increasing or declining?', `How secular is society?' or `How much poverty is there in this community?' Accurate descriptions of the level of unemployment or poverty have historically played a key role in social policy reforms (Marsh, 1982). By demonstrating the existence of social problems, competent description can challenge accepted assumptions about the way things are and can provoke action. Good description provokes the `why' questions of...
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...uthm.edu.my rosmaini@uthm.edu.my Abstract - Information and communication technology (ICT) has become the heart of banking sector, while banking industry is the heart of every robust economy. If it collapses so will the economy. This is absolutely evident from current recession in European banks crises, and in turn. The effect of globalization, competition and innovation in the banking industry by its providers to offer their services makes essential the understanding of how various aspects of consumer behaviour affect the innovation and respond to customer service delivery. Within this context this paper has considered a critical literature review of previous researchers with the objective to examine the impact of Information and Communication Technology on banks performance and customer service delivery. This paper also makes of a critical review of peer reviewed, scholarly and organizational literature regarding the impact of ICT on banks’ performance to examine if banks have successfully achieved effective customer’s service delivery, by providing high level of c u s t o me r service through online delivery channel, besides operating cost minimization and revenue maximization. Keywords - Banking Industry, ICT, Online Banking, Customer Service delivery and Bank’s performance. and have widely adopted ICT networks for delivering a wide range of value added products and services. The ICT development has a...
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...Madam, I am college student at TheUniversity in Germany, where I follow “International Business and Management Studies” . For one of my courses, I have an assignment to interview a company where ICT is used significantly. The first thing that came in my head when I wanted to start this assignment was “Facebook”. Facebook has become one of the leading social network in the world. But behind this great company lies a mass of people who have realized it, and today employees do their best to improve this network. My mission for my course is to have an interview with a company like yours. For my assignment I made a few questions, I will be pleased if you can answer them. 1. Which operating system is currently being used, are there plans to change or update in the future? If so which new operating system will be used and when? 2. Which Office Application system is currently being used? Indicate the presentation of workers who use each application, (for example e-mail (Outlook) -100%) Are there plans to upgrade or change, if so when? 3. Which other ICT applications are used within the company and why? (Think about databases, CRMs, portals) 4. Where does the company see the future going to (in regards to ICT) 5. Does the company encourage home-workers and what facilities do they offer. 6. When an employee starts working (graduation at HBO level) what ICT skills are important for that employee to have. And if you can give a short interview about yourself, like how old...
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...ECONOMIC AND BUSINESS REVIEW | VOL. 15 | No. 1 | 2013 | 33–56 33 ICT AS A NEW COMPETITIVE ADVANTAGE FACTOR – CASE OF SMALL TRANSITIONAL HOTEL SECTOR Tanja Mihalič1 Dimitrios Buhalis2 Received: 12 December 2012 Accepted: 6 March 2013 ABSTRACT: This paper studies the information and communication technology (ICT) in a small hotel sector at a point in time when the transition towards a full market economy is coming to the end and competitiveness and ICT implementation is gaining on importance. Its main purpose is to study a business potential of this new competitive advantage resource and its productivity paradox. A competitive advantage factor model (CAF model) has been proposed and the structural modelling (SEM) has been performed on the case of a small transitional Slovenian hotel sector. The study contributes to knowledge on ICT competiveness and ICT productivity paradox in hotel sector. Further, its results hold practical implications for the strategy for hotels operating in small-sized hotel industries in transitional or ICT developing environments. In more concrete terms, research findings indicate that such hotel sectors need to speed the ICT implementation. ICT as such doesn’t directly increase the firm’s profitability, yet there is an indirect positive impact of factor ICT on a firm’s financial performance that emerges through other competitiveness factors, such as differentiation, qulity or image, which helps firms to stay competitive on the...
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